Nursery & Pre-School
Week Commencing 15th July 2024
This week, we have been reading the book 'Octopants'.
Did you know that octopus like to wear hats? Neither did we!
On the maths table, we have been working on our fine motor, counting and colour identifying skills, threading pipe cleaners as the octopus tentacles.
On the creative table, we have used paint to paint our starfish and octopus pictures. We named the colour we were using and identified where the sea creatures live.
For mark making this week, we have been using our investigation skills matching the different octopus to their shadows, some of us said they look like 'monsters'. How amazing is that!
We also coloured in some octopuses. We gave them eyes, nose, ears and even hair. Now that is being creative.
In the tuff tray, we made our own octopus using playdough. We rolled the dough out to make the tentacles and showed our friends how amazing they looked.
In the water this week, we have been looking at different sea creatures, seeing how many we could name and identify where each one lived.
Week Commencing 8th July 2024 (Preschool)
What a fun and exciting week we have had in Preschool. We had some special visitors which we thought were extinct. Do you know who they were? That's right... dinosaurs!
We have read the story 'Harry and the Dinosaurs make a Splash,' showing the importance of water safety, which will come in handy over the holidays.
On the maths table, we matched numeral to quantity using dinosaurs and their footprints. We counted how many dinosaurs there were and identified if they were big or small.
On the mark making table, we used paintbrushes to make marks in sand. We even tried our best to copy the letters w, s, a and d. It was a little tricky but we didn't give up.
We have enjoyed retelling the story using props in the tuff tray to support our learning. We used characters and wording from the story. It was amazing to see all the different versions of one story.
In the water tray the dinosaurs have been making a big mess stomping in the water but they did clean up after themselves which was good.
Week Commencing 1st July 2024 (Preschool)
In Preschool this week we have been focusing on, 'Pirates'. Do you know what sound the word 'Pirates' starts with?
On the creative table, we have been making telescopes to help us look for nice shiny treasure, which is what pirates like to hunt for. We also expressed ourselves through free painting.
On the maths table, we have worked together to complete a big pirate puzzle, telling our friends what we could see and giving each other simple instructions for where to place the pieces.
In the tuff tray, we have used playdough to make some yummy ice cream. We worked on our gross motor skills using the scoops to scoop the playdough then used our fine motor skills to sprinkle on sprinkles.
In the water tray, we have had pirates and boats acting out sailing the seven seas looking for treasure, we found necklaces, rings and even money.
On Wednesday, we joined Nursery for our Enrichment day where we visited the 'beach', you will not believe what we saw, there was a big lighthouse! There were lots of fun activities to choose from; making bubble wands to seashell fans. We got messy when playing with shaving foam and even made sandwiches and cut up fruit for our picnic. After our picnic, we had some yummy delicious ice cream which we thoroughly enjoyed.
It has been an amazing week and we cannot wait to see what next week brings.
Week Commencing 24th June 2024 (Preschool)
This week, we have been carrying on with under the sea activities; from walking the plank when playing outside, pretending to swim like fish and walking sideways like crabs.
On the maths table, we have been putting on our investigation hats to find and match the sea pictures, we even learnt what coral is.
On the creative table, we have worked really hard to complete our 'Splash' display which is in class. We made crabs using our hands, worked on our colouring skills colouring in fish, made refreshing cups of lemonade using real lemons and used our footprints to make sandals.
To get us ready for Nursery, we have been practising using scissors which we used to cut out under the sea pictures and then sticking them to make a large picture, they were beautiful.
As the weather has been heating up we have enjoyed lots of water play both in class and outside to help keep us cool. We have used jugs of water to move boats down ramps having our own boot races, making water marks on the ground outside watching to see how quickly it dried and splashing in puddles.
Week Commencing 24th June 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have enjoyed reading the book, 'The Snail and The Whale'. They decorated their own snail shells using finger painting and repeating patterns and enjoyed sea creature dot to dot pictures. We encouraged the children to count as they joined up the dots to see where they needed to go next before colouring them in. The children used playdough to make characters from the story and explored a sand tray recreating patterns from the table with paintbrushes.
We also made our own snails by colouring in leaves and using strips of coloured paper that we rolled up on our fingers to look like snails and stuck them to the leaves. The children cut up small pieces of paper to use as eyes. The children have also enjoyed colour by numbers and making glitter names by writing over their names with glue and sprinkling glitter.
Week Commencing 17th June 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have continued reading, ' The Rainbow Fish.'
We have had class discussions during carpet time about friendships and what makes a good friend. The children gave their ideas on how we can be kind to others and examples of how they have been kind.
