Pre-School & Nursery
Week commencing 17th July 2023! (Pre-School)
We have finally come to the end of our time in Pre School what a fun, magical and joyful journey we have all been on together. It has been wonderful watching you all grow from your very first day back in September, celebrating birthdays and watching you overcome obstacles. You have done amazing we are so proud of you all!.
To celebrate our last week together we spent the whole day Tuesday with Nursery for our Enrichment day where we played seaside games such as hook a toy, enjoyed making ice creams at the ice cream stall, paddling in the sea and making sandcastles in the sand.
We enjoyed a lovely picnic of cheese and jam sandwiches which we helped make and because we were at the seaside we had some yummy scrummy ice cream.
This week has been so much fun playing with our friends and all our favourite toys before we leave for the holidays.
Have a lovely 6 weeks and we look forward to seeing you as you continue your journey into Nursery.
We are so proud of you!
Week commencing 10th July 2023! (Pre-School)
This week we have continued with our phonics, learning a new sound every day and which sounds are stretchy M is stretchy and which sound is bouncy B is stretchy. Maybe over the weekend or just before bedtime you can sit with your child and practice their sounds, you will be amazed at how well they can do.
We have loved playing with the under the sea finger puppets seeing how many we could name and singing songs with our friends.
On the creative table we have been making some gorgeous shiny shells to put up on our splash display in the room. So far, we have pirate flags, eye patches and lots of sea animals including some snappy crabs.
We have been developing our fine motor skills by following under the sea tracing pictures, seeing which hand feels more comfortable and if we use a tripod grip or pincer grip in readiness for Nursery.
Week commencing 3rd July 2023! (Pre-School)
Let's take a look at what we have been up to in Pre School this week. This week we have been learning all about pirates! it has been fun dressing up as a pirate and walking the plank, below us there were fish, an octopus, a seahorse and even a shark but it was ok the shark didn't get us phew!.
We have been busy making telescopes, using them to look for the treasure the pirates have stolen they were very sneaky and took it when we wasn't looking.
On the maths table we have been using our detective skills looking for shells and matching them to their outline some were a little tricky but we did it.
Outside we played a game called 'Balance the hoop' we carefully balanced a hoop on top of our head then walked ever so slowly hoping not to drop the hoop, our friends helped by cheering us on!
Week commencing 26th June 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been learning about our new book, The snail and the whale. The children really enjoyed taking part in a range of activities such as, gone fishing, making their own snail and the whale in the sea, sensory mats to mark make, shapes numbers and letters, Snail repeating pattern using cotton buds. The children loved to take part in all the activities.
Week commencing 26th June 2023! (Pre-School)
What have we been doing in Pre school this week, well lets find out. We have had lots of fun creating new colours by combining two colours together we made orange by combining red and yellow, green using blue and yellow and purple using blue and red it was fascinating seeing them mix together, we even made simple predictions as to what the colours will make.
At carpet time we chose a friend to sit opposite and holding hands we sang 'row row row your boat' the water got a bit choppy when the crocodile was near but we scared it again with a big scream!.
The weather has been a bit funny this week one day hot the other day rain which bring lots of different learning opportunities, observing the weather, what insects like to come out when its dry and wet and discovering if you can use chalk on the ground when its wet. Maybe over the weekend you can encourage your little ones to explore the weather and they can tell their grown ups in the room what they have learnt when they come back.
Week commencing 19th June 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been continuing learning about the rainbow fish, we have continued to do some really fun activities, the children have loved mark making with our icelolly, playing in a beach sensory tray, repeating patters on our fishes scales, gone fishing in the water, and making under the ocean from playdough. Its been a very fun and exciting week and the children have loved getting messy.
Week commencing 19th June 2023! (Pre-School)
What another fun and exciting week here in Pre School we have been busy making crabs which we made by mixing red and yellow on our hands then pressing down on the paper, working on our fine motor skills by threading using cotton reels and string and learning lots of new sounds.
There was a not so scary octopus in the room and using the multilink cubes we measured how long each tentacle was, some were long and others short.
We have enjoyed going to the beach and exploring how the sand feels as it flows through our hands and writing letters and numbers in the sand.
With the weather hotting up we have been busy making some yummy cool lemonade in the water tray.
