Preschool & Nursery
Week commencing 4th July 2022

We have been so busy in Nursery this week! On Wednesday we had our ‘Beach Day’. We paddled our feet and walked in the sand. We had to make either a cheese or jam sandwich to take on our picnic. We also had ice creams! In the classroom we had to use magnets to find hidden objects in the sand. For our art we used blue and yellow paint to represent the sea and sand. We could then choose pictures of beach objects to make our picture complete. Another creative activity was to design a picture using shells, scrunched up tissue paper, feathers and paper shapes.
Week commencing 27th June 2022

This week we have focused on ‘The Whale and the Snail’ book. We have been counting out snails to match the numbered parts on the whale. We have written postcards to our friends from our ‘travels.’ Outside we have been experimenting with colour mixing by sticking crepe paper onto white paper, then dripping water from a pipette to watch the colours run into each other on the paper.
As the holidays are fast approaching, we wanted to teach the children about road safety when they are out and about. We made our own lollipop for the crossing man/lady and a zebra crossing. We acted out a scenario whereby the ‘parent’ had to hold their child’s hand when they crossed the road. The children had fun whilst learning about a serious topic.
Preschool: Week Commencing 20th June 2022

Another fun learning week at Preschool. This week we enjoyed a lot of outdoor activities. We participated in a game called sponge toss and aimed at the numbers on floor with a wet sponge. The children enjoyed the nectar relay where they had to transfer nectar from the water tray in to the ice tray and learned how bees make nectar and transfer them to hives. We are getting much better at recognising numbers! It was fun to match numbered ice cream scoops to their numbered ice cream cone. We learned about summer fruits and practiced pronouncing some multi syllabic words like banana, watermelon and lemon whilst we made them with playdough. We have been practicing some initial sounds and I can say we are getting confident in phonics too.
Well done,
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Well Commencing 20th June 2022
This week, we have been completing activities relating to the story of the Rainbow Fish. We have sequenced the story talking about what came first, next, then and last. We also had to think about what the sea creatures might be thinking or saying and write our thoughts in speech bubbles. At story time the Rainbow Fish came to visit and spoke to the children about his experiences and how he now knows the importance of sharing if he wants to have friends. Outdoors we have been exploring water play. We have poured water into different containers to have first hand experiences of capacity. Our maths activity this week was to draw around shapes to make pictures.
Nursery: Week Commencing 13th June 2022
This week, we have been talking about Lighthouses out at sea, relating it to the Lighthouse keeper stories. The children have used very small paintbrushes to carefully paint within the lines of the lighthouse pictures. For literacy we have been writing shopping lists for the lighthouse keeper, so he can have his food delivered via a pulley basket. Outside we made beautiful marks on paper by grating some chalks into water and then floating the paper within the container. It made lovely colours and patterns.
We also had a special visitor into school to talk to us about looking after our teeth. We now know the correct way to brush them and for how long. We also talked about eating healthy foods and not to eat too many sweets and ice creams.
Preschool: Week Commencing 13th June 2022
Beat the heat with Preschool!
This week children have enjoyed some amazing summer activities. We watered the plants in the Preschool garden, made citrus soup in the water tray, enjoyed dandelion painting, and made some amazing patterns with an ice lolly. We discussed how we keep cool in the hot weather, what we wear, drinks and accessories. We are getting so much better at recognising numbers and we really enjoyed threading cheerios on a number umbrella.
We also decorated a Father's Day rosette. What a fantastic week!
Preschool: Week Commencing 6th June 2022

Welcome back Preschool!
Our learning topic for this term is Splash. It was great to celebrate World Ocean Day this week. We painted the color of the ocean and learned new shades of blue - turquoise and aquamarine. We discussed about the importance of the ocean, how we need to care about the environment and save the animals by throwing rubbish in the bin. We enjoyed a cleaning the ocean activity, where we had to work in pairs and litter pick. We then sorted rubbish into plastic, paper etc and counted how many were collected in a minute.
Well done everyone, save the ocean, save yourselves.
Nursery: Week Commencing 6th June 2022
Welcome back after the half term holidays! This half term in Nursery our topic will be ‘Splash’. We will be having fun with lots of water activities, whilst learning about water safety and its uses. This week has been exciting as it is Science week. We have experimented with ice to see if it melts faster when put in sugar, salt, water or in a dish on its own. We made a chart of our predictions. Some of us predicted correctly that the ice in the water melted the quickest. Our next experiment was to guess which objects would float or sink in a bowl of water. Another of our experiments involved colour mixing - we put some blue paint in water, then added yellow. We were amazed when we saw it turn green. We did it again with red and yellow and blue and red. All the staff in Nursery were so pleased to see children return to school this week with their bean that they took home to grow. They have nurtured them well. A special mention must go to Samuel who made a fantastic habitat for a small snail in the holidays. It is absolutely amazing!
Preschool: Week Commencing 23rd May 2022