We mixed different colour paints together and the children watched, telling us which colours they thought it would make. They then used their fingers in the paint to create a pattern on a paper plate and cut out a triangle to use for the tail to make their own rainbow fish.
The children enjoyed writing down what they like to share and who with. We spoke about how the rainbow fish shared his scales which made him and his friends happy. We have used playdough to make characters from the story and practised using scissors by cutting out fish.
For maths, the children have enjoyed matching quantities and numerals to count different coloured scales on fish and find the matching number or amounts on the table so that they could practise writing the numbers down. They have coloured in rainbow fish to make a repeating pattern and enjoyed a shiny object sensory tray, using magnifying glasses to find shiny objects in the classroom.
Week Commencing 10th June 2024 (Nursery)
This weeks book in Nursery is, ' The Rainbow Fish.' We have introduced the book to the children and encouraged them to tell us what they noticed, what colours the fish were and what happened in the story. We challenged the children to do as the rainbow fish did, and to show kindness to their friends.
The children used celery and paint to print scales on their own rainbow fish. We discussed what colours they would use and if we could mix the colours to make new ones. We created a textured tuff tray where the children had to search for a magnetic fish and use a fishing rod to catch them. They then counted how many fish they had caught.
The children drew around their hands, cut them out and used them on sticks to make their own fish. They have also been practicing letter formation by writing words from the story.
Week Commencing 20th May 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have continued to read the story, 'Each Peach Pear Plum.' They have been drawing characters from the story and making finger puppets. We had a large 'I Spy' tray where the children had to use magnifying glasses to find the characters under the rice and use the checklist to show which characters they had found. They have been discussing rhyming words and practising independent writing, using words from the story. The children have been colour sorting objects and writing and tracing numbers on whiteboards to see which numbers they could write and recognise.
Week Commencing 20th May 2024 (Preschool)
For the last week before we break up for our two-week break, we have been finishing up our topic 'Change'. We have been busy bunnies making bits for our display in the hall, from handprint leaves to beautiful egg carton flowers.
On the mark making table we have been colouring in the different size clouds and counting how many raindrops each one had, using our fingers to help with our counting.
On the maths table we used Duplo to make patterns, some of us even made our own patterns which was fun.
And in the water tray we observed how ice melted and what caused it to melt. We also spoke about which animals live where there is ice, some of us said penguins and others said polar bears.
Week Commencing 13th May 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have been looking at a new book 'Each Peach, Pear, Plum'. During carpet time, the children have been learning about positional language and using this when looking for the characters and saying where they are. They have enjoyed fruit printing and making their own pies from coloured paper, tissue paper and cake cases. The children have been practicing their writing skills, copying the words of different fruits. During maths, we have been size ordering, repeating patterns and counting different fruits.
Week Commencing 13th May 2024 (Preschool)
This week, we have been learning about a tricky word called, 'Decay,' can you say it?
What does it mean?
At the beginning of the week, we started our very fun science experiment which involved eggs and different drinks. We put an egg in each cup and filled it up with a different drink. There was coffee, water, a fizzy drink and something very acidic called vinegar, it smelt very funny.
Over the course of the week, we will observe what effect each drink has had on the shell of the egg, as the shell represents the enamel on our teeth.
Our very hungry and tiny caterpillars are not so tiny anymore and they have done something magical, they have built their special cocoons around them. We cannot wait to see them become butterflies.
In the tuff tray this week, we have been sorting healthy and unhealthy food and using toothbrushes to clean the number off the teeth on the maths table.
Week Commencing 6th May 2024 (Preschool)
We hope you had a nice and restful long weekend. You all seemed very happy and eager to be back.
This week, we are looking at the book, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. Did you guess they were our very special visitors?
We have enjoyed learning how they change from a caterpillar to a butterfly and that they have to build a special house for themself, they are truly amazing!
This week, we have continued to strengthen our hand muscles by exploring different mark making tools and using them in and on different things - not just on paper. As the weather has been warming up, we have been busy making our own delicious Lemonade using real lemons. We had fun smelling them and telling the grown ups what they smelt like.
We have also enjoyed retelling the story of, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar,' using props in the tuff tray, putting the days of the week in order and remembering what food he ate on which day.
Week Commencing 6th May 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have continued to read the book, 'Owl Babies'. We have looked at natural materials and what owls use to make their nests; how they collect them and where they would find them. Also this week, the children have continued to look at the development of our caterpillars and discuss what they can see, (textures, colours, patterns). During outside play, the children have enjoyed looking for snails and caring for them by finding leaves to make a home. The children were very excited to play with the ball run, taking turns, sharing and helping each other.