Week commencing 12th June 2023! (Nursery)
This week in Nursery we have been reading the book ‘The Rainbow Fish.’ We have been exploring how to make friends and to show care and kindness to others.
The children have really enjoyed designing their own rainbow fish using a variety of different materials.
Choosing colours from the rainbow fish the children have been practicing their writing by either tracing the words, copying or independently writing.
The children have also had fun learning to share and take turns whilst playing ‘hook a fish’, counting how many fish they have caught.
Week commencing 12th June 2023! (Pre-School)
Firstly we would like to say welcome back to all our little pre-schoolers we hope you enjoyed your 2 week break.
You all settled in amazingly and got straight back to learning. This terms topic is splash and this week we are looking at the book 'The little mermaid' have you been to see the new film out at the cinema, maybe some of you did over the half term?
We have enjoyed playing with the pirate ships and exploring the feel of sand which in the story. On the creative table we have been busy making something special for the special man in our lives.
Now we know the weather is heating up and we have been spending time outside, but we have been playing with lots of water keeping ourselves cool.
Week commencing 22nd May 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been continuing to learn about the book 'Each peach pear plum'. we have lots of fun learning the nursery rhymes from the book at carpet time, we have been making fruit from playdough, matching the numicon to the characters from the book, we have had a i spy tuff tray to find the characters, we moved out caterpillers/cacoons into the net so become butterflys. Today we did a colour match activity and the children have really enjoyed sorting the objects into the correct colours.
Week commencing 22nd May 2023! (Pre-School)
The final week of our learning for this term has come to an end, we have had so much fun learning about the different things that grow and change over time.
This week we have been recapping what we have leant over the past weeks from flowers and food growing from seeds, to how the weather changes and how we start of as babies but grow over time.
We have enjoyed doing lots of fun activities such as measuring how tall our friends are using cubes and placing each other into height order from tallest to smallest.
We have been growing in independence by trying our best to dress the babies asking for help when we needed it. We have also been very kind and helpful to each other helping with zips and buttons showing how much of a good friend we are.
Week commencing 15th May 2023! (Pre-School)
This week we have been learning about a tricky word called Decay and what effect certain foods and drinks have on our teeth. We started a Science experiment on Tuesday where we placed an egg into a cup filled with different drinks, coffee, apple juice, water and a fizzy drink and one with vinegar. We have been observing what happens to the eggs shell overtime. The egg shell representing the enamel on our teeth has started to decay due to all the sugar and acidity in the different drinks.
Throughout the week we have been showcasing how kind we can be to each other and helping each other with tasks some find difficult to do such as pushing the tap on or helping with their zips. What lovely manners you are showing.
On the creative table we have been busy bees making lots of lovely bits for our new hall display which we are all very proud of.
Week commencing 15th May 2023! (Nursery)
This week nursery have been reading the book Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. During carpet time they have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods and rhyming words. They have really enjoyed learning about rhyming words from the book and finding their own rhyming words. The children have also been making collage fruits and symmetry fruit stamping. They each made a shopping list of their favorite fruit and vegetables.
Week commencing 9th May 2023!
This week we have been continuing learning about owl babies, we have done lots of fun activities involving the owls and we have really focused on feelings and emotions. Towards the end of the week the children have been working really hard to create coronation decoration for our tea party on Friday. we have had lots of fun finishing our owl book this week and talking lots about coronation and why we are celebrating on Friday!
Week commencing 9th May 2023!
This week we have been learning about how caterpillars hatch from a tiny egg and how they become a beautiful butterfly.
Did you know they make a special house around themself called a cocoon and they stay inside for more than 2 weeks isn't that fascinating.
In class we have been very busy doing many caterpillar related crafts and activities. We have made our own caterpillars using a tube counting how many circles we wanted for their body not forgetting to draw a face to tell how they were feeling, some felt sad, happy and some were even grumpy.
We made some magic happen in one of the trays, using magnetic wands we made the butterflies fly it was amazing to see.
We have been making a crown in preparation to celebrate King Charles IIIs coronation we cannot wait to wear them so we look like Royalty.