Preschool had an incredible day celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. We took part in so many fun activities, designing our own ceramic plate and making celebration cards, playing traditional games, designing crowns, creating paper plate bunting, making Jubilee cheesecake, as well as learning some very interesting facts about The Queen. Everyone enjoyed a picnic in preschool garden followed by Jubilee lunch in the hall. It was amazing to see the children wave and parade in front of the whole school. It really was a great day and well done to everyone who dressed up, you all looked very royal!
Have a lovely half term.
Nursery: Week Commencing 23rd May 2022
This week in Nursery our explorer topic took us ‘under the sea’. We read the story of the Rainbow Fish and wrote reviews of the parts where we thought the fish was unkind and what happened when he started to share his scales. We painted the background of the sea and made collage pictures. For our maths this week we looked at repeated patterns of 2D shapes and tried to continue them. On Wednesday we had fun celebrating the Queens’s platinum Jubilee by dressing up, making crowns and spending time altogether to eat our lunch.
Nursery: Week Commencing 16th May 2022
As part of our explorers topic, we have been talking about ‘Pirates’. The pirate small world play encouraged lots of language. There was a treasure chest with real ‘treasure’, creatures from the sea and two pirate ships. For our literacy we had to scour the ‘treasure chest’ for hidden words and then ‘have-a-go’ at writing some of them. We carefully painted some fish in bright colours and added some sparkles to them. Outdoors we built pirate ships with the large waffle bricks and explored the tuff tray containing ‘Gelli Baff’ as the sea with lots of other natural materials to feel, touch and smell.
Nursery: Week Commencing 9th May 2022
This week in Nursery we had our Enrichment day which consisted of lots of different experiments and a ‘pretend’ trip to France and Spain. Our experiments included making a volcano and watching it erupt, making our own kinetic sand and magnetic play. Other activities included making invisible pictures with lemon juice and holding them up to the light to reveal the picture. We had a floating and sinking activity as well as a problem solving activity whereby we had to find out how to retrieve small objects from a block of ice. We made our own ‘rainbow’ when mixing water to skittles.
We ate French sticks, croissants and Spanish Tortilla for our snack. We now know how to say ’hello’, ’please’ and ’thank you’ in French! We also did some Flamenco dancing.
Preschool: Week Commencing 9th May 2022

We started our day enjoying a formal French breakfast which Mrs. Mamoon brought from France. We relished croissants, fruits and baguettes. We learned how to say some French words like; Bonjour and yes - Oui, Non - No before we tried the snack.
We then set off to rescue some dinosaurs trapped in ice. We tried different tools but were impressed to see the salt melt the ice. We did lots of science experiments. We explored Oobleck and watched the material change state, observed skittles exploding rainbow colors when water was added to it, and we mixed a variation of colours to make brown to paint volcanoes. The best part was to watch the lava erupt from the volcanoes. It looked phenomenal!
Preschool: Week Commencing 2nd May 2022

This week Preschool has been learning all about 'The Ocean' for our topic - Explorers.
We practised 2D shape recognition whilst matching shapes on a crab. We made rainbow fish and chose sparkly material for the scales. We explored pasta oceans and found fishes hiding under the deep blue sea. We created a big octopus poster and painted tentacles in primary colors. It was magical to play with the sensory ocean jar that we made.
We've had a super splashing week!
We cannot wait to celebrate Enrichment Day next week, Thursday. We would love to see children dressed up as Explorers in green, khaki, beige, grey or brown on the day.
Have a great weekend.
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 2nd May 2022
This week the Nursery children continued with our topic of ‘explorers’. We went to the Antarctic. We looked at repeating patterns of penguins, fish and polar bears. We also had to count how many of the animals we could see and match the number to the amount.
Outdoors we explored hidden objects in a magic bag. We had to move the ‘torch’ around to see what was inside. Our maths activity outside was to fill in the missing numbers using numbered gems, pasta pieces and counters. We made our own maps using tea bags to colour the paper. Once it was dried we drew on the details.
Nursery: Week Commencing 25th April 2022
We celebrated Eid this week by making lanterns and having a party.
We made passports so we could fly to ‘Spain’. Before we flew off we had to learn how to say ‘hello’ in Spanish and ‘let’s go to a party’. Dora the Explorer helped us to pronounce all the words correctly. We also carefully painted the Spanish flag.
Outside we explored making smelly paint by adding spices to white paint and painting on tin foil.
We also explored different colours by painting bread.
Preschool: Week Commencing 25th April 2022