Throughout the week, the children have worked really hard taking part in different activities to create our amazing wall display for the hall. This term, our display is 'Understanding The World' and the children have created the seasons.
Week Commencing 29th April 2024 (Preschool)
What another fun and busy week we have had in Preschool. This week, we are looking at how we change and grow over time, we have had fun comparing our feet size with a friend, using mathematical language such as big and small and arranging ourself into height order. On the creative table, we have continued to make beautiful creations to go on our display. This week, we have learnt that butterflies have matching patterns on their wings, do you know what this is called?
We have been enclosing space by drawing around our hands, going in and around each finger. This tickled some of us, which was funny. In the tuff tray this week, we have been caring and looking after babies; from bathing them to dressing them. Working on our fine motor skills, we have been fastening poppers and feeding babies using bottles.
Next week, we will be looking at the book 'The very hungry caterpillar' and we have some very tiny but very hungry visitors. Can you tell what they are?
Week Commencing 29th April 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have been looking at the book 'Owl Babies'. During carpet time, we have discussed emotions and feelings, with the children showing us different emotions on their face. They have enjoyed painting the owls with feathers and forks to create different patterns and decorating owls with different materials. The children have learnt how to leaf print and enjoyed the end results. During our maths activity, the children matched the owls and their shapes to the shapes in the tree, recognising colours, shapes and counting how many sides each shape has.
Week Commencing 22nd April 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery, the children have continued to read the book, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. They have enjoyed re-telling the story during carpet time. The children have learnt the life cycle of a butterfly and were able to order the stages of the cycle. We have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods. The children had two caterpillars to choose from: healthy (green), unhealthy (red) and had to feed the correct food to each caterpillar. They have enjoyed making their own caterpillars with their names using paint and sponges. We have also been making butterfly and caterpillar masks. We wrote words from the book onto the table and the children independently copied them using pencils and paper.
Week Commencing 22nd April 2024 (Preschool)
This term, we are looking at change and weather. On the maths table, we have been trying our best to match numeral to quantity using raindrops and clouds with numbers on. On the mark making table, we have been busy training our hand muscles by completing 'weather' dot to dots and making marks in glittery sand.
We have been even busier on the creative table, making lots of lovely new bits for our topic board in class, from flowers to rainclouds and even a beautiful rainbow.
In the water tray, we have been making rain, using sieves hung from the ceiling then pouring water into them watching as the water came through the holes.
Outside, some of us have enjoyed watching all the lovely insects that spring has to offer. We have seen ladybirds, snails and even bumble bees.
Week Commencing 15th April 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have been looking at the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. They have enjoyed reading and sequencing the story along with participating in many fun activities. Some of the activities the children have enjoyed are Mini and then-beast's, using magnifying glasses searching for the cocoon's, caterpillars and butterflies in the natural materials. Making caterpillars using tissue paper and cardboard tubes and butterfly symmetry painting. Using the interactive board the children had to order the caterpillar's numbers from 1-10 and 10-1.
Week Commencing 15th April 2024 (Pre-School)
Welcome back to pre school we hope you had a nice and fun two weeks off, you were all so eager to come back.
This term we have a new topic called 'Change' where over the course of the next few weeks we will be looking at different things that change over time. This week we have been learning how some things grow from seeds such as fruit, vegetables and flowers, to help support our learning we have been listening to Jack and the beanstalk acting out the story using puppets.
We have been busy bees doing many craft activities to put up on our new topic board in class, it is already starting to take shape. In the water tray we have been using sponges to wash the different fruit and vegetables, on mark making we have been strengthening our finger muscles by using pencil control sheets and learning how to use rulers to measure the beanstalks in maths.
Week Commencing 25th March 2024 (Nursery)
This week in nursery the children enjoyed playing in a sensory tuff tray full of zoo animals and different textured cereal. They used the scales to measure the weight of the animals using multi-link cubes and then counted them. The children had fun matching the animals to their babies.
This week the children have enjoyed making Easter cards, having their own ideas on how they want to decorate it and what materials they wanted to use.
Week Commencing 25th March 2024 (Pre-School)
This week is a short week for us in Pre school but we have done lots of fun and engaging activities. We have finished this terms topic which is 'Playful pets' and have really enjoyed learning all about the different animals and their care needs. We have also been busy bunnies making our Easter cards ready to take home and colouring in a large Easter egg on the mark making table, working on our gross motor skills. We have all really enjoyed playing with our new kitchen in the role play area, making some yummy food to share with each other. On maths we have been learning about repeating patterns and how to carry them on.
Outside we have been introduced to some lovely insects, we met a tiny snail and a beautiful ladybird and we were so brave we even held them.