Week commencing 2nd May 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been learning about the book 'Owl Babies'. We have done some fun activates, such as making their own owls with tissue paper, mark making with feathers, writing their names, owl painting symmetry, we have learnt about feelings aswell, and how the owl would have felt when their mummy had gone? we also done fun activity's about measuring our friends with multi links. We have had lots of the fun this week, and are continuing to learn about owl babies next week too.
Week commencing 2nd May 2023! (Pre-School)
This week we have been looking at how we grow and how we grow at different rates to eachother. We drew around our foot and using multi link cubes we counted how big our foot was, we also looked at the size of our feet comparing them to our friends feet some were small and others were big.
We played a new game on the Maths table called Dominoes, we had to count the ladybirds spot then try to find the matching one which was fun.
At carpet time we have been looking at height differences and arranging ourselves and our friends into height order from tallest to smallest using language such as big, tall, small and short, we even did this with the adults in the room.
Outside we have been blessed with lots of different creatures , so far we have seen snails, ladybirds, wiggly worms and a woodlouse. Maybe over the weekend you can go on a bug/insect hunt and tell your grown up what they are called.
Week commencing 24th April 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been continuing our learning on The very hungry caterpillar, we have done some very fun activities, such as caterpillar crunch counting and number recognition. caterpillar names, butterfly and caterpillars masks, tracing there own caterpillars, and Healthy and unhealthy foods.
Week commencing 24th April 2023! (Pre-School)
This week we have been taking a close look at the weather and how one minute it may be sunny the next raining and what causes the sudden change. Did you know if it rains and is sunny at the same time it makes something magical with lots of colours in do you know what its called?.
We sat down as a group and discussed where we can see the sun, clouds and snow and where the rain comes from we even spoke about thunder and lightening
In the classroom we have been creating our own rain by pouring water into sieves hanging from the ceiling watching closely as it drips through the holes.
And on the creative table we have been busy making beautiful flowers using egg cartons to go on the new display in the room.
Next week we will be looking at how we have changed from when were babies to the age we are now and what comes next in our growing up journey.
Week commencing 17th April 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been doing the hungry caterpillar, the children have really enjoyed making their own caterpillars, symmetry butterfly's, feeling the hungry caterpillar, we have also been learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar to a butterfly, and toward the end of the week we have now growing our own cress. Lots of lovely fun and engaging activities!
Week commencing 17th April 2023! (Pre-School)
Firstly we would like to say a big welcome back, my my how you have all grown and its only been 2 weeks!.
You all did amazing coming back and settling into Pre School life again we are so proud of you!.
This term we are learning about Change and how everything changes from fruit and flowers growing from seeds and bulbs , to how the weather changes one minute it can be nice and sunny the next lots of lots of rain and even how we were once babies and now we are growing up fast.
The book we have been looking at this week is Jack and the Beanstalk looking at how the Beanstalk grew from the magic beans Jack traded for his cow.
We made our own Beanstalk using Duplo seeing how high it would go before reaching the Giant in his castle and
we decorated magic beans on the creative table using tissue paper, feathers and glitter to make them extra special.
To celebrate Ramadan we made cards with moons and stars on which we took home to our families.
Week commencing 27th March 2023! (Nursery)
This week we have been learning about 'Dear zoo', We have really enjoyed a range of activates, from animal packing, packing our animals to send them back. We have also made our lovely Easter chick card this week that have gone home to parents, and today we are enjoying enrichment day! The children look Fantastic dressed up in animal costumes! We have had a very fun and exciting term and the children have enjoy lots of fun activities that we have done. Have a great half term!
Week commencing 27th March 2023! (Pre-School)
What a fun and exciting week we have had. We have had fun making animal ears for our Enrichment day which is this Friday, we will be joining our friends in Nursery for the whole day which is going to be fun.
We have been exploring the effect of wind on bubbles when we blew them watching them fly away going higher and higher.
In the water tray we painted with different coloured ice that were in the shape of lollipops, it was fun watching all the different colours melt to make one big colour.
On Thursday we had a HUGE surprise we had a very special visitor... The Easter bunny!. We shook his hand and he even left us some Easter eggs to find.
We would like to wish you all a lovely and fun half term and we look forward to seeing you in two weeks.