This week Preschool travelled to the Arctic. We enjoyed playing as travel agents.
Our office got very busy: we made passports, tickets and attended calls. We helped pack clothes for Teddy to visit the Arctic. The children had to help pick the right items from a selection of hot and cold weather accessories for his suitcase.
We made igloos out of crates in the Preschool garden, fished like penguins, told adults the colour of our catch and enjoyed ice painting. What a brrrilliant week!
Happy Eid to all those celebrating.
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 18th April 2022
Hello everyone and welcome back after the Easter holidays!
Our new topic this half term in Nursery is “Explorers.”
This is a fun topic whereby we can pretend to visit other countries and speak different languages. We can also explore lots of sensory things!
This week we pretended to visit London on a train. We had to buy our ticket, find a seat and look at all the places in London. We saw the London eye, the Natural History museum, Buckingham palace and the Queen!
Outside we explored ‘magnets’ and tried to find all the magnetic items in different bottles. We also made England flags.
One child wanted to look at things with the special light, so he made himself a tent where it was so dark, his light shone brightly.
PreSchool: Week Commencing 18th April 2022

Welcome back! Hope you all had a great half term.
This week preschool went on a safari adventure. What a great start to our learning topic - Explorers.
We explored jungle animals and talked about their food, the colour of their skin, where they live and what sound they make. We spotted some jungle animals hiding in the preschool garden with our binoculars. We enjoyed creating rain for the rainforest using different equipment that made the best rain sounds. It was interesting to see children's knowledge about the rainforest in Africa and which mode of transport was best to travel around it. For Maths, the children had to identify the length of snake, whether it is long or short, then sorted them into colour, size or pattern. We had a great start to Summer term 1.
Where are we travelling next week?
It's somewhere near the North Pole and it's the house for penguins and polar bears.
Have a great week.
Preschool Team.
PreSchool: Week Commencing 28th March 2022

This week Preschool focused learning about Ladybirds for our topic - Minibeast.
We did a lot of maths activities like mixing a variation of red, using hand to print the body and fingers for spots. The children had to count the spots altogether and see if they were symmetrical on both side. We listened to some environmental sounds and helped our class ladybird listen to a range of instruments. Mrs Mamoon then played the sound whilst it was covered and we had to identify the instrument.
We also had a lot of Easter fun this week. We took home our lovely Easter cards and eggs. We enjoyed the egg and spoon race the most.
Wish you all a very Happy Easter!
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 28th March 2022
Another exciting, busy week in Nursery.
We have been working hard on our Minibeast information book. It contains lots of our drawings, colourings and writing. We have made creepy crawly creatures using playdough, buttons, feathers and pipe cleaners. We used 2D shapes to make Minibeast pictures.
Our caterpillars are now changing into butterflies inside their cocoons too!
We now just have to patiently wait!
Some of the children have been solving simple addition questions using tiny ladybirds on leaves.
As it is nearly Easter we have made some beautiful Easter baskets in the hope that the Easter bunny will bring us some chocolate eggs!
PreSchool: Week Commencing 21st March 2022
Colourful Spring!
Preschool celebrated Holi - the festival of colours. We made colour bombs by dipping sponges into our colourful bucket then splashed them on number cones. We linked our play to learn about spring - how it adds color to our surrounding. We enjoyed painting rainbows on ice and talked about how the weather changes at spring time - sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy. We watched a Spring video too!
The children were fascinated to see how spring welcomes baby animals and learned names of spring blooms like daffodils, tulips and bluebells. We also made some Tulips by using fork painting.
Preschool had and enrichment day to celebrate our topic - Minibeasts. We started the day doing an outdoor minibeast assault course, followed by making bug biscuits and spider sandwiches. We ended the fun day by doing the ugly bug ball in the hall. What a terrific term we are having.
Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mums and grandmas. Enjoy your special day.
Nursery: Week Commencing 21st March 2022

