Week commencing 24th February 2025!
It has been a very busy week back to say the least! We have been busy learning about our new topics. In geography, the children have been using atlases to find out what geographical features are in Antarctica. Whilst in science, the class have been introduced to evolution and inheritance. This week, we looked at this through the evolution of a horse. The children were quite surprised to find out that horses were once the size of dogs!
Week commencing 10th February 2025!
Well, that wraps up another half term! The children have had a wonderful last week. We have written postcards from the Victorian seaside about the fun of the fair, the funny Punch and Judy show and the genteel sea breeze! In science, the children concluded their topic Light with a science experiment. They investigated how the position of a light source affects the size of a shadow. Whilst in English, they finished their Pig Heart Boy themed newspaper articles. They have worked very hard this half term, as I'm sure many of you will agree. I am very proud of their progress - well done! Have a fantastic half term!
Week commencing 3rd February 2025!
Year 6 have had an absolutely cracking assessment week. They have worked super hard and impressed us with their resilience and determination. Some children have even managed to improve their result by a significant amount. We are so proud! They will be bringing their assessments home this week and next, so please do sit and look through them with your children. Next week, we have our SATs workshop which will go through some of the sort of questions that they face so please attend if you can.
In English this week we have begun our newspaper report on Pig Heart Boy. If you can, try and look at some newspapers over the weekend to help your child learn some more of the journalistic language involved.
Year 6 have all made us extremely proud of them!
Week commencing 27th January 2025!
What a fantastic week we have had! Today we transported ourselves back to the Victorian period. We started with writing out our new class rules over and over! Then we began work on our three Rs: aRithmetic, Reading and wRiting. Interestingly, the children actually seemed to enjoy me being strict! After, we took our elocution lessons - mighty fine speeches they gave too. It was then lunchtime - the children had a delicious helping of gruel! They dared even ask for more! In the afternoon, we practised our drills and made a traumatope. Finishing with a healthy dose of Victorian style games. We had fantastic costumes and it was wonderful to see them so enthused about history!
Week commencing 20th January 2025!
We have been on another learning journey this week! Today we had world culture day and what a spectacular parade of wonderful clothes! We learnt all about our classes different cultures and learnt each other's greetings. In the afternoon, we created some beautiful Indian mandalas and learnt a range of dancing from around the world. In English, the children have been writing a character and setting description based on "Road's End" - on ominous and dark tale of a time traveller. They produced some fantastic work and I'm exceptionally proud of them. Well done 6CE!
Week commencing 13th January 2025!
Wow what a fantastic week! We have been on a fantastic learning journey to the Victorian workhouses in Orsett, to the eruption of Pompeii in Italy to Mecca in RE. The children have been working so hard this week on their maths and English too. It has been wonderful to see more and more children coming to boosters - it is helping them immensely. There are still spaces if your child wishes to attend. On Friday, the children had a special assembly about our upcoming activity week!! The parent workshops will be next week - please attend if you can.
Week commencing 6th January 2025!
It has been a fantastic start to the new year. The children have really been getting stuck into our new topics. Our history topic on the Victorians has really piqued their interest and they have enjoyed learning about this fascinating (and sometimes macabre) period. In English, the children have furthered their historical understanding with the explosive history of Pompeii! We have begun writing our recounts and I have been exceptionally impressed with their descriptive timelines. Next week, I shall post some of them on here for you to read.
Week commencing 16th December 2024!
Year 6 have had a brilliant last week! Oh no they didn't! Oh yes they did! Yes, we certainly enjoyed the panto! Not only have we had panto this afternoon, but the children were extremely excited to receive their prizes in the Raffle Bonanza! They had Santa dash yesterday, raising money for St. Luke's hospice. After which they got their gladrags on for the class party. The games were hilarious and they played them so well. Then, on Wednesday, we had our Christmas disco! You could say they've had a festively fun week! I hope they have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!
See you in 2025 🙂
Week commencing 9th December 2024!
What a beautiful end to the week. The children thoroughly enjoyed the carol service at the church this afternoon - a big well done to our readers! Thank you to those parents that accompanied us too. We have been busy practising our concert songs for next week - the children should be coming home with the tickets tonight. Next week, the children will be bringing home their assessment papers so that they can see where they did well and where they need to improve. Please take some time to sit and look through them with the children. They did a fantastic job!
Week commencing 2nd December 2024!
It has been a very busy, yet successful week for 6CE. The children all did incredibly well for our assessment week; it has been wonderful to see just how much quicker they are becoming. Some of our children managed to take part in a swimming gala too! In English, the children have been writing a balanced discussion on a topic of their choice. Some chose to do it on assisted dying (as it was something that interested them from the news) whilst some chose to do it on tourism or whether the Benin Bronzes should be returned to Nigeria. I was very impressed with just how articulate they were. We are now looking forward to the next two weeks of festivities, which kicked off with the fabulous Rock Steady Concert this afternoon!!