Week commencing 20th March 2023! (Nursery)
This week in nursery, we have been learning about the book ‘dear zoo’. We have been doing lots of lovely fun things, such as our number counting animals, playing in our animal enclosure tuff tray, making animals using cardboard tubes and our lovely eye spy zoo animal tuff tray. We have also been really focusing on our numbers this week and learning how to write them independently.
Week commencing 20th March 2023! (Pre-School)
Another fun and busy week learning all about the important role of a vet and who they look after. Did you know vets dont just look after animals you might have at home they also go to farms and zoos to look after those animals if they are poorly.
Maybe you can sit down with your child and see how many different animals they know?.
We have enjoyed playing vets looking after the poorly animals, listening to their heartbeat and putting on plasters if they have a cut.
To finish off looking like a vet we made vet headbands with a special mirror at the top so we can look closely at the animal to see what was wrong.
Next week will be our Enrichment day on Friday and we are encouraging everyone in Pre School to dress up as a playful pet, you could be a dog, cat or even a fluffy Hamster it will be fun to see you all dressed up.
Have a lovely weekend!
Week commencing 13th March 2023! (Nursery)
Our topic this term is amazing animals, this week we have been reading Tea Tiger Who Came To Tea.
The children have enjoyed this story and have been making and colouring tiger masks and using their hand prints to create a tiger they used their fingers to paint on the stripes.
Week commencing 13th March 2023! (Pre-School)
We have had a fun and interesting week learning all about Rabbits, what food they eat and how to take care of them.
Here's an interesting fact did you know not only do Rabbits eat orange carrots and green lettuce they also like to eat corn do you know what colour corn is?.
On the mark making table we drew a yummy plate of food for the hungry rabbit to eat, we drew carrots, corn, lettuce and apples the rabbit was very grateful!.
We have been helping our friends complete puzzles and gave each other a high five to say well done.
We have also been joining our Nursery friends in their playground in the afternoon forming new friendships and exploring their toys and resources which has been exciting.
Next week we will be learning about the important role of a vet and how they are different to our doctors.
Week commencing 6th March 2023! (Nursery)
This week in Nursery our topic of the week is 'The tiger who comes to tea'. The children really enjoyed all the fun actives we had planned and done. From the begging of the week, we have had tiger rice, math's number match with the tigers, the children have designed their own patterns if they were an animal themselves, orange sensory trays, and a really amazing animal pattern in the water. One of our very creative children in nursery made his very own animal enclosure for the tiger. We have had a really fun week this week!
Week commencing 6th March 2023! (Pre-School)
What an amazing week we have had learning about our playful pets, this week we have been learning about little pets called hamsters.
On the creative table we have been busy making homes and beds for them using lovely soft cotton wool and brown hay which they like to burrow in.
We have been practicing writing the letter h in fun glittery sand using a paintbrush and moving the hamster on the hamster wheel to the different shapes.
At carpet time we have had fun playing lots of group games such as 'There is something in my bucket' and 'Bounce the teddy' if you hear your child singing or doing the actions to the song feel free to join in.
Week commencing 27th February 2023!
What a fun and busy week we have had this week, we have been looking at the book 'That's not my Kitten' and learning lots of interesting facts about cats and how to look after them.
On the creative table this week we explored what marks can be made rolling a kitten ball toy in paint and doing so created a new colour.
On the maths table we have been feeding a very hungry kitten where we discovered kittens eat smaller food then dogs because their tummies are smaller.
This week we celebrated World book day on Thursday and we had some lovely costumes worn by the children and of course the grown ups in the room.
Next week we will be looking at the book 'That's not my Hamster', which if you have at home feel free to read it to the children ready for next weeks learning.
Week commencing 20th February 2023
Firstly we would like to say a BIG welcome back we hope you had a lovely break and had lots of fun.
We have a new topic this month which is playful pets and this week we have been reading the book 'That's not my puppy' which uses descriptive words such as fluffy and bumpy.
We have been doing lots of dog related activities, we have feed a puppy on the maths table, coloured in some dog pictures and even rescued the dogs using boats in the water tray we were just like Zuma from Paw Patrol.
Next week we will be learning all about Kittens and reading the book 'That's not my Kitten', maybe if you have that story at home you could read it to your child over the weekend ready for next week.
