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Week commencing 17th July 2023!

Year 4 have had an absolute blinding last week. They have truly enjoyed every minute. We have watched our guided reading film: Bridge to Terrabithia, we had a super duper fun end of year quiz and we even had a class party! We enjoyed crisps, squash and ice poles as well as musical bumps. It was also a very exciting week as they got to meet their new class teacher – and they were rather surprised! Instead of having Miss Evens and Miss Goodsell, they found out they were having Miss Goodsell and Miss Evens?! We are delighted to get to spend another year in our wonderful year group albeit a new year. We both want to wish everyone a fun-packed, safe and enjoyable six weeks holiday!! 😊

Week commencing 10th July 2023!

It has been a busy week in 4EG, so far we have been completing our end of year assessments and they have been going very well :) well done! 


In Science this week, the children became expert environmentalists as they researched habitat disasters and presented their findings. The children loved this during our science lesson and became passionate on ways they could help the environment as they were shocked how this can impact on the animals and their food chain. (See picture for Tulip table - they were very serious environmentalists).


We are promoting the importance of limiting plastic usage within our school and homes, and thinking of ways we can help our environment. 


It's been a fun week and we have so much more to look forward to in our final week of year 4! 

Week commencing 3rd July 2023!

With only two more weeks of year 4, the children have continued working hard on their learning. In maths, we have been looking at coordinates and translation. The children have really enjoyed this especially when we incorporated a quick game of battleships. 


In English, we have some new golden writers; Amelia (from 4EG) and Rojus (from 4CE). These two children have massively impressed me with their writing of the BFG as they have used speech accurately and used some fantastic expanded noun phrases. This week, we have been exploring fantasy lands and how to write a fantasy story. The children have enjoyed the freedom to use their creativity and imagination - I look forward to reading their stories next week.


I can't wait to see what these final two weeks have in store! 

Week commencing 9th January 2023

4EG have had an enjoyable week this week. We have written our innovated version of the three little pigs and I was so impressed with the imaginations of the children in my class. In maths, we have been looking at fractions of amounts, multiplication, divsion and money problems. 

In our foundation subjects the children really enjoyed ICT where they got to use a programme that enables them to move sounds and create their own music. In science, we looked at the evaporation and condensation cycle using a kettle and a window for an experiment. In DT today we are planning our pocket that we are going to begin to begin to make next week. 

The children really have enjoyed their learning this week 🙂 

Week commencing 2nd January 2023

In 4EG we are all super excited to be back to school and restart our learning. We have started reading The Iron Man for guided reading and in English we are writing an innovated version of the Three Little Pigs which the children are really enjoying. 


In maths we have been looking at place value; rounding, rounding decimals and counting back through negative numbers. We looking at fastenings this term in DT and we are aiming to create our own pocket with a type of fastening attached by the end of the term. 


We are all excited to be back and looking forward for more learning next week!

Week commencing 28th November 2022

We have had a very busy week here in year 4! The children have been continuing with their work on Miro. This time they have been experimenting with sand, water, glue and foil which has had some interesting results! Please see pictures of their impressive creations. In English, the children have just started a new topic: Lily and the Snowman and the children have written some beautiful setting descriptions. In maths, the children have been learning measure and how to convert between the units.


We have also begun to practise our Christmas songs whilst making our elves for our Christmas hoop. Great work Year 4!

Week Commencing 31st October 2022

Our first week back to school has been full of learning and enjoyment. In maths, we are learning how to use the formal written method for multiplication. In English we are planning an extra chapter to the story 'The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane' which the children are really engaging with as they are having fun coming up with another scenario of how Edward gets lost again. 


We have started learning about States of Matter for Science and learning about Spain in Geography. We have also began reading the story Demon Dentist which the children are finding hilarious and are enjoying reading. 


Looking forward to speaking with parents next week during parent consultations and letting you all know how well your child is doing in year 4! 

Week commencing 17th October 2022

This week we have had a great final week of the term! We have had many fun lessons which include learning about time in maths and exploring a magic box in English which is filled with many interesting things that bring a feeling of happiness, warmth, love and comfort. The children are writing their own magic box poem this Friday and they are very excited about it. 


