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Week commencing 22nd July 2024!

What a year! We have had a blast and enjoyed every minute of Year 5. I am over the moon to be going up with this year group once again. They are truly a wonderful class and year group. I am truly honoured to have the privilege of teaching them for their last year of primary school. To celebrate the end of what has been a very successful year, we have had a disco, class party, watched Stormbreaker and had fun with an end of year quiz. I will see you in Year 6! Have a great summer!

Week commencing 15th July 2024!

What a great week! The children's collage of feathers was create into one giant feather using a range of mediums such as charcoal, wax pastels and paints. I am sure you'll agree that the finished work looks absolutely fantastic! In English, we had a huge breaking news story: Mrs Fuller stole two of the school laptops! Fortunately, due to the fantastic criminal investigation work by the Year 5s, we managed to recover the equipment and write our own newspaper report. I must say they were brilliant! The Year 5s have also been busy programming their micro:bits which they have thoroughly enjoyed. 

Week commencing 8th July 2024!

This week Year 5 have had their assessments. They have all impressed me with their resilience and determination. They have excelled themselves! It has shown them to be mature Year 5s who are almost ready to start the last year of their primary school lives. On Friday afternoon, we needed some time to unwind and relax so we used oil pastels and watercolours to create more textured feathers to add to our class collage. I will upload a photo of it when we are finished.


Children have football fever, so I am hoping to see we have lots of happy/tired faces on Monday! 

Week Commencing 1st July 2024

What a fantastic day Year 5 have had! We had a great trip to Rainham Marshes. We had a workshop on Rivers and a workshop on birds and their habitats. The children started by looking at where the mouth and the source of the river Thames was. Then they made a field sketch work whilst standing in the marshes. Afterwards, they matched up the various OS puzzle pieces to recreate an image. By this time, the children were all ravenous as they often are when they are on a trip. They devoured the lunches so that they had lots of energy for being able to spot the birds. We spotted so many using our handy binoculars! The grey heron was one of our favourites. Thank you to all the parents who helped us and to RSPB Rainham Marshes. 


Week Commencing 17th June 2024

What a beautiful end to what has been a wonderful week. Sports Day this week has been phenomenal - a massive well done to Mr. Berry, all the children and even some of the parents! A big well done to Yellow Team! Also this week, they have been finishing their fantastic stories based on the poem: The Highwayman. They have been thrilling to read and I'm sure that they are very proud of them. Well done Year 5.

Week Commencing 10th June 2024

A great start to another half term - the last one before the children begin their journey to Year 6! Writing reports has really made me think about what a fantastic year they've had. This week they have begun their work on Forces in science and Rivers in geography. In science, we investigated whether a paperclip or a book fell fastest to Earth. Then, in geography, the children researched various rivers of the UK and discussed why our cities are often built around rivers. Go on, ask them why!

Week Commencing 13th May 2024

5CE have had a great week, we have absolutely loved today. After assessment week, we all really enjoyed our Environmental Day today. We made some lovely paintings about climate change. The children spent the morning doing a litter pick and then they created a Sway using all the knowledge they have accumulated from our unit this half term. The children then finished off the week reading with children from Year 2. They really enjoyed this as they could share their favourite book and enjoy some reading. 


I also want to express how brilliantly they have done this week at their assessments - we are so proud!

Week Commencing 6th May 2024

What a week we have had! 

We ended our week with our Viking enrichment day. It was fantastic to see the children dressed up and ready to take part in a range of engaging activities. We took part in Viking trails (A thing), prepared for battle by taking part in the 'Power of Thor!'; we learnt about raiding and trading, Viking clothing and finished the day creating our very own long boats.

Well done, Year 5. 

Week Commencing 29th April 2024

5CE have had a great week! We have started to design our bolognaise recipe and they are coming along wonderfully - bellisimo! In English, we have been discussing the impact of technology on the human race and I must say their writing has been so very interesting to read! The children have really enjoyed learning all about the Vikings raid and Lindisfarne. Some of their written work has been absolutely amazing.  We finished off the week with the Rock Steady concert which the children loved. It was great to see all that practice and hard work has paid off. 

