Week commencing 10th July 2023!
Year 2 have had an amazing penultimate week of the year! We looked at the parts of flowers and saw the beautiful garden in school. We also made pizzas and ate them! Finally in Maths we made shapes using cocktail sticks and blue tac- the children worked incredibly hard to make a hexagonal prism!

Week commencing 3rd July 2023!
This week we have learnt about directions and turns in Maths. We used the beebots and robots to practise giving instructions and trying to stop them crashing! We have also written a setting description about a storm to write our own story about Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay.

Week commencing 26th June 2023!
This week, in English, we have been writing a recount about our trip to Colchester Zoo last week. We have also been doing outdoor maths, looking at measuring length, time and collecting data. In music we used the glockenspiel's to play different chords of music in time with a song.

Week commencing 19th June 2023!
What a week for Year 2! Science day with amazing experiments, sports day with lots of fun and a trip to the zoo, seeing many animals and feeling real fur. A great week had!

Week commencing 12th June 2023!
A busy first week back in Year 2! We have learnt a story called The Enormous Crocodile, learnt about money and coins including how to add coins, and looked at maps of the world to see what the weather is like. We are so excited for our trip next week!
Week commencing 9th May 2023!
What a wonderful afternoon we had on Friday, celebrating the King’s coronation with our cream tea. It was great to see so many parents with their children. In class this week, we have been completing our innovation of The Highway Rat and writing our own story. In RE we have discussed how to be a good neighbour and the ways we can be kind to others.

Week commencing 2nd May 2023!
Year 2 have had a busy week with lots of learning, practising skills and building stamina in readiness for the SATs. We have learnt a new story called The Highway Rat, practised dividing and multiplying and learnt about why sleep is important and going to bed on time.
Hope you all enjoy the Coronation weekend!

Week commencing 24th April 2023!
Year 2 have had a busy week with writing our own story about the Dragon Slayer and having lots of our parents in to see our amazing writing and progress! In Maths we have been working on division, multiplication, and fractions. In Art we are working on super paintings of flowers and learning to make different tones of colours.

Week commencing 27th March 2023!
Year 2 had a fantastic trip to Rainham Marshes on Thursday. Mud, pond dipping, mini beast hunting and lots of bugs made for a great day out. The week has also seen animals stampeding across the playground, writing letters to Colchester Zoo and going on a local walk.
What a great week. Have a wonderful Easter holiday!

Week commencing 13th March 2023!
Year 2 have had another busy week this week. Planning a local walk in Geography, drawing for a collage in art and learning about life cycles in Science. We have also learnt about the Easter story and what represents Easter.

Week commencing 6th March 2023!
Year 2 had an amazing enrichment day for the Great fore of London this week. Starting with a visit to the fire museum, where we saw many different things, and ending with our very own Great Fire of QHA! It was great to see all the knowledge they have learnt come together. We have also been persuading teachers in English and learning about shape in Maths. What a fantastic week!

Week commencing 20th February 2023!
Year 2 have had a wonderful first week back! We had a visit from a tortoise and a tarantula for our science lesson! We have studied maps and where we live, talked about what we would paint with a magic paintbrush and learnt about directions and turns. Well done 2CH for a great week.
Week commencing 6th February 2023

2CH have had a great last week of this half term. I’m really proud of the progress Year 2 are making this term so far. They were so excited to make their chairs for baby bear in DT and test them to see if they worked. Have a restful half term.
Week commencing 30th January 2023

2CH have been creative this week making houses for the great fire of London. We will then burn these in a few weeks’ time when we have our own fire of QHA! We have also made our own stories, looked at the nutritional value of foods and learnt about the features of a synagogue.
Week commencing 23rd January 2023
Year 2 had a great trip to St Peter and St Pauls church on Wednesday. We spoke to Reverand Barlow about the church and he told us it’s over 900 years old!
We have also learnt about multiplication and division and have planned our own story based on a fantasy story. What a busy week!
Week commencing 16th January 2023

2CH have had an exciting week; making shapes and testing which one was most stable and learning how to tell the time We are also writing a diary as Samuel Pepys and recounting the Great Fire of London.
Week commencing 9th January 2023

This week we have been very creative! We are working as a class to complete a new and exciting board for the hall all about diversity. The children have been a great help with this and have loved displaying their creativity.
Week commencing 2nd January 2023

A wonderful first week of the Spring term! Looking at artefacts from the Great Fire of London, learning about the mean Little Red Riding Hood and discussing our special places. Well done 2CH!
Week commencing 12th December 2022

2CH have had a very festive, fun week with lots of Christmas activities, but lots of learning too. We made our own slingshot and learnt about elasticity, we printed wrapping paper using our own prints and learnt about shapes in Maths.
Week commencing 5th December 2022

Year 2 have had a very festive week of Christmas plays, songs and rehearsals. So proud of how they all did! We have also learnt a story called the man on the moon and written it in our own way.
Week commencing 21st November 2022

On Wednesday Year 2 had a wonderful Brazil enrichment day where we made parrots with our hands, statues with clay, drank different juices and created a mask. The rest of week, we have written a report about nocturnal animals, learnt how to divide and about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat. What a great week!
Week commencing 14th November 2022

2CH have had a great week painting, multiplying, writing a report about our outstanding school, and learning about the features of Brazil. We have also started practising our Christmas play and learning all the wonderful songs!
Week commencing 7th November 2022

2CH had a fun afternoon on Tuesday playing with out ICT robots learning about programming and instructions. We made it go in a straight line, turn and go backwards. We have also learnt about Brazil and where it is, written a story of the Greedy fox and learnt about properties of materials in Science. Another busy week!
Week Commencing 31st October 2022

2CH have had a great first week back and are feeling refreshed and ready for a half term full of learning !
In RE we studied Jewish artefacts and asked questions about their use in a Jewish home and in science we looked at different materials and how we could change them by squishing and stretching them.
Week commencing 17th October 2022

Year 2 had a fantastic end to their Queen Elizabeth topic with a coronation workshop. They saw old objects in a museum, made souvenirs, acted out the coronation and had a street party. What a great day. Have a great half term holiday!
Week commencing 10th October 2022

Another busy week in 2CH. This week we completed our designs for our pouches and began to finish them. We have also been partitioning numbers, writing a story about a heron and learning about Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in preparation for our workshop next week.
Week commencing 3rd October 2022
What a week! 2CH have had a visit from old buses, sewn pouches, learnt about money and in science, investigated opaque and transparent materials.
I am so proud of how 2CH are growing into Year 2!
Week commencing 26th September 2022

2CH have had an exciting week with science investigations, learning about autumn and writing poems as well as subtracting in Maths.
A great week with some amazing work and ideas
Week commencing 19th September 2022

Week 3 completed already and I am so proud of how amazingly the children in 2CH have settled into their new school year. This week we have written the story of the talking papaya, learnt why we can’t use paper to make a table and in Maths we have been adding and remembering the number bonds to 10 and 20. Now we’re ready for another new week!
Week commencing 12th September 2022
This week we have had a busy week looking at the countries and capitals of the UK. We have also discussed Queen Elizabeth and how she led the countries. In English we have learnt about a talking papaya and written a letter as a farmer. Ask your child to tell you the story! In Maths we have looked at how numbers are made and in Science we talked about materials. Another week full of learning!
Week commencing 5th September 2022

What a fantastic first week of school it has been. Everyone has shown how amazing they are and how they are ready for the challenge of Year 2.
We have worked so hard in writing letters, learning about the countries of the UK, materials and reading and writing numbers. We have also practiced sewing and how to thread a needle, tie a knot and sew a stitch.
Well done everyone.