Have a lovely and fun weekend!
Week commencing 6th February 2023
This week we have been recapping what we have been learning this term and decorating a big beautiful rainbow and some yummy corn for our new display in the hall.
When we come back after half term we will be learning a new topic relating to pets, maybe if you have a pet at home you could send in a picture when the children return.
Have a lovely half term.
Week commencing 30th January 2023
This week we have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Week commencing 30th January 2023
We have had a very busy week finishing off learning about old Mcdonald who had a farm, and on his farm he had lots of different animals which we have been making on the creative table.
In the water tray we have been trying our hardest to use the pipettes to fill the different size cups which took a long time.
And enjoying listening to stories read by an adult.
On mark making this week have been exploring different ways of making marks using our fingers, twigs and paintbrushes in pretty glitter which was fun.
On Friday we will be joining our friends in Nursery to take part in our Enrichment day which will be involving lots of fun games and exploring different experiments.
Week commencing 30th January 2023
This week we have been learning about The Gingerbread man the children have been re-telling the story and decorating a giant gingerbread house in the tough tray.
Week commencing 23rd January 2023
This week we have been learning the Nursery Rhyme Mcdonald had a farm, doing many fun activities such as making duck handprints using yellow paint, rescuing the animals which had been frozen in ice and making animal masks.
We even did a science experiment where we discovered what happened when you mix water with skittles, and do you know what happens it makes a beautiful rainbow which we then drew.
Next week we will be having our enrichment day with lots of fun and exciting activities which we can't wait to do.
Week commencing 16th January 2023
This week we have been busy learning all about the Nursery Rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock. We made mice and a clock to go on our display in our room, made mice using brown playdough and even decorated some biscuits to look like clocks using raisins and icing.
At carpet time we have been practicing singing the Hickory Dickory Dock song and learning the actions.
We have celebrated 3 birthdays this month, Happy Birthday we hope you had a lovely time celebrating.
Next week we will be learning about old Mcdonald had a farm and doing lots of fun and exciting activities.
Week commencing 9th January 2023
This week we have really been focusing on learning how to write our names, either tracing or using the whiteboard to copy.
Week commencing 9th January 2023
Well what a busy we have been having, this week we have been concentrating on the Nursery Rhyme Incy Wincy Spider you may have heard us singing it at home.
We have made Incy Wincy spiders using our handprints which have gone on our display. Been busy playing lots of turn taking games and made spiders with black playdough.
We have also been learning a life skill this week we have been learning to pour our own drinks at snack time and we didnt spill a drop.
Next week we will be doing lots of activities to do with Hickory Dickory Dock.
Have a lovely Weekend.
Week commencing 2nd January 2023
This term we are learning about fairytales, the children are retelling the three little pigs story.
Week commencing 2nd January 2023
Welcome Back! We hope you all had a lovely break.
It is lovely to see you all back and eager to get back into Pre School life.
This week has just been about resettling in, remembering the classroom rules and expectations and enjoying being with our adults and friends again.
We have enjoyed playing together in the Pre School playground with the cars and Dinosaurs, and had fun going down the slide.
Our Topic this term is Nursery Rhymes which you may here us Singing if you know the words feel free to join in.
We cant wait to see what next week brings.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week commencing 12th December 2022
This week nursery have been making cards and Christmas ornaments. We also had a tough tray winter theme.
Week commencing 12th December 2022
We have had an amazing and very busy week in Pre School this past week. At the beginning of the week, we had our Christmas concerts where we sung loud and proud for all our grown ups they were very impressed and even in joined in.
In class we have carried on doing lots of magical Christmas activities. On the creative table we have made Lollipops, Gingerbreadmen and Christmas tree pictures.
We worked together to decorate a large post box so we could post cards and gifts, we stuck on different coloured paper, feathers and even used stamps.
And on Wednesday we sat with our friends from Nursery in the lunch hall and listened to Christmas music as we ate our yummy pack lunches.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week commencing 5th December 2022
Looks like the Elves have been busy at the Nursery workshop. They've been writing Christmas cards, making salt dough ornaments, decorating the class Christmas tree and making Christmas posters.
Nursery is very much merry!