We hope you enjoy your half term and we will see you in 2 weeks time.
Week Commencing 18th March 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have continued to read 'The Tiger who came to tea.' They have been painting their own tiger stripes and designing tins of food, cupcakes and teapots for the tiger. They have also played Tiger I spy, finding and counting the different kinds of tigers and then finding paw prints with the matching numbers.
The children have been using chalk to draw pictures from the story and have enjoyed a shaving foam sensory tray finding cupcakes and cookies that the tiger ate. We have used the children's tiger food, teapots and cupcakes for our display board.
Week Commencing 18th March 2024 (Pre-School)
In pre-school this week we continued to learn how to care for different animals. This week we looked at rabbits, what they like to eat and how they move differently to the other animals we have learnt about.
On creative this week we have been busy selecting which animal we would like to be, we chose between cat, dog and rabbit and then made a headband to wear. On maths we have been using our matching skills by matching the two halves of animal together. In the water tray we have been using welly boots on our hands to hop in the water just like a rabbit, it was so much fun. And to help strengthen our finger muscles we have been using tweezers to help collect the egg halves, naming the colours and counting how many we had.
Week Commencing 11th March 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have been reading the book 'The Tiger who came to tea'. They have enjoyed using different material to decorate the tiger from the book. They have also been cutting and sticking to make their very own tiger. The children have also made a jungle for the tiger using the Duplo. We had a rice sensory tray with magnifying glasses to look at the coloured rice and tweezers to try and transfer the rice into the cupcake cases.
This week the children have enjoyed using their new reading area.
Week Commencing 11th March 2024 (Pre-School)
What another fun and exciting week we have had here in Pre School. This week we are looking at a little rodent called hamsters and how they are different to the animals we have learnt in the previous weeks.
On the creative table this week we have made our own hamster pictures, you will never guess what we used to make the fur.. Thats right a potato which we dipped in paint.
In the tuff tray this week we have been exploring the sound 'H' and what objects around the room start with that sound, we are doing really good with our phonics.
And outside we have enjoyed exploring what wind does to the leaves on the trees, do you know? and challenging ourselves to overcome new things.
Week Commencing 4th March 2024 (Pre-School)
This week we have been learning how to take care of cats and kittens, what food they like and how they are different to dogs and puppies. It has been a busy week on the creative table making special cards for Mothers day, talking about which colour paint we would like to use and why we are making them.
We have been trying our best to use scissors correctly to make snips in paper, this took a lot of practice but we were very pleased with our efforts. Outside we have enjoyed playing on the slide, seesaws and playing hide and seek with each other. We have even been showing our caring side whilst looking after the babies, giving them a bath and pushing them around in the buggy.
Week Commencing 4th March 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have continued to read the book 'Rumble in the Jungle'. The children have enjoyed learning about lots of different animals. They have enjoyed sensory water play with jungle animals, Counting the shapes on the animals and recognising the numbers. Some of the children practiced writing numbers 0-10.
The children have also been making Mothers Day cards and enjoyed quiet reading for World Book Day
Week Commencing 26th February 2024 (Nursery)
This term our topic is 'Amazing Animals'. This week the children have enjoyed reading the book 'Rumble in the Jungle'. During carpet time they have enjoyed recognising the jungle animals and talking about their colours, patterns and how they move. They have been experimenting with different materials making snakes, frogs, parrots and monkeys. The children enjoyed playing 'The monkey game' with Mrs Walsh where they have to recognise the number and colour for the number of monkeys to hang on the tree. They have had fun making their own animals using the 'Crazy Creatures' and also making their own animal patterns.
Week Commencing 26th February (Pre-School)
Welcome back Pre school we hope you all had nice restful break. The new topic this term is 'Playful pets' and this week we are learning about how to take care of dogs, do you know what baby dogs are called?. We have learnt the importance of asking first if we can pet someone's dog otherwise they may get scared and what kind of food they like to eat.
On the maths table this week we have been counting out the number of bones to the number on the dog's collar, using tweezers to try and pick them up. On creative we have made some very cute dogs for our new topic display in the classroom, we cannot wait to show them off.
In the water tray we have been working on our fine motor skills using pippettes to collect the water then fill the bowls up for the dogs.
Outside we have enjoyed moving in different ways and squeezing ourselves into different spaces especially when playing hide and seek.
Week Commencing 5th February 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have continued to learn about 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears'. They have been threading laces through the bears, making their very own bear ears and Goldilocks' hair. They have also really enjoyed dressing up as Goldilocks and the bears and participating in their very own role play.
This week the children had a visit from Grays Library. They had lots of fun listening to the stories and participating during the session.