Week Commencing 22nd April 2024

This week, we have created an emotive narrative based on the silent, short story, 'The Piano'. It has been wonderful to read the children's work, seeing how much they have learnt about effective punctuation, openers and how to capture the feelings of characters from their body language. We have also begun preparations for creating a healthy Bolognese in DT. We even tried some shop bought sauces! We are looking forward to creating our own recipes by the end of the term. Well done this week, Year 5! 

Week Commencing 15th April 2024

Welcome back! I hope you have all had a rested Easter break. It has been lovely to see Year 5 coming back to school ready to hit the ground running, in preparation for Year 6. We are focusing on deepening our understanding and taking on a challenge! This week, we took part in a presentation about the life cycle of different mammals. I was so impressed by 5CE's confidence in delivering their information to the rest of the class. 

Keep up the great work!

Week Commencing 25th March 2024

What a fantastic half term we have had! It is great to see how far our year 5s have come and to see the improvement in their confidence, knowledge and resilience when faced with a challenge. As we make our way into the final term, we look forward to our preparations for transition into Year 6. We will be focusing closely on handwriting, spelling and presentation - whilst also getting ready to explore interesting topics such as Animal lifecycles, Vikings and cooking! Have a wonderful Easter break, we cannot wait to get started!

Week Commencing 18th March 2024

This week, we have enjoyed interesting discussions and debates about climate change and how we can positively change events happening now, to improve our future. It is always a joy to listen to how well Year 5 are able to use their current understanding of world issues and the suggestions that they come up with for improvements. Year 5 enjoyed taking part in our Enrichment day on Friday - creating Climate change leaflets, bird feeders and taking active steps to improve our environment. Well done 5CE! 

Week Commencing 11th March 2024

5CE have had a great week of learning. They have really enjoyed their art this half term - they finally got to paint their beautiful flower sketches. They haven't quite finished yet, but when they do, I'll be sure to post a picture! In maths, the children have been learning all about fractions, decimals and percentages ready for their assessments next week. They have been amazing! In science, we have been learning all about propagation. Next week we will be planting our cuttings! 

Week Commencing 4th March 2024


Happy World Book Day!


What an amazing week we have had.


Everybody's outfit for World Book Day was amazing! We had Spider Man, Matilda, Hook, the Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland and even the gingerbread man baker! The children absolutely loved being able to settle down for a cosy read with the younger school friends. 


It is always lovely to see so many exciting and interesting costumes. We have enjoyed learning about the reasons why people have selected these outfits and taken time to partner read with year 3.


This week we have worked hard to develop our writing skills in English - exploring whether the UK is doing enough to support other countries across the world.


We have explored Data handling and Maths and are now beginning to feel more confident in reading bus and train timetables (a great skill for the future).




Another amazing week in year 5. Well done everyone. 

Week Commencing 26th February 2024

The children have had a brilliant week back at school. Their English work this week has been superb. It was based on the WWI poetry: Dulce Decorum Est. I was absolutely blown away by what powerful imagery they could create. It was humbling to see what respect was paid by the class. 


Also, this week, they did a fantastic job of comparing how much Thurrock and Grays has changed over the last few decades. Maybe you could talk to them about the changing landscape? We sadly realised that population increase meant a rise in pollution and emissions. The children are planning to write a letter to the council.

Week Commencing 5th February 2024

Year 5 have had a great week. They were full of beans about their school trip - thank you to the parents who helped us out. In English this week, we finished writing our recounts based on Joey from War Horse. They used such beautiful emotive language and I'm sure they'll love to share these with their parents on our parent consultations.


Last week, was our assessment week and it must be said that they have shown themselves to be resilient and hardworking students. It was this week that we went through some of the tests and they were so proud (as are we). Well done Year 5!