Week commencing 5th December 2022
What another busy week we have had in Pre School this week, we have been practicing our Christmas songs ready for our concert next week and enjoying all the activities revolving around Christmas and our person who helps us do you remember who that is?.
We had to help the Postman post his letters by finding the card with the correct shape on posting into the letter box, and we also made our Christmas lists which we sent off to Santa.
As the weather has become very chilly we have been exploring Ice in the water tray, we filled up the moulds using water then froze them and then using different tools tried to find the best way to get them out.
At home if you hear us practising our songs ready for the concert and you know the words, please join in with us.
Week commencing 28th November 2022
We have been busy little bees this week learning all about the important role of chefs and cooks. On mark making we drew our own plates of food we had pizza, Banana and apples and even chocolate cake.
We have been having lots of fun making Christmas puddings for our school hall, we painted them brown then dipped our finger in black paint to make the currants we cannot wait to see them hanging up.
Outside we have been practicing our gross motor skills by playing ring toss and having races on the bikes with our friends.
You may hear us at home starting to sing some Christmas songs as we have been busy learning them ready for the school performance, If you know the words please join in.
Week commencing 28th November 2022
It's beginning to look like Christmas in nursery. This week the children have been busy making Christmas craft to decorate the hoop. Our special hoops will be displayed at the hall before the Christmas production. We enjoyed making Christmas wreaths. We had a visit from the Elf. I wonder what surprise he will bring!
Week commencing 21st November 2022
Nursery visited the Quarry Hill Farm this week. We enjoyed being farmers. We looked after animals, discussed what they eat and what food we get from them. We got very busy counting sheep, collecting phonics eggs, milking cows, harvesting crops and shopping at the farm shop.
Week commencing 21st November 2022
What an amazing week learning about how Doctors and Nurses can help us when we are hurt or not feeling well and where we can go if we are really hurt or poorly.
We have tried our best to trace over the letters d and n and enjoyed colouring lots of pictures ready for our display in our classroom.
One of the activities we really enjoyed was opening plasters and putting them on the babies who had got hurt and needed to be made to feel better, we even checked their heart and looked in their eyes doing a full check up.
We have had fun dressing up as Doctors and Nurses so we can look after each other, even making sure the adults were feeling ok.
Next week we will be focusing on the important role of chefs and all about the yummy food they make.
Week commencing 14th November 2022
Today we joined the nation in raising money for the worthy charity - Children in Need. We dressed 'spotacular' for the occasion. We enjoyed drawing spots on Pudsey using circular objects from the classroom. We also made Pudsey puppets, crafts and colouring. What a fun day!
Have a great weekend.
Nursery Team.
Week commencing 14th November 2022
It has been another fun and interesting week here in Pre school. Do you remember what we said we would be learning about this week? Thats right the important role of Policemen and Police ladies and how they help to keep us safe.
We made our own police cars using our handprints dipped into blue paint then on to paper, tried our best to trace over the line forming the letter P and enjoyed playing with the police station and helicopter.
We have also enjoyed getting messy through exploring different mallable materials one of those was cooked spaghetti which we explored with our hands and also using plastic knifes and forks.
Next week will be just as fun and busy, we will be looking at how Doctors and Nurses can help us, do you know?
Have a lovely Weekend!
Week commencing 7th November 2022
Firefighters from the local fire station visited the nursery. They spoke to the children about house fire prevention and dialing 999 for emergency. The firefighters looked very smart in their special uniform. The children also got to look inside the firetruck. It was a great learning opportunity.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Week commencing 7th November 2022
We have had a rather busy week this week learning all about the important role of a firefighter, did you know they make us safe by putting out fires.
We have been busy making our own fire engine using the classroom chairs and pretrending to be firefighters making sure to always wear our protective gear to keep us safe.
On Wednesday something exciting happened, we got to meet real firefighters and see their fire engine as they came to visit the children of Quarry Hill . We listened to a brief talk about their job and we even got to walk through the seating area of the fire engine.
To get ready to mark Remembrance day we have been making our own poppies and colouring in poppy pictures.
Next week we will be learning about the important job of a policeman and how they can help keep us safe.
Have a lovely weekend
Pre school.
Week Commencing 31st October 2022
Firstly we would like to say a BIG welcome back after a weeks break, it has been lovely hearing what you all got up to some of you even drew us some pictures to show us thank you.