Week Commencing 5th February 2024 (Pre-School)
This week the children have been learning about the Nursery Rhyme 'The wheels on the bus', singing the song and doing the actions to the song. We have been using our detective skills to match 2d shapes to the bus on the maths table and working on our hand grip colouring in buses on mark making.
In the water tray we have been comparing buses and boats, what marks they make and if they go on land or in water.
Our creative work this week has been making bus handprints answering questions such as ' what colour is your bus?', 'How many wheels does a bus have?' and 'can you sing the song the wheels on the bus?'.
When playing outside we have loved pretending the climbing frame was our bus, seeing what we could see in the distance.
Week Commencing 29th January 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery we have been reading the book 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children have enjoyed many activities inside and outside the classroom. They have been counting how many Spoonfuls of porridge it takes to fill each bear's bowl and, then feeding the bears their porridge. They have been making houses for Goldilocks using mega blocks and making masks to then use in the role play area to act out the story, along with dressing up as Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children have also been experimenting with textures by using porridge in the water.
Week Commencing 29th January 2024 (Pre-School)
What a fun week we have had in pre school learning all about the Nursery Rhyme 'Row Row Row your boat' doing lots of fun and exciting activities.
On maths we have been matching people to the number on the boat, some of us even matched them by the colour of their hair.
We have been developing our gross motor skills using fishing rods to catch the different sea animals we even caught some treasure, do you know who likes to find buried treasure?
And on mark making we have been working on our fine motor skills by following the line using a white board pen. It was a little tricky but we stuck at it.
At carpet time we learnt what objects sunk and which objects floated by finding objects from around the room, we even made simple predictions.
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery we have continued to read the book 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children have enjoyed discussing objects they can make to get the gingerbread man across the river safely. They have been experimenting with different materials to predict whether they sink or float. They then made their objects using their selected materials to then be able to test them in the water. The children have had fun decorating the gingerbread house and making fox bags.
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024 (Pre-School)
This week we have been learning the Nursery Rhyme ' Twinkle Twinkle little star', did you know we are amazing at singing the song and doing the actions.
In the water tray we have been finding the best way to wash the stars away, we used water bottles, pipettes and sponges, which do you think worked the best?
On the creative table we have been busy painting stars using bright yellow paint and singing the song as we painted.
In maths we have been working on capacity filling stars with objects and using mathematical language more or less.
And at bucket time we have been learning the sound "T" by exploring different objects that start with that sound, we explored teddy bear, tomato, triangle and telephone, maybe over the weakened you can practise the sound "T" with your child.
Week Commencing 15th January 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery we are reading the book 'The Gingerbread Man'. During carpet time the children have been suggesting what the Gingerbread man could have built to get across the river and what materials he could have used.
They have been drawing pictures designing their own boats for Gingey. The children have enjoyed making gingerbread men with gingerbread playdough.
Also this week the children joined in with World Culture Day. It was lovely to see the children dressed in their outfits and flag colours.
Week Commencing 15th January 2024 (Pre-School)
In pre school this week we have been learning the nursery rhyme "Old Mcdonald had a farm", over the weekend maybe you can sing the song with your child. We have enjoyed learning all the different animals, what sound they make and if they are big or small.
On the maths table we have been measuring the height and length of different animals using the multilink cubes, learning and using mathematical language more or less.
On mark making we have been trying our best to match adult animals to their babies by drawing a line to them and trying to stay on the line.
In the tuff tray we have been using paintbrushes to move the white rice into the outline of a sheep using gross and fine motor skills.
We have also explored the cold weather by playing outside, did you know you can see your breath when its cold why not try it next time you are outside, its amazing.
Week Commencing 8th January 2024 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery we have been reading the book 'The Three Little Pigs'.
The children have had fun making different versions of the pigs and wolfs using a variety of materials. We made a house from a large box and the children had fun painting it like the 3rd pigs brick house. They then used the house with their puppets to enjoy role playing. For maths they were size ordering and matching the pigs to their houses and also had fun counting and matching the pigs suitcase items.
The children have also enjoyed joining in and retelling the story.
Week Commencing 8th January 2024 (Pre-School)
This week we have been concentrating on the Nursery Rhyme 'Incy wincy spider', do you know the actions to the song?
We have been doing lots of activities such as measuring Incy's legs on the maths table using multilink cubes, and colouring raindrops on the mark making table.
On the creative table we have been making spiders using our handprints and when asked what colour they were they were we confidently said "Black"
Using the mega blocks we made a home for Incy, we made big and small houses.
In the water tray we have been using jugs to pour water down the waterspout just like in the song.