Week Commencing 29th January 2024

The children had an absolutely blinding week. I am so proud of them! They completely smashed their tests this week! They have shown true resilience and perseverance. We finished the week with a wonderful day at Colchester castle. It was a brilliant day out and the children had so much fun. We went into the vaults in what would have been under the Temple of Claudius! Not only that, but we actually managed to build a Roman villa. Then had a Roman workshop. It was a thoroughly brilliant day had by all!

Week Commencing 22nd January 2024

The children have been learning all about Boudicca this week and they have really enjoyed it. They wrote a balanced discussion about whether she was a hero or a villain. In DT, they assembled a spaghetti truss bridge. They used bundles of spaghetti to create triangular supports and the bridge. There was a lot of mess! Have a great weekend 

Week Commencing 15th January 2024

This week was a fantastic week of learning and the children worked super hard. I was absolutely blown away by their poems from Macbeth - they were fabulous! It was really wonderful to see the parents coming in on Tuesday for our Parent Workshop so that they could see the children in action. We also were very impressed at their fabulous clothes on our cultural day. They had a fantastic time learning about Lithuania, India and China. We had a great musical show from our very own Mrs Fuller and her musical box as she taught us about Morris dancing. What a brilliant week!

Week Commencing 8th January 2024

The children have had a fantastic week and they have made me very proud with how wonderful they have been. They have worked so hard, especially in literacy for our topic: titanium. Their stories have been fabulous! In science the children really enjoyed investigating the differences between reversible and irreversible changes. 


Week Commencing 18th December 2023


What a great half term we have all had! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year. 

Week Commencing 11th December 2023

It is truly beginning to feel like Christmas here in 5CE as rehearsals for the church service and the Christmas performance get underway. We are really looking forward to you watching our performance - it is very exciting! Children should have their lyrics at home to practise if they would like. Although we are all tired, the children have continued to work hard in maths and English this week and I am very proud of them. 

Week Commencing 4th December 2023

This week has flown by! We have had a very busy week here at Quarry. It has been assessment week and all the children have done an exceptional job showing our value of resilience. They have really got their heads down and tried the best they can and I am very proud of them. Last night we had our movie night where we watched Grinch and ate popcorn! In English, the children have been writing their biographies on 5 very interesting people: Genghis Khan, Malala Yousafzai, J.K. Rowling, Abraham Lincoln and Walter Tull. They are doing a fantastic job and I'm sure they'll love telling you what they have learnt! 

Week Commencing 27th November 2023

We had an absolutely brilliant USA enrichment day this week. The children had a blast! We started the day with history of the USA and the children then ordered the timelines. Afterwards, the children were given a state that they were to research then present to the rest of year 5. We didn't stop there though! We then junk modelled the state using carboard and made a giant map of the USA. To finish the day, we had candy from the USA and hot dogs with ketchup and mustard! Yummy!

Week Commencing 20th November 2023

This week we attended the Walk Online Roadshow in partnership with the Thurrock local safeguarding team and the "2 Johns". The children learnt so much about online safety and they even received a talk from two police officers. They should have come home with a goody bag containing a letter for parents to attend the webinar. If you did not receive this, please do let me know and I will give you the information. It is well worth having a chat with your children about what they learnt and seeing how they will implement this into their time online. 


Next week, we have our USA enrichment day (Thursday 30th November). I cannot wait to upload the photos!

Week Commencing 13th November 2023

We've had a packed week! In maths, we have been doing fractions as you can see. The children are really starting to grasp the concept of fractions being part of a number. Please practise at home with your child if you can as this really help aid them in their future KS2 SATs exams. 


I had to include photos of the children's art this week; if I could have included all of them, I would have! We have been studying Salvador Dali and surrealism. The children not only have been replicating his style through the use of line techniques, but have also been writing a wonderfully ethereal setting description of his famous painting: The Persistence of Memory. They have done an absolutely fabulous job as I'm sure you'll agree!!