This terms topic is people who help us and this week we have been concentrating on the Dentist, did you know they look at your teeth!.
We have doing many activities that involve the teeth we have made teeth hand prints, filled teeth with cubes to see how many it takes to fill them and we even made sure the babys teeth were nice and clean by brushing them.
Next week we will be looking at the important role of firefighters, do you know what their job is? is will be so much fun to find out.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Pre school
Week commencing 17th October 2022
Nursery throughly enjoyed the story 'Peace at last'. We talked about different things that make us feel calm and peaceful like; listening to a lullaby, going for a walk, doing yoga, getting cuddles, taking bath, sleeping. We made marmalade sandwiches for Mr Bear, they were delicious! It was fun to look at the clock from Mr Bear's house and tell time. We also talked about 'Diwali - The festival of light' and enjoyed the Diwali dance. Our sparkly diva lamps and firework painting looks lovely.
Have a lovely half term and Happy Diwali to all celebrating.
Week commencing 17th October 2022
What a fantastic end to our first term in Pre school.
We have been having so much fun learning about the book Room on the Broom and making magical potions to see if we can make a new broomstick just like the witch did in the story.
We have really enjoyed painting pumpkins for Harvest festival using blue and green paint then once painted we decorated them to make them sparkle.
We also made beautiful pictures to celebrate Diwali which is the celebration of light, played in colourful water and made marks swirls and lines in pretty glitter sand.
We look forward to hearing all about what you have been up to over half term and look forward to seeing you when we all come back.
Week Commencing 10th October 2022
Nursery went for a 'sound walk' around the school. We learned the importance of being quiet (a peaceful walk) so that we can use our ears to listen. We could hear a lot of different sounds around us like the children playing, the birds tweeting, trees rustling, an airplane, leaves crunching, teachers clapping, bells ringing. We stomped across a wooden bridge; it made a loud noise. Fantastic listening everyone!
Week commencing 10th October 2022
Another fantastic week in Pre school there have been so many fun activities to explore.
We have been learning about Harvest Festival and what that means, we became little farmers growing and harvesting the crops using wheelbarrows and rakes there were potatoes, spring onions, carrots and even herbs which smelt amazing.
Once harvested we enjoyed cutting up the crops and then using them to make fruit and vegetable print pictures which was so much
Outside we have enjoyed different mallable materials including rice, gloop and pasta we even made our own sensory bags using
little water balls.
We cannot wait to see what fun we will have next week, its going to be so much fun.
Week commencing 3rd October 2022
This week has been so much fun, we have been busy making our own scarecrow faces using buttons for eyes, carrots for a nose and hay for hair. And joining in with ‘I’m a dingle dangle scarecrow” action song.
We have been learning our numbers through fun games such as gone fishing and counting how many children are in during the day we are getting really good.
Next week will be just as busy as we will be learning all about harvest festival, we can’t wait.
Week commencing 26th September 2022
Nursery has been exploring the topic, 'All about me'. We talked about how different we look from one another. We looked in the mirror and observed our skin, hair and eye color. Our paper plate faces look great! We visited the toy library, there were lots of lovely toys to play and books to read. Some children borrowed books from the nursery. I hope you enjoy reading with your adults. Our book of the week is Elmer, and we are looking forward to creating our very own Elmer with milk bottles. Things are getting very colorful in nursery.
Week commencing 26th September 2022 - Pre School
Another week down in pre school and what a week it has been. We have been having lots of fun splashing in the water seeing how high the splashes went and how big the splashes were.
On maths we have been matching the coloured apples to their trees, we even did it with tweezers which was a little tricky.
We have also been cutting leaves using scissors we listened closely to the sound they made and described how they felt.
Let’s see what next week brings.
Week commencing 19th September 2022
Well what another fun week we have had in pre school, we have made crowns for the new King Charles using lots of different gems and sparkly stuff.
We even put cars in paint and watched as we made marks with the tyres.
Outside we enjoyed playing with rice using spoons to scoop them into cupcake cases counting as we went along 1,2,3.
And a dinosaur came to visit us and wanted to play hide and seek which was so much fun we laughed and laughed.