Week Commencing 3rd January 2024 (Pre-School)
We would like to say a big welcome back to all our Pre School children, you have all come back and settled in nicely.
We hope you had a nice refreshing break and had lots of fun with your family.
This terms topic is Nursery Rhymes and we are focusing on the rhyme 'Hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock' do you know this one?
On mark making we have been making large scale marks in orange glitter, talking about what we drew and how we made them.
In the tuff tray we have been making mice using brown playdough, using twisty pasta as tails and raisins for eyes.
Week Commencing 18th December 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have enjoyed the festive fun. Making Elf masks, feeding the Reindeer and playing with Christmas slime.
The children have had lots of fun making green and red icing to decorate their Christmas biscuits.
Also, this week the children had their Christmas party, enjoying lots of fun and games along with a surprise visit from Elf on the shelf.
Week Commencing 18th December (Pre-School)
This is our last week before we break up for the Christmas holidays. We have had lots of fun doing many Christmas themed activities, decorating baubles on the creative table, colouring candy canes on mark making and playing with ice in the water tray.
Throughout the day we have listened and danced to Christmas songs showing off our fantastic dance moves.
On Wednesday we had our Christmas party in our classroom, enjoying some yummy party food and taking part in games such as musical bumps, musical statues and pass the parcel.
We hope you all have a lovely break, and look forward to seeing you all in January.
Week Commencing 11th December 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have enjoyed Christmas themed activities.
Counting and giving the teddy the correct number of presents, tracing their names and making them into snowmen and making snowflakes with cotton buds. They have also enjoyed carpet time with Miss Wright and Miss Eaglen talking about what makes them happy at Christmas and have had fun with exploring different textures in the Christmas sensory tray and snow mark making.
Week Commencing 11th December 2023 (Pre-School)
This week we have been learning about the important job of a Chef and enjoying many activities revolving around this.
On Maths we have been measuring spoons using multilink cubes, there were big, medium and small size spoons. We also matched them to their outlines which was really fun.
On the Mark making table we have been drawing our own yummy Christmas dinners, we had broccoli, peas and some of us had some delicious turkey yummy yummy in our tummies.
We have enjoyed playing with the Polar express, pushing trains along the tracks and using the buildings as tunnels.
This week we had our Christmas concerts for our grown ups everyone was very impressed with our singing and even joined in.
Week Commencing 4th December 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have continued to learn about Hospitals. They have enjoyed role play - being doctors, making stethoscopes, drawing and colouring hospital equipment and using cotton buds to make the bones in the body parts.
Week Commencing 4th December 2023 (Pre-School)
Here in Pre School this week we have enjoyed many fun activities revolving around Christmas, singing Christmas songs and talking about or Christmas trees at home.
We worked together to decorate the classroom Christmas tree which stand proud in our home corner, working on our fine motor skills to hang decorations on the branches.
On Maths we have been helping to build Elves using numicon which we had to match to their outline, this time using our problem-solving skills and working on gross motor.
Throughout the week we have been busy colouring different Winter themed pictures to go up on our Winter display in the classroom, from coats to scarfs and even gloves.
Next week is our Christmas concert, we cannot wait to see you there we are all so excited!
Week Commencing 27th November 2023 (Pre-School)
Another busy but fun week here in pre school, learning all about the important role of hairdressers and what tools and equipment they use. Have you ever been to the hairdressers? In the water tray this week we have been busy washing and brushing the dolls hair ready for the hairdresser to work their magic. On the mark making table we have been drawing our own wacky hairstyle, some was long, short and some even a little bit crazy.
In maths this week we have been exploring lengths using playdough to make hair, using mathematical language such as long, short, big and small.
The children have been popping into the hall both in the morning and afternoon to practise their Christmas songs, maybe you have heard them singing them at home.
Week Commencing 27th November 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have been reading the book 'I Don't Want To Go To Hospital'.
During carpet time they have enjoyed having discussions on why we go to hospital, how hospitals help us and some of the children have spoken about their own experiences going to Hospital.
The children have had fun dressing up and learning what equipment doctors and nurses use.
Looking at bones and x-rays, discussing what part of the body they think it is and measuring them using rulers.
Some of the children had fun with the Duplo using their imagination and built a hospital.
Also this week the children enjoyed making their festive star decorations to go on display in the hall.
Week Commencing 20th November 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery we have continued to read the Book 'Guess How Much I Love You'. We have been exploring people who are special to us and who help in our community.
The children have enjoyed making 'Guess How Much I love You' hearts with arm and legs to give to their special person.
They have been recognising numbers, counting and adding Nutbrown Hare.
They have had fun getting messy experimenting with gloup (cornflour and water), watching how it changes form from being a solid to a liquid.