This week we have continued to find out information about Minibeasts and now we are writing our own information book!
On Thursday it was our Enrichment Day, we had so much fun! We made ladybird and bee biscuits as well as honey sandwiches. We went outdoors to crawl through tunnels like wriggly worms and jump from a low bench like grasshoppers. We played a Minibeast game in the hall. This was exciting as we had to do lots of dancing and exercise. We have been closely observing our caterpillars, watching them grow daily. Today we noticed that some of them have now hidden in their cocoons.
We hope to have butterflies soon!!
Nursery: Week Commencing 14th March 2022
This week, our story relating to our Minibeast topic was ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. To help improve our fine motor skills we used pegs to pick up wriggly worms and feed them to the birds. We also had to do super counting by looking at the number at the head of the worm and put on the correct amount of beads. We used plastic worms of different lengths to put them in order so we could find out which one was the longest.
Our springy spider activity was great fun.
We had to bounce them up and down to catch the bugs. Once we had caught them we turned them upside down to find out the number on the bottom.
Pre School: Week Commencing 14th March 2022

This week, Preschool's learning focus was all about spiders. We made playdough spiders, explored shaving foam webs, made spider crafts and acted out the incy wincy spider rhyme at the water tray. Whilst having so much fun exploring, we learned that the spider has eight legs, two eyes, its colour, where they live and what they eat. I was blown away with our understanding of the tricky word symmetry.
Pre School: Week Commencing 7th March 2022

A special visitor!
The school therapy dog, Benji made his guest appearance at preschool this week. The children were delighted to welcome him. Benji wagged his tail excitedly whilst the children took turns to stroke him. What a treat!
This week we learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly. The children enjoyed exploring the science tray. They had to narrate the process and sequence the life cycle correctly. We practiced our fine motor skills and rescued some pasta caterpillars using tongs from the spider web and we even matched colours on butterfly wings to see if they were symmetrical. For our P.E lesson we carried out a bug challenge, we crawled like a worm, slithered like a slug, flapped wings like a butterfly and stood still like a spider to catch a prey.
Nursery: Week Commencing 7th March 2022
This week we have focused on the ‘Bad Tempered Ladybird’ book. We have been painting pasta shells to look like ladybirds. We printed ladybirds using half of a potato. We made a small world tray of ladybirds and other bugs. On the tray, there were lots of pots that we could use to smell and touch. Miss Hooper also set up a perfume making station outdoors, where we could mix up lots of potions that had lovely smells and they were all different colours.
Nursery: Week Commencing 28th February 2022

This week we have been reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ book by Eric Carle. We have made butterflies with symmetrical wings by painting one half of our paper then folding it over to make the wings look the same.
We made caterpillars by writing each letter of our names on small circles of paper and joining them all together. At snack time we talked about all the food the hungry caterpillar ate and sampled some ourselves. We tried oranges, apple, pears and watermelon which we said was very healthy and then we had a chocolate biscuit which we said was less healthy. We had an exciting day when we dressed up for World Book Day. It was good to see so many different book characters!
Preschool: Week Commencing 28th February 2022

Brilliant bug adventure!
Preschoolers had an amazing week learning about different minibeasts. We enjoyed looking at bugs and beetles through our magnifying glasses at our exploration table. We spotted some slugs and earth worms wriggling in our preschool garden.
The children then had to retell the story of 'The very hungry caterpillar'. They had to count and name the food items the caterpillar ate through the week.
We also made some delicious pancakes to celebrate Pancake Day.
Preschool: Week Commencing 21st February 2022

What a fantastic week to start the new half term!
Our topic is 'Minibeasts'.
We had a special visitor from the library who read some amazing books about caterpillars and ladybugs. The children thoroughly enjoyed the session and got some amazing books to take home. This week we focused on colours, shapes, numbers, and some initial alphabet sounds. We were really impressed to see some of our children recognising the first letter of their name. As the weather is getting brighter, we also had a mini picnic in preschool garden. Such a great way to end the week.
We will celebrate pancake day next week Tuesday and World Book Day on Friday. I can't wait for another exciting week!
Have a great weekend.
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 21st February 2022
Welcome back after the half term holidays! This half term our topic will be ‘Minibeasts’. We have already started to learn lots of different facts about bugs. We did an experiment to find out why spiders do not stick to their webs but other bugs do. We had to touch our sellotaped spider web with our fingers and they stuck. We then dipped our fingers in oil and tried again. This time our fingers did not stick. We now know that spiders have a special oil on their feet so they do not stick to their own webs. We were lucky to have Cheryl visit us from Grays library to read us a story. She gave us all a special book pack to take home. We have made caterpillars and ordered minibeasts by size. We have been counting spots to put on our ladybirds.
Nursery: Week Commencing 7th February 2022

