Week commencing 22nd July 2024!
I think you're very special
and I just want you to know.
This year has been amazing,
I'm so sad to see you go.
We've done so much together,
We've laughed, we've smiled, we've learned.
After such an exciting journey,
Enjoy the summer you've earned.
Remember me and come and visit
my new class, 1SS.
And don't forget our golden rule,
always try your best.
One last thing before you go,
I'm so lucky to have watched you grow.
The thing that makes you wonderful
And will shine through all you do
Is be kind, be positive
And be proud that you are you!
Chapter 2SS complete!
Miss Scott
Week commencing 15th July 2024!
Our last full week in Year 2 (2SS) has finished. We have completed our innovated newspaper reports about The Enormous Crocodile and practiced using our learnt methods for the 4 operations in maths, which I am really impressed by how far the children have come and I am sure their Year 3 teachers will be too!
This week, we also finished reading our Guided Reading book - The Fox and the Ghost King which the children have really enjoyed, especially as it is all about football.
In Geography, the children made homes that would be suitable for different climates, thinking about how different houses have been adapted to suit the weather conditions that they live in.
Well done year 2! 4 more days to go ...
Week commencing 8th July 2024!
Another week in Year 2 completed! This week we have learnt a new story in English - The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl which the chdn have really loved getting to know the story and the characters, even creating their own WANTED posters to warn the public about his clever disguises.
In maths we have recapped what we know about shapes and their properties and have used a range of materials to support this - play doh, pipe cleaners and nets.
Well done Year 2!

Week Commencing 1st July 2024
A fantastic end to Week 4 - our Art/Science enrichment day. The children have thoroughly enjoyed spending the day painting and creating a range of things such as geometric shapes on canvases, painting flowers using water paints, creating habitats using tissue paper and making sunset silhouettes. Everyone really tried their best and the outcomes have been amazing.
In English this week, we have written a recount about our trip to the zoo. Remembering how hot it was, watching the swooping birds in the bird show and seeing (or smelling) the fishy penguins!
In maths, we have recapped position and direction, using language such as clockwise, anticlockwise, half turns, quarter turns and three quarter turns.
In science, we have monitored the germination progress and have created some data based on the question - do big seeds, grow into big plants?
Week Commencing 24th June 2024
It's been a very hot week this week but Year 2 have continued to work hard and stay focused as much as they can.
On Monday, we had our trip to the zoo, which was really fun. The children loved seeing lots of different animals including penguins, flamingos, goats and even a baby monkey!
We have also become weather reporters this week and reported on different extreme weathers across the UK including floods, storms and heatwaves (perfect timing!)
This week in maths, we have spent our lessons outside and looked at measuring length, time and also practiced our multiplication in a different way.
In English, we have finally finished writing our diary entries following the story of James and the Giant Peach and the children have worked hard to capture the characters language and emotions in their writing.
Week Commencing 17th June 2024
This week, Year 2 have started writing a diary entry from James' perspective in English. They have worked hard to include the features of a diary, more specifically informal language and portraying a character through words.
In Science, we have looked at what germination is and planted our own seeds to watch them germinate over the next 6 weeks. We have also started an investigation to see which conditions seeds grow better in - dark/light/water/no water so the children are excited to see what happens to them over a small period of time.
In RE we have looked at Mother Teresa, who she was, what she did and why this is important - linking back to our Golden Rule "Treat others how you wish to be treated". Pupils have worked hard to think of this rule when in the classroom and on the playground which has been lovely to see.
In IT we have been using Scratch Jnr and this week have been practicing how to changed background and make characters appear/disappear and speak which was obviously hilarious to them!

Week Commencing 10th June 2024
A lovely first week back after half term and all the children seem to be preparing themselves for Year 3 with fantastic listening skills and showing respect for everyone in the classroom and around the school.
In English we have started a new topic - James and the Giant Peach. We read this book last half term during Guided Reading and we had a chance to watch the film this week to support our learning and know what happens at the end of the book.
In maths we have focused on money, specifically finding change and using the correct coins.