And finally to end our week with a fun filled ENRICHMENT DAY.
LOOK what happened in Nursey!!
The children have been matching the tools, investigating the crime scene at the investigation station and taking suspects to the police station.
Week Commencing 20th November 2023 (Pre-School)
This week we haven been learning the important role of a post person, did you know they deliver your letters and parcels? To help with our learning we have been writing letters and trying our best to fold them to post in the post box.
On maths we have been matching letters to their coloured envelopes then posting them, for some of us this was a little tricky but we kept on trying.
In the tuff tray we have been busy building with the duplo, seeing how many different things we could make. And on the creative table we have enjoyed painting our own pictures.
We have also been doing something very special this week, we have started to learn our songs for our Christmas concert. Maybe at home you can help us learn them they are Jingle bells and Twinkle Twinkle little star.
Week Commencing 13th November 2023 (Nursery)
This week we have introduced out new book 'Guess how much i love you' The children have really enjoyed exploring all the different ways Little brown hare tried to express himself. We have had group carpet sessions about feelings, feeling loved, friendship and how to be a good friend. Nursery have enjoyed drawing themselves and their friends, Making Little and big brown Hare floppy ears from playdough and head bands, Measuring how long big hair arms are, to finish the week we have been making Pudsey ears ready to celebrate children in need.
Week Commencing 13th November (Pre-School)
This week we have been learning all about going to the zoo, what animals live at the zoo and seeing how many we could name using simple descriptive words.
On the creative table this week we have been exploring how to mix colours to make new ones did you know if you mix red and yellow together you get orange. Using our new colour, we made beautiful lions using forks dipped in the paint to make their manes they came out amazing!
In maths this week have been matching animals to their skin pattern by looking at pictures and talking about if they were animals we could have as a pet at home.
At carpet time we have been learning the number 3 and the colour green, maybe you can go on a hunt to see how many green items you can find.
Week Commencing 6th November 2023 (Pre-School)
This week we have been learning about the important roles of Farmers and how they harvest the fruit and vegetables we see in the shops.
We have been busy playing Farmers using the different tools to rake the soil and collect the root vegetables there were shallots, carrots, potatoes and peas how many root vegetables can you name?.
On the creative table we made little ducks with our handprints which felt cold and when asked what colour the ducks were we confidently said 'Yellow'.
For maths this week we have enjoyed matching the animal halves to make a whole animal seeing how many we could name.
Next week we are learning about different zoo animals and how we can take care of them if they are hurt or poorly.
Week Commencing 6th November 2023 (Nursery)
This week we enjoyed continuing out learning about people who help us.
We have focus on emergency vehicle and people who help us in the community. The children have really enjoyed having the chance to dress up as a emergancy worker, Making emergency vehicle out of shapes, matching the worker to the vehicle, police finger printing, we have also celebrated remembrance day, making poppies and Diwali.
Week Commencing 30th October 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have been learning about the Emergency Services. They have been learning about fireworks and what emergency services are needed.
They enjoyed playing with shaving foam, spreading the coloured paint to make flames.
The children used a variety of materials to decorate the police car.
Week Commencing 30th October 2023 (Pre-School)
Firstly we would like to say welcome back we hope you all had a fun and restful week.
This term we are learning about people who help us and this week we have been concentrating on the important role of firefighters, do you know what important job they have?.
On the creative table we have been making our own firefighter helmets which we enjoyed painting red and once they were dry we placed a special firefighter badge on the front.
We have enjoyed the texture of Gloop which is funny as it can be both hard and runny at the same time its magic!.
This week we have started to learn about colours focusing on red, yellow and orange to tie in with this week's learning, maybe at home you can go on a colour hunt and see how many you can identify.
Week Commencing 16th October 2023 (Pre-School)
This week has been so much fun, we have been learning about another one of our favourite books 'Room on the broom' and doing many activities around this. On the creative table we have been busy making broomstick pictures using kitchen roll tubes talking about who sat on the broom with the Witch and which colours we were using. In the water tray we have been using our math knowledge sorting the compare bears by colour, naming the colours and talking about the different sizes.
We have explored making marks in shaving foam which was fun as they made different marks to when we did it in paint and in sand.
Outside we have been busy exploring the change in weather, splashing in puddles and using the rain water to help make some fantastic creations in the mud kitchen including mud cakes yummy!.
Next week is half term which is for one week, have lots of fun and we look forward to seeing you all on your return.
Week Commencing 16th October 2023 (Nursery)
This week in Nursery the children have continued reading the book 'Peace At Last'. They have enjoyed making teddy bear sun catchers and decorating a large scale daddy bear. They have also explored clocks and being able to place the numbers around the clock in the correct place.
