Week commencing 11th July 2022

1KN really enjoyed the creative arts day on Thursday. They worked together to create their very own story. They started with a superhero and had to make up with some questions to find out more about their character. It was so great to see how the children were questioning each other and having detailed discussions about their character's background. The pictures show one group, where their superhero saved all the animals in the jungle. It was lovely to see them use their imaginations and become authors for the day.
Week commencing 4th July 2022

This week 1KN got to make their own healthy smoothie. They spent time preparing the fruit, learning how to chop safely . We used apples, bananas, strawberries, raspberries and oranges. We then put them in a blender to mix together. They were very fruity and delicious. All the children really enjoyed learning how to make them. Why not have a go at home with some different fruits at home.
Week commencing 27th June 2022

Year 1 had a great day on Friday as part of our Science enrichment day. We spent the morning weeding the area outside the Year 1 classrooms which the children really enjoyed as we were able to look closely at the roots. We then spent the afternoon planting seed bombs and different types of flowers. We can't wait to watch them grow.
Week Commencing 20th June 2022

This week in Geography, 1KN have been learning about the continents and oceans that make up the world. We had some really great discussions talking about the different places the children have visited and which continent they were in. We started the lesson with a puzzle where the children had to put the map back together to find the 7 continents. Then they used this to label their own map. It was a really fantastic lesson. The children even learnt a song to help them remember so ask your child if they can sing it to you at home.
Week Commencing 13th June 2022

Year 1 have had a fantastic day at Hyde Hall learning all about plants. They completed lots of different activities including collecting and sorting petals to make a bookmark and building a suitable nest for the birds. We also had the opportunity to plant our own cress seeds and create rubbings of different types of bark. The children really enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to explore some animals closely, including snake skin, butterflies and the skull of some different animals. Overall, we had a great day, and the children represented the school brilliantly. The staff at Hyde Hall commented on how well behaved the children were throughout the day.
Week Commencing 23rd May 2022

1KN had an incredible day celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. We took part in so many fun activities, including making our own plate, playing traditional games, designed a crown and learnt some very interesting facts about the Queen. Everyone enjoyed the picnic on the playground and the children were so excited to have a special guest join us. It really was a great day and well done to everyone who dressed up, you all looked very royal!
Week Commencing 16th May 2022

This week in Science, 1KN went outside to explore different trees. We looked closely at the leaves and then went on a hunt for deciduous and evergreen trees. We even did some tree rubbings to compare the different types of bark. It was a fantastic lesson and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the differences between the trees we have in school We linked this to our geography learning even further by wondering how the trees may got there as well as how long they had been there for. We also talked about why the trees change over the year, linking this to our work on seasons back in November
In English, we have been learning 'The Magic Porridge Pot' and they have come up with some great innovations. I can not wait to read their own versions next week.
Just a reminder, we have our trip to Hyde Hall on Friday 17th June. Please pay £7 via ParentMail and return the permission slip. Any parent helpers will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Week Commencing 9th May 2022

1KN had a great Science lesson this week exploring parts of a plant. They looked closely at each part, discussing why the plant needs them and how they grow. They really enjoyed creating their own plant using the different parts. Have a look at some of their fantastic work.
In English, the children are finishing their non-fiction writing about dinosaurs. It has been an interesting topic and the children have engaged well, enjoying finding out new information. It has been great to see all the different facts they remember and I’m looking forward to reading their completed non-chronological reports.
Week Commencing 2nd May 2022

Year 1 have had such a fantastic day at Barleylands today. When we arrived, we learnt about how different crops grow and then had a go at making our own bread, practising how to mix the the ingrediant into a dough and then knead it. They then added lots of healthy toppings to finish. After lunch, we had a walk around the farm. We went on a tractor ride and saw lots of horses and then got to feed goats and sheep. The children found it very ticklish when they were eating out of their hands. It was their first school trip and I think it is safe to say that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I would also like to say a big thank you to our parent helpers!
Week Commencing 25th April 2022

1KN really enjoyed our art lesson this week. They found their own natural materials and then created a picture inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. I think they turned out great!
The children have also completed writing their innovations of 'The Three Little Pigs'. It has been great to see how they have used their imagination to change the characters and written fantastic stories
Week Commencing 18th April 2022

It's been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week and we have made a great start to our Summer term.
In English, we have been learning the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' and the children have been using the Pie Corbett actions to retell the story. We also worked together to generate adjectives to describe the wolf by completing a role on the wall, listening to music to help us get into the character of the wolf.
Week Commencing 28th March 2022

1KN had a great time completing their weaving patterns this week. They worked really hard to complete their pattern and concentrated on weaving the paper over and under each section. They were really pleased with how they turned out, as you can see by the smiles on their faces.
We have also completed our stories of 'The Slippery Tale' and I have been so impressed with their writing. They've worked really hard on their structure and included lots of exciting adjectives.
We hope you all have a great Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 19th April.
Week Commencing 21st March 2022