We had a fun time this week, playing lots of turn taking games.
We also worked hard making a beautiful collage for the Bradleigh hall where we had to scrunch up tissue paper and stick colourful squares to make a fantastic dove, symbolizing ‘peace’.
On Friday, we dressed up as someone we would like to be when we grow up.
We would like to wish you all a great half term and will see you again on the 22nd February!
Pre School: Week Commencing 31st January 2022

Happy Chinese New Year from Preschool.
It's the year of the tiger! We welcomed the New year beating drums and dancing on the beats. We read the book, 'The tiger who came to tea' and talked about tigers, their colour, sound, habitat and made some fruity tea in the water tray. It was fun to copy some Chinese numerals and make marks on red rice tray. We decorated our class with the famous red and yellow paper chain and lanterns. The children tried some delicious noodles too. Hope you all have a fantastic New Year!
Nursery: Week Commencing 31st January 2022
Our fairy story in Nursery this week was The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We made collage Billy Goats as well as a lovely bridge for them to cross. We examined our beans from two weeks ago; they have grown so tall. Our science experiment this week was to grow grass for the goats. We want to see how the grass will grow in different conditions, so we have put a pot in the dark cupboard and a pot on top of the cupboard in the light. We have given some pots soil and water and others no soil and no water. We will examine the pots next week to see what happens!
Preschool: Week Commencing 24th January 2022
This week Preschool focused on the story of 'The Three Billy Goat Gruff'. The children enjoyed exploring different terrains - mud, water, grass, stones, sand etc and describing what it feels like, our favourite texture and who might live there. We matched a fuzzy felts selection of fairy tale story pieces to create a story board and retell the stories. We enjoyed building a strong bridge for the Billy Goat Gruff using a range of materials - which ones were the best for building?
We then trip trapped like the goats in Preschool garden. It's been such a fun week at Preschool.
Can you guess what our story for will be next week?
It's a story about the bears, porridge, and a little girl.
Have a good weekend!
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 24th January 2022
This week, Nursery children focused on the story of The 3 Little Pigs.
We have been very creative, making pictures with various resources. We made ‘huff and puff’ paintings by blowing runny paint with straws. We looked at 2D shapes when colouring in the pigs houses. The children were shown how to paint a pig using simple shapes. Other activities included re-telling the story by way of a story map and making 3D houses with straw, wooden sticks and painted bricks.
Nursery: Week Commencing 17th January 2022

This week we focused on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. As part of our enrichment day, we spent some time in the hall, balancing, climbing and jumping on the apparatus.
We had to follow instructions to plant a seed. Hopefully we will soon have some beanstalks. Hope they do not grow as tall as Jack’s!
Some children designed their own Jack and the Beanstalk picture and re-told the story. As part of our maths development we counted out beans and put them onto numbered leaves.
Preschool: Week Commencing 17th January 2022
Fi Fy Fo Fum, playing in Preschool is so much fun!
The children enjoyed dressing up for Enrichment day. We planted our magic beans, snipped weeds from the bean stalk, counted beans, whooshed our wands on the salt bean tray to make some magical marks and even threaded cheerios to create a bean stalk. We were super impressed to see the children use story language and retell the story.
Which fairy tale story are we exploring next week?
Can't wait!
Have a great week.
Preschool Team
Nursery: Week Commencing 10th January 2022

This week we continued with our activities linking them to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In the garden we set up a tea party for the bears and invited Goldilocks along. We also mixed up pretend ‘porridge’ in different sized bowls. On one of the tuff trays we re-told the story using lots of natural resources. We used rice crispies to make a crunchy path for Goldilocks to walk along and used green spaghetti for the woods with mushrooms. Our cutting skills were put to the test when we had to cut out pictures to stick on our story map. When painting bears we had to listen carefully to instructions. We made a small circle for the bears head, a bigger circle for his tummy and painted rectangles for his arms and legs.
Nursery: Week Commencing 3rd January 2022