Last week, we had an amazing Friday where we baked our own cookie. The children absolutely loved this and equally enjoyed eating their warm cookie at the end of the lesson. I have included a picture of their masterpiece cookies for you to enjoy! This week we will be writing a short evaluation on the taste, appearance, ingredients and smell of their cookie compared to the basic cookie they tasted earlier in the term. 


We hope you all have a lovely half term break 🙂 

Week commencing 10th October 2022

This week has been a spectacular week as we have had many fun and interesting events happening. On Tuesday, we had a harvest festival assembly with Reverened Barlow and he shared the importance of giving to those in need. We have celebrated black history month by researching Walter Tull and making beautiful stained glass windows in honour of his achievements, which I have included a picture of some of the children's work. 

Week commencing 3rd October 2022

4EG have had an amazing week! We have been immersing ourselves into the narrative The Present and using role play to help with our dialogue within the story. We have also been learning short method for mutiplication and impressing our teachers with our maths skills. 


In Science, we have started an investigation to find materials that can act as a wire within a circuit. Next week, we will be carrying out the practical to our experiment. 


Our highlight from this week was when The Wildlife Trust came to our school to teach us all about our rubbish and how each of us can help to save the planet. We loved the rubbish lorry which was converted into a classroom on wheels 🙂 We are all now fully aware on how to dispose of our rubbish and how we can help recycle materials. 

Week commencing 26th September 2022

4EG have had a fun and interesting week! Together, we have written our letters to Mrs Wakeling persuading her to not change our packed lunches. It is fair to say, the children were very passionate about this decision and have used some amazing persuasive techniques. We will find out next week what Mrs Wakeling's decision is. 


In music this week, the children really enjoyed working with their table to come up with actions and sounds for a poem describing a tree in all seasons. Jass was the star of the show for his hilarious action for the line, 'naked tree in winter.' 


This week in DT we are designing our ingredients and packaging for our biscuits which we will be making next week. For science, we also explored what materials we could use to make a switch within a circuit. We used cardboard, tin foil and pegs for our switches. Below, is a photo of one of the circuits the children made. The children were able to understand how electricity stops flowing when the circuit is broken by the switch being turned off.

I hope to see many of you for the coffee morning 🙂 

Week commencing 19th September 2022


This week in 4EG we have been learning persuasive techniques in English ready to persuade Mrs Wakeling next week to not change our school pack lunch policy, as nobody wants to eat snozzcumbers and green eggs. Let's hope our letters convince her! 


In maths, we have been learning how to round all week and using it to help estimate our answers. In other topics, we have been enjoying learning about Big Ben and The Tower of London and I have been so impressed with Piper and Mahreen for their commitment to their studies by doing their own research at home to help them in class. 


We also had a Timetables battle between the year 4 class which 4EG were crowned the winners! Well done 🙂 There is another battle taking place this weekend between the girls and boys across year 4 - so make sure to play over the weekend! 


Today, we will be creating some artwork to represent our late Majesty the Queen during the 1990's, this is a whole school project and each year group have a decade as their main focus. This will be displayed in our school to remember her amazing service throughout her 70 years. 


Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 

Week commencing 12th September 2022


4EG have had an amazing week this week! I am super proud of my class for their excellent attitude towards their learning and I am excited for what the year has in store for us. 

This week we have written an innovation of a fictional story called The Caravan and I have been so impressed with their expanded noun phrases and use of speech within their story. We have also been looking at Roman numerals this week and learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. In RE, we have been discussing who inspires us and it has been lovely to see that so many of the children had chosen parents and other family members as their inspiration! 

Today, we are making a basic biscuit because in the next couple weeks we are adapting a recipe to make it tastier for our target audience. Keep a look out in our next blog for pictures of our biscuits.

Look forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday next week 🙂  

Week commencing 5th September 2022

It has been a whirlwind of a week and the children are settling well into year 4. In English, 4EG have been working exceptionally hard on their writing! We used the five senses and expanded noun phrases to create a setting description. Two children (John and Bobby) have already made it to the golden writer's board for their impressive writing. Keep it up 4EG! 

Today, we began our DT project. We started off by eating a range of different biscuits and comparing them for texture, taste and smell; needless to say, the children thoroughly enjoyed the tasting!

We are looking forward to the year ahead filled with more exciting lessons 🙂