As we are learning about animals in science this half term, the children made their own bird feeders. We had a lovely time outside in the sunshine and predicting which birds we think will visit out feeders over the next week. We are looking forward to going outside each day to see if we can spot any birds and keep a tally chart of the different types of birds we see, but we must make sure we are being quiet so we do not scare them off.
Week Commencing 14th March 2022

This week the children have been designing their own weaving patterns in preparation of their final piece next week in art. They really took their time and understood how a weaving pattern should look.
We have also been learning about position and direction, practising half and quarter turns.
In English, the children completed their innovated story of 'The Way Back Home' and it was great to see some of their fantastic ideas.
Week Commencing 7th March 2022

Year 1 have had an active science lesson this week. They have been learning about how different animals move and why. The children went in the hall to act out different animal movements and enjoyed being able to try and move without their arms or legs. Then they had a go at describing how the different animals move.
Week Commencing 28th February 2022

This half term we are learning about different types of animals in Science and this week the children had a go at grouping some animals and identifying their features. They were shocked to find out that whales and dolphins are mammals and not fish. It was a really great lesson and the children loved learning new information.
Week Commencing 21st February 2022

Year 1 have had a great first week back this week.
The children have been learning about rhyming words, creating their own rhyming couplets and in Science we have started learning about different animals.
In art this week the children created their own patterns inspired by William Morris. Have a look at some of the patterns they completed using tracing paper to print their mirrored image.
Week Commencing 7th February 2022
This week in Maths we have been learning about measurement. The children worked together to fill the containers based on the labels, full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty and half full.
We also used balance scales to measure weight and used a ruler to measure objects in centimetres.
I hope you all have a great half term, and we will see you back in school on Tuesday 22nd February.
Week Commencing 31st January 2022

This week Year 1 went on a local walk as part of our Geography and English topics, learning about our school and the areas surrounding it. The children had a map with a route to follow and were able to give us directions to Grays park and through the town centre. They had a fantastic time and were very well behaved, staying safe throughout the whole walk. Next week, we are going to be writing a recount of our walk.
Week Commencing 24th January 2022

This week, in Geography, the children completed their own fieldwork around the school. They went into different areas and recorded what they could see, hear, smell and touch. They even took the responsibility of using the camera to record some evidence of this. Have a look at some of the pictures they took.
Week Commencing 17th January 2022

This week in 1KN, we have been investigating materials and making predictions on which ones float or sink. Our science lesson this week was all about making a boat or raft to get a gingerbread man from one side of the river to the other. Amazingly, 4 out of 5 of our boats floated, so we know our predictions were correct!
Week Commencing 10th January 2022
In Year 1 this week we have been using a compass. The children spent some time outside exploring the different directions and found which areas of the playground were pointing North, South, East, and West.
They then used the language they learnt to follow simple directions.
Week Commencing 3rd January 2022

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. I am so proud of how they have all returned with such enthusiasm for their learning.
This week, we began learning a new story called 'Monkey See, Money Do'. The children have really enjoyed adding actions to the story and find the monkey's cheeky behaviour very funny.
In DT this half term, we are looking at mechanisms. The children enjoyed looking at a range of pop-up books and created their own pop-up card. If you have any books at home that you would be happy for us to share, please bring them into school. They'll help us when planning our own ideas!
Thanks - Miss Knight
Week Commencing 13th December 2021

1Kn have had a great week in the lead up to Christmas. They finished writing their letters to Santa, and thankfully the reindeers are now safe back at the North Pole.
We have finished the week with a Christmas party, dancing and playing lots of fun games.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year and we look forward to welcoming you back on January 5th for another exciting term.
Week Commencing 6th December 2021

We have had an eventful week in Year 1 this week. Reminders have broken into our school! The children saw some CCTV footage of some cheeky reindeers dancing on our carpet and they are now missing from the North Pole! We are on a mission to look for clues to get them back to Santa before Christmas Day. We have found eaten carrots, footprints, magic glitter and bells around the school but we can’t find them anywhere. The children did an excellent job of creating wanted posters, writing descriptions of the reindeers, so everyone can be on the look out.
Next week, we will be writing a letter to Santa to explain they are missing and hope the turn up soon.
Week Commencing 29th November 2021

Year 1 have had another fantastic week!
Week Commencing 22nd November 2021

Year 1 had a fantastic day during our French enrichment day. They got to try lots of different French foods, including croissants, baguettes, crepes, and meringues and even learnt some of the French language. Miss Weller even treated us to a story read in French and the children were fascinated. We filled the day with lots of arts and crafts by trying to recreate the Eiffel Tower, collaged the French flag and created a painting inspired by Monet. Finally, the children thoroughly enjoyed the scavenger hunt in the hall, where they learnt some very interesting facts about France.
Everyone had a great day and the children looked great in their costumes.
Week Commencing 15th November 2021