This half term we are looking at weather in Geography and this week have looked at the importance of the Equator, what the weather is like in countries near/on the Equator and whether we would like to visit them.
In Science we looked at different ways to sort seeds and labelled what the inside of a seed looks like.
Week Commencing 20th May 2024
Another half term complete. Well done Year 2.
In English we have finally completed writing our stories on The Highway Rat. The children have really enjoyed innovating different parts of this story and have had some lovely creative ideas.
In maths this week, we have looked at a range of topics such as the four operations, reading and using scales and money.
In History, we have written about why Florence Nightingale is a significant figure and what changes she has made to our current hospitals.
Enjoy your 2 week half term and see you on the 10th June!
Week Commencing 13th May 2024
Week 5 of Summer term 1 - wow, how quickly is this year going!
2SS have worked hard this week with their maths, reading and writing skills. They have started writing their own stories based on the story of The Highway Rat using a range of sentence starters, expanded noun phrases and even some exclamation sentences.
In maths we have recapped some of our basic number skills, looking at place value, addition, subtraction and using the inverse.
During our history lessons this week, the children have taken an interest in our Florence Nightingale topic and have looked at what the hospitals were like before and after she arrived in Scutari.
We loved being in our pjs/comfies on Friday and sharing some of our favourite books with class mates in 4TA.
For science this week, and to support our environment, we have made bug hotels to place around the school so that minibeasts can be safe in more microhabitats at Quarry Hill Academy.
Week Commencing 6th May 2024
Although it has been a short week, 2SS have worked hard and immersed themselves into a new story for English - The Highway Rat. They have been practicing sequencing the story and even written a wanted poster to catch the Highway Rat before he steals from you!
In history, we have started looking at a new significant person - Florence Nightingale. The children become researchers during the lesson and gathered information and facts all about who Florence is and why she is famous - which they worked really well to do this and it was great to see them working sensibly around the classroom - Well done year two, you made me very proud!
In PSHE this week, we have discussed Rishi Sunak's new decision to ban toothpaste and why this would be an absurd idea because brushing our teeth is extremely important!
Week Commencing 29th April 2024
Already half way through Summer 1, time really does fly when you’re having fun! This week, Year 2 have been learning even more about Neil Armstrong and the other two pilots - Buzz Aldrin and Micheal Collins, in History. We have written a biography about Neil Armstrong in English which the children have really enjoyed piecing together all the facts about his life.
In maths, we have looked at a variety of topics such as time, measure and data to help revise what we have learned previously in the year.
The children really enjoyed art this week, where we have looked at drawing half of a self portrait which all the children worked hard on and focused really well during this lesson.
Week Commencing 22nd April 2024
This week in 2SS, we have been writing the story of the Dragon Slayer.
The children have been working hard to include expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and conjunctions to stretch their sentences to make their writing more creative and exciting! In maths, we have looked at multiplication, division and fractions, using a range of methods, such as partitioning and repeated subtraction. This is in preparation to move into Year 3, in only a matter of weeks!
In History this week, we spoke to someone who was around to watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon when she was only 7 years old, which is the same age as most of the Year 2 children. How amazing would it be to witness such a historical moment!
In PSHE, we have written about why sleep is important and spoke about ways that we can make sure we have a good nights sleep.
Well done Year 2
Week Commencing 15th April 2024
A great first week back for 2SS after a well deserved rest during half term. In English we have been looking at the Dragon Slayer story, immersing into the story by retelling it, sequencing it and writing a character description about the main character - Tarragon. In maths we have been practising our problem solving and reasoning skills for subtraction and addition. Using our learnt methods to understand a range of questions.
We have also started a new topic in History, which the children seem to be enjoying finding out lots of facts about the famous astronaut - Neil Armstrong.
Well done 2SS!
Week Commencing 25th March 2024
2/3 terms complete! Well done Year 2, for all your hard work so far. You should all be really proud of how far you have come.
During our last 4 days, we have written a newspaper report about an animal stampede on our playground! Have you seen any wild zoo animals on the loose?
In science we made simple food chains focusing on our key vocabulary - producer, prey and