Week commencing 25th November 2024!
What a brilliant end to the week! The children had a fantastic time at Chelmsford Museum. They learnt lots about electricity in the Electrical Engineers Workshop. In the museum, they also got to explore the Tudors after learning about them earlier in the school year. Some children even got to learn about the Victorian period ahead of next term! The Christmas decorations are now up and we have begun to sing our festive songs for the concerts. It is the most wonderful time of the year!
Week commencing 18th November 2024!
Year 6 have had a great week. Urban Strides was our highlight!! The children loved learning how to street dance - some really impressed me with their break dancing! Even I joined in - although my knees paid for it the next day! We are hoping to incorporate some of it into our Christmas performances - look out for the letter in the coming weeks, telling you when they are. In English, the children finished writing their non-chronological report about the eye. They were fascinated by how it has evolved over time.
A gentle reminder to bring in cardboard for our DT project. Thank you.
Week commencing 11th November 2024!
What a brilliant end to the week! Today the children enjoyed designing their pinatas for their DT project which links in with their geography topic on Mexico. In English, we began writing our non-chronological report on the eye. It's been very impressive to see how the children have used their research to create what is a fascinating piece of writing. At home time, the children were very excited to hear that Urban Strides are coming in to train them in street dancing!
Week commencing 4th November 2024!
We have had a fantastic week back and everyone's settled back in well. We have started several exciting topics including Mexico! The children enjoyed using the atlases to create a key and identify the continents as well as longitude and lattitude lines. In guided reading, we have begun to read Small Steps - the children are thrilled because they loved reading Holes in Year 5. In science, we're revisiting electricity and the class have impressed with how much they remember from Year 4. Children have started their enrichment learning clubs this week - there's still space to sign up on Arbor.
Week commencing 14th October 2024!
Well, it's half term once again. I am so proud of the children and how well they've matured these last weeks; they're really beginning to act like Year 6s. We've had a very exciting enrichment day based on the Tudors today. They have made Tudor bread and tasted it, written their names in Shakespearean hand, made Tudor weaving, created a Tudor banquet and learnt Greensleeves on the glockenspiel! It has been a wonderful day of learning and a perfect end to an exciting history topic. Have a great half term!
Week commencing 7th October 2024!
What a fantastic assessment week we've had! The children done the best they could possibly do. They toiled, they persevered and they applied their knowledge. Their scores are amazing already! Well done to all of you! When not doing assessments, we have been writing a very suspenseful setting description. Get the children to share some of their ideas with you. Thank you to all of you who came to visit for our parent workshop. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Week commencing 30th September 2024!
We have had a fantastic week of learning! This week we really enjoyed learning about the ancient civilisation of Benin through role play then discussing whether the Benin Bronzes should be returned to Nigeria. We are very excited about sharing our learning in a special assembly on Monday! Also this week, the children have been intrigued by the story of Anne Frank. They have been writing all about how the Frank family had to go into hiding above Otto's warehouse. Next week, they have assessments so they might want to ensure they have a good night's rest and a lovely breakfast. Remember there are always bagels at school in the morning for those who want them. Have a great weekend!
Week commencing 23rd September 2024!
This week, year 6 have travelled back to the Tudor times, to learn all about another Tufor monarch. Through sources, we explored the life and reign of Mary Tudor and asked ourselves the question - was she bloody or simply misunderstood? Why not ask us more about her life, crimes and achievements?
Week commencing 16th September 2024!
Another fantastic week of learning! The Year 6 classes have been busy making blood using marshmallows, sprinkles, strawberry laces and oil. They then wrote a non-chronological report about plasma, platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. In history, the children have been learning about Henry VIII and his wives. Was he a horrible King? We used discussion and primary source material to be able to analyse the impact of his six wives.
We had a very successful meet and greet - thank you to everyone who came.
Week commencing 9th September 2024!
Year 6 have been super busy this week. They have worked really hard to create two beautiful pieces of writing about a woman who has to leave her husband and fight in the army. In history, they have thoroughly enjoyed writing about Henry VIII and his wives. I have been thoroughly impressed by their subject knowledge! Additionally in science this week, the children have done a fantastic job of creating a heart diagram along with a detailed explanation of its function in the circulatory system. Great work 6CE!
Week commencing 2nd September 2024!
What a fantastic start to the year! Year 6 have really settled in well and are enjoying their groups. They have shown fantastic behaviour as the role models they are. Their writing this week has been brilliant. They have written a letter from an American soldier to his wife detailing a harrowing event in WWII. Their emotive language has made me feel tearful - well done to those who made the Golden Writer board this week. Additionally, this week, the children have really enjoyed learning about the Battle of Bosworth and the unkind Richard III.