Welcome back after the Christmas break and a Happy New Year to you all. This half term our topic will be Fairy Tales. We have already read the story about Goldilocks and the three bears and acted out the story. We made porridge that was thick and lumpy, some that was runny and some that was perfect for baby bear. Lots of the children described the porridge as they had heard told in the story. Outside we explored the ice that had formed in our construction boxes. We played with penguins in the snow (shaving cream) and picked up colourful spaghetti with tweezers.
Week Commencing 13th December 2021
Wow! What an exciting week this has been in Nursery. We had a wonderful Christmas party on Wednesday with lots of lovely food and drink. (Thank you for all the lovely food that was brought in for the children).
We enjoyed dancing and playing games. On Thursday we had a surprise visit from Mrs Claus, but unfortunately she was not able to stay long as she had to get back to Lapland to help Mr Santa Claus who has been very busy.
On Friday, we enjoyed going to the ‘cinema’. We had to match our ticket number to the correct seat. We ate popcorn and had our drinks.
On behalf of everyone in the Nursery I would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas break and a Happy New Year.
Mrs Walsh
Preschool: Week Commencing 13th December 2021

The highlight of this week was our fabulous Christmas class party!
Preschool had a lot of fun playing games like pin the nose of Rudolph, musical chairs, make your hot chocolate, musical statues and many more. It was a treat to watch children enjoy the Christmas table and participate in lots of festive activities. I am so proud to see the progress and achievement our children have made this term.
All of the Preschool team would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Happy holidays!
Nursery: Week Commencing 6th December 2021
All this week we have been practising our Christmas songs. We have dressed up in costumes and
acted out the Navity story. Our funny song was ‘When Santa got stuck up the Chimney’.
Next Wednesday we will be celebrating the festive season with a party!
Pre School: Week Commencing 6th December 2021
Preschoolers had so much fun,
Working together we got the job done!
This week we were builders. We talked about what builders wear, names of trucks, tools and masonry. We've been mending cornflakes roads, building towers with wooden blocks and shaving foam cement. No job is too small! We enjoyed exploring our sensory construction site and got messy printing block houses. Whilst having so much fun we focused on counting objects and shape/ colour recognition. I am sure you will remember to practice the rainbow song.
It's looking jolly in preschool. We made lots of Christmas crafts, cards and recorded our Christmas video. Don't forget to come in your Christmas jumper for our Christmas class party on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend!
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 29th November 2021
This week in Nursery, we talked about People who help us in the Post Office. We wrote letters, stuck on stamps and posted them in our post box. We talked about heavy and light parcels after watching a video about things that might be heavy or light. We had to use scales to weigh them. To help develop all the muscles in our hands we had lots of rolling of playdough to do. We made long hoses for the fire engines. Some children shared books about Bob the Builder. To help with our maths we played a game of Bingo and counted out cakes and parcels to give Teddy on the interactive whiteboard. We made Christmas cards too which will be a surprise to take home in the next couple of weeks!
Preschool: Week Commencing 29th November 2021

Another fun week at preschool being hairdressers. We've practiced our scissor skills a lot this week. We gave paper roll smileys a makeover, painted nails, cut spaghetti and pasta hair, did comb painting, and enjoyed working at the preschool salon the most. Whilst having so much fun, the children have practiced their fine motor skills, understood the world while exploring different materials and learned new vocabulary with words like hairdresser, appointment, haircut, scissor, comb etc. It was lovely to watch the children play with increasing confidence on their own and with others. They can now confidently talk about their preferences and decisions.
Do you know what we will be next week?
Here's the clue; someone who wears a hard yellow hat, someone who drills and hammers, someone who rides the digger. Shhh don't tell me now, I will ask you on Monday.
Have a great weekend.
Keep safe!
Preschool Team.
Preschool: Week Commencing 22nd November 2021
You've got mail!
This week our little postmen have worked really hard. We were busy delivering letters and parcels. We sorted letters and matched them to the right colour envelope, counted stamps, painted a post box, wrapped parcels, enjoyed listening to Postman pat stories and sang our Abc song. We also made our junk model post van.
As the weather is getting cold, we thought it would be nice to make a bird feeder with cheerios and pipe-cleaners. We talked about who would visit the garden and peck on some cheerios and why it is important to care for birds and animals.
Here's a clue for what we will be doing next week - It's someone who uses scissors, gives you a nice head massage, paints your nails...
Can you ask the children these questions and be ready to share on Monday?
Have a great weekend!
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 22nd November 2021
Another fun, busy week in Nursery playing games and thinking about ‘People who help us.’ This week we have talked about our teeth, going to the dentist and eating healthy foods. Outside we had to look at the number on the teeth and make that amount of teeth using small pieces of cotton wool. One of our games called ’Stomach Ache’ was to make a plate of healthy food. Another of our turn taking games was called ‘Two by Two’, whereby the children had to listen, pay attention and remember where the animals are, pair them up and then place them together in Noah’s Ark. We have focused on making repeating patterns with linking elephants and also ourselves! We stood together to make the pattern boy, girl, boy, girl. Next week we will begin to focus on songs and activities for Christmas as it is approaching fast!
Nursery: Week Commencing 15th November 2021
In Nursery, this week we have been cutting and sticking to make ‘people who help us’ dice. We talked about the people and discussed the jobs they do. We have been playing with the small world fire station and singing the 5 Little Firemen song. On the interactive whiteboard we placed pictures of emergency vehicles with numbers on them. The children then had to match the correct amount of people to go into each vehicle. The challenge was not only to count out the correct amount of people but to match the paramedics to the ambulance, the firefighters to the fire engine and the police to the police car.
Preschool: Week Commencing 15th November 2021