The children have also enjoyed exploring an Autumnal sensory tray using magnifying glasses and their hands to see and feel the different colours and textures.
Week Commencing 9th October 2023 (Pre-School)
This week we have loved exploring the outdoors and all it has to offer, we made nature bracelets which we wore on our wrists we then went around the Preschool garden collecting leaves, twigs placing them on our bracelets, it was amazing to see how excited you all were.
For mark making this week we enjoyed making large scale marks using paints and paintbrushes in the tuff tray and when even painted our hands to see what marks they made.
On maths we had to use our colour matching skills to match the cookie halves together, we really enjoyed this activity and enjoyed speaking to the adults about the cookies we like to eat.
We have also been playing lots of group games this week to encourage sharing and turn taking a particular favourite was 'Don't break the ice chase' which is a paw patrol game.
Next week is our last week before the half term I wonder what we will learn next week?.
Week Commencing 9th October 2023 (Nursery)
This week in nursery we have been learning about our new book 'Peace at last'.
The children have all been getting involved in our fun activities based around the book. We have enjoyed making our own bears and adding the facial features, making our own bears from playdough, creating the Mr bear from the book cutting out and adding his arms and legs. We also really enjoyed being part of the harvest festival, doing some fruit and veg printing and having a lovely time in assembly with our special visitor Reverend Barlow.
Week Commencing 2nd October 2023 (Nursery)
This week we have continued learning about Elmer, we have done some fun and exciting activities including Elmer sponge printing, hide and seek Elmer in multi coloured rice, Elephant handprints and repeating patterns. The children also really enjoyed playing outside this week in the garden in the water, and we started to introduce phonics. Well done to all the children!
Week Commencing 2nd October 2023 (Pre-School)
This week has been all about continuing to learn about each other and what are our favourite things, some of us like the colour pink and others blue what is your favourite colour?.
We have enjoyed making friendships playing with each other both in the classroom and outside on all the different toys and climbing equipment.
We have been exploring how we can make marks in flour and telling the adults how it felt it felt soft and one of us of even said 'fluffy' Great descriptive word!.
One of our favourite books is the hungry caterpillar which we have been enjoying at story time and even acting out being the caterpillar and then a beautiful butterfly.
We have concentrated very hard trying to thread the cotton reels on to the string which was a bit tricky but we didn't give up!.
Week commencing 25th September 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been learning about our new book Elmer. The children have really enjoyed creating their own Large Elmer, lots of colouring, painting and messy play. we have also been discussing during carpet time about people that make us happy, what makes us different and exploring different emotions, like smiley faces and sad faces.
Week commencing 18th September 2023! (Pre-School)
Well we have done another week in Pre School and you have all done brilliant!. You have learnt the routine and now put your things away independently which is amazing and you are all so willing to help each other.
This week we have been busy learning 'All about me' talking about how we are unique from our eye to hair colour and even our height as some of us are taller than others. On the creative table we have been making 'All about me' kites which have our name and height on, we picked which colour we wanted to use and showed how we use a paintbrush.
We have been learning that mark making isn't restricted to just drawing on paper you can make marks in sand, water and using different resources ice, chalk etc.
Next week we will continue to learn 'All about me' and how we can be kind to our environment indoors and outdoors.
Week commencing 18th September 2023! (Nursery)
This week in nursery we have been reading the book Peepo. The children have been talking about their families, painting self portraits and drawing who they live with.
The children have enjoyed making binoculars and using them to play eye spy.
In the garden the children have had fun playing in the mud kitchen cooking with mud, water and sand.
Week commencing 11th September 2023! (Pre-School)
Pre School would like to say a big welcome to all their new children it has been lovely meeting you all. You have settled in fantastically you have been busy exploring both the classroom and the outdoors and learning the classroom rules. At carpet time we have all introduced ourselves, learnt the days of the week and the month of the year songs.
Some beautiful friendships have been made already which is lovely to see and you are all happy to play together.
In the garden we have explored the mud kitchen, the climbing wall to the slide, kicked some balls and driven around in the big cars it has been so much fun.
Next week we will explore many other activities which we cannot wait to tell you all about.
Week commencing 11th September 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been doing our final part of transition, Settling the children into nursery. The children have done a fantastic job coming in every day and making lots of progress creating new friends.
We have been doing 'All about me' this week, learning about our friends and their families. we have been making out faces out of a mixture of materials and playdough, making ourselves out of shapes, and lots and lots of painting and coloring.
The children have really enjoyed getting to know everyone and getting the feel of there new classroom.