Week Commencing 6th November 2023

This week, the children have been looking at Salvador Dali, especially the painting: The Persistence of Memory. They had some fascinating ideas about the origins and the meaning behind the artwork. This was for our surrealism art topic. It is also because we are preparing for next week's literacy which the children are all very excited about!

Week Commencing 30th October 2023

Everyone has settled into a brand new half term of learning. We have started our new book: Holes by Louis Sachar. The children really enjoyed reading his book last half term so I am sure they will enjoy this one. We have also started our artwork for Remembrance Day. Year 5 will be doing the theme of the Commonwealth. I will upload photos once they are complete. We also started our new geography topic: USA! Please extend this geographical learning at home.


Week Commencing 16th October 2023

Wow - I can't believe that we have gone through a whole half term! What a whirlwind it has been! We had a trip, Black History Month and made an electrical greeting card! The children thoroughly enjoyed BHM as they learnt about astronauts, pilots and singers. Have a great week off!

Week Commencing 9th October 2023

We had a great week! We really enjoyed our school trip to Southend Planetarium. The actual planetarium show blew our minds! We loved looking at all the constellations and how to use to find your way home. The lady was very informative and we learned lots. She commented on how knowledgeable we all were. During the visit, we also enjoyed the Southend art gallery. I know the children were particularly impressed with some of the great sculptures including a model kitchen. We learned a lot about the ECKO radio and tv  factories too. The children really enjoyed themselves. Thanks Southend Planetarium!

Week Commencing 2nd October 2023

We have been very hard at work here in Year 5! We have finally finished putting the finishing touches to our electrical greeting cards. They are still slightly incomplete so we will send photos on next week's blog. In English, we also finally finished our fantastic dementor stories. The children had some fantastic ideas for their villain, including a baked bean (don't ask!). In guided reading, we have also finished our story: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm sure many of them will be reading more of Louis Sachar. Next week, we have our assessment week and the children will be tested on everything that they have learned this half term. We are sure that they will be fantastic!

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Week commencing 25th September 2023!

Year 5 have had a blinding week. We loved making the moon phases with Oreo cookies! We learnt all about solar eclipses and listened to a wacky rap. In English, we have been immersing ourselves in the world of villains - namely, the Dementors! All of our bits and pieces for DT have now arrived so that we can begin to make our greeting card. We will upload a photo of them next week!

Week commencing 18th September 2023!

I can’t quite believe that another week has flown by! The children have done lots of learning this week. In science, they have been using globes and torches to understand why we have day and night and seasons. Meanwhile, in history they have been using primary sources to piece together information bout Queen Anne and what she is known for. They did a fantastic job. They even debated using different characters of the early 18th Century. In English, they finally finished their diary entries about Bradley and Jeff and they are fantastic! They even managed to use characterisation to express the different viewpoints of the characters. Well done 5CE!

Week commencing 11th September 2023!

The second week has flown by!


We have had a brilliant week. This week, we started our new writing topic on our book: The Boy in the Girl's Bathroom. The children are loving the story and really enjoying the character transition of Bradley.


In science, we have been learning about Earth and Space.  We learnt all about rocky and gassy planets.


ln history, we learnt all about the horrible, nasty King John! The way he imprisoned his ex-wife, he murdered his nephew and how he pulled on the Irish chief's beards! However, we enjoyed learning all about how important the Magna Carta was for Britain and much of the modern world.

Week commencing 4th September 2023!

5CE have had an absolutely fantastic week! We have really got back into the swing of things now and it has been an absolute pleasure to see everyone’s faces once again. The children are enjoying being in upper key stage 2. In English, we have been learning about the Three Brothers who tricked death and created the Deathly Hallows. SPOOOOOKY. In maths, we have been focused on rounding and place value. It has become clear that some children might have forgotten some of their times tables – so keep practising! We have also started our new guided reading book – There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar, which we are all finding rather funny. Finally, we have started our new topic in science: space. We are really enjoying and the children have come up with some fantastic questions – as you can see from the photo! Have a great weekend!