Another fun week at preschool learning about 'Doctors' from the topic 'People who help us'.
We turned our preschool classroom into a hospital and each day we had activities focusing on different departments. We were nurses, doctors, dentists, vets, opticians and pharmacists. Children have enjoyed dressing up as surgeons, learned names of different tools and operated on Mr. Sick. We counted our finger bones and looked at some x-rays, we did some mark making on ketchup blood, filled syringes with colorful medicine, extracted decayed tooth with tweezers, we made glasses with pipe cleaners, brushed and flossed teeth, sorted pom pom pills in correct color bottles and talked about healthy and unhealthy food.
It's been a very busy week at preschool. I am sure many of our children will choose this profession and help us keep safe and healthy.
Can't wait to find out who will we be next week?
Have a great weekend.
Preschool Team.
Preschool Week Commencing 8th November 2021

What you sow today, you harvest later.
Our little farmers had a very busy week at preschool. We worked on our finger muscle a lot this week. We have milked cows, fed farm animals, pulled out spaghetti worms from the soil, ploughed field with tractors, harvested crops and enjoyed udder painting. We explored outdoor and gathered natural materials to make animal houses. Whilst having fun doing all the exciting activities, we learned animal names, sound, habitat and food. We can now tell the difference between farm animals and wild animals.
We learned about the importance of Remembrance Day, finger painted poppies and respectfully observed silence for two whole minutes listening the sound of bugle. I am so proud of each one of you. I wonder who will we learn about next week? Can't wait!
Have a great weekend.
Preschool Team.
Nursery Week Commencing 1st November
Preschool Week Commencing 1st November
Wow what an amazing start to Autumn 2!
We are exploring our new topic 'People who help us'. This week we learned about Firemen. We thoroughly enjoyed singing 'London's burning' in English and French, we made fire fighter hats and our very own junk fire engine model. We now know that we dial a special number 999 to seek help from our heroes. We also talked about the festival of lights - Diwali and made salt dough diyas. Today we listened to a very interesting story about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. We enjoyed making firework painting using toilet rolls.
We cannot wait to find who we will learn about next week. Have a wonderful weekend.
Preschool Team.
Nursery: Week Commencing 18th October 2021
Preschool: Week Commencing 18th October
We had a very busy half term learning 'All about me'.
This week the children learned about different emotions. We did a science experiment to see different color fizz out of the emotion tube. We talked about all the things that made us happy or sad. We enjoyed copying the emotion tube.
Our book of the week is Room on the broom. We explored the story table; we stirred some magic portions, we made magical firework painting using spaghetti broom and made our own magic broom with pretzel and cheese string.
Nursery: Week Commencing 11th October
Nursery: Week Commencing 27th September 2021

This week in Nursery we have been making marks in sugar, cornflour and flour. We have talked about the feelings of others and ourselves whilst doing emotion puzzles. Our challenge this week on our literacy table was to match the sticky letters to our boards to make simple words. Each day we have looked at our different senses. We have used smelling pots, had tasting sessions and played listening games.
Nursery: Week Commencing 20th September 2021
All of our Nursery children have now settled well and had a fun week. We opened up the Fairy Garden where the children could hide the fairies in the tree house, make mud pies in the mud kitchen and jump over the tyres.