This week we have been writing our innovated stories of 'Arghh Spider!' I have been so impressed with the children's writing this week and how they have been using their phonics to help them with their spelling. In Maths, we practised adding and subtracting on a number line.
We have continued learning about materials and found out that objects can be made from lots of different materials.
Week Commencing 8th November 2021

This week in Year 1 we have been learning the story of 'Arghh Spider!'. The children have really enjoyed immersing themselves in the story and then innovating it to make it their own. I am looking forward to reading their own version next week. In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes, identifying some of their properties. What shapes can you find at home?
We have continued to look at materials in Science and the children identified the properties of materials, including transparent, rough, hard, smooth, rigid and flexible. In Geography we located France on a map and explored the different ways to travel.
Well done to our star of the week, Wasay!
Week Commencing 1st November 2021

Year 1 have settled into the classroom after half term and have had a busy week of lots of new learning.
In English, we have written a poem about rain using our 5 senses and in Maths we have been practising ordering numbers and identifying numbers that are greater and less than.
We have also begun new topics in our foundation subjects, including learning about the countries that make up the UK and their capital cities and in Science we went on a walk around the school to find objects made from different materials.
Thank you to all of the parents for attending their parent consultations this week. Please continue to read regularly at home and complete homework each week using our new homework books.
Week Commencing 18th October 2021

This week in Maths, we have been learning about money. The children have recognised and ordered coins, added money in a purse and used the coins to make different amounts. See if you can have a go in a shop to pay for some items.
We have also been writing instructions in English this week, learning about how to use imperative (bossy) verbs. In Science we looked at how the seasonsand weather changes, focusing on autumn and in History we compared old and new dolls.
Have a great half term and we will see you back on Tuesday 2nd November, which is also the start of our parent consultations.
Week Commencing 11th October 2021

Year 1 had a fantastic day with Classroom Adventures on Wednesday, designing and making their own toy. They also had the opportunity to explore a range of old toys from different centuries, which they all found very interesting and fascinating.
This week we have also been writing our innovation of the Three Bears, practising addition and subtraction in Maths and used our sense of smell in Science.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Week Commencing 4th October 2021

1KN had a lovely day celebrating Hello Yellow day. We learnt about the importance of looking after our mental health by practising Yoga and we completing some mindfulness colouring. The children looked great in their yellow t-shirts and jumpers. Thank you to everyone who donated.
This week we also wrote a setting description of the forest and planned our innovations of The Three Bears. In Maths this week, we learnt how to solve worded problems using RUCSAC to help us. Ask your child to repeat the steps and have a go at some at home.
We have also continued to learn about our senses, using our sense of touch to guess the object and compared old and new teddy bears in History.
Week Commencing 27th September 2021
1KN have continued to work hard this week, especially when learning to subtract on a number line. It has been great to see the children working together to learn a new skill and then apply this independently.
In English, we have completed our innovation of Handa’s Surprise and I am so proud of the quantity and quality of work the children are writing, using their phonics to support their spelling.
Keep up the fantastic work.
Also, a big well done to Esther for being our Star of the Week!
Week Commencing 20th September 2021

1KN have had another great week. In English, we have been learning the story of Handa's Surprise, describing the animals and fruits. We have also been learning about addition in Maths and have been working hard on learning our number bonds to 10.
In Science, we used our sense of taste to try different foods and sort them into the categories of bitter, salty, sweet and sour.
Well done to Dritan, our Star of the Week, for his consistent hard work and exceptional manners.
Week Commencing 13th September 2021

This week in 1KN we have been writing our own version of 'This is the Bear', innovating it to 'This is the Cat'. I have been very proud of the children's hard work and perseverance with their writing. In Maths, we have been learning about place value, identifying the tens and ones in a number. Have a look at some of the numbers the children have created using Dienes.
We have also continued to learn about toys from the past and the children took home a questionnaire to find out about the toys their parents or grandparents played with. We have had some great responses.
Keep up the hard work 1KN - you are amazing!
Week Commencing 6th September 2021
I have been so impressed with how quickly 1KN have settled into Year 1. They have had lots of new lessons this week, including PSHE, RE, History, Science and Music. In Science, we are learning about our senses and to introduce the children to the topic, we recapped all the body parts. Emily was a fantastic volunteer and laid very still so the class could label the parts of her body. I was very impressed with their knowledge and look forward to finding out more.
I am very proud of Year 1 and I am sure they are going to continue to work hard throughout the year.
Reading books will be sent home today so don't forget to log your reading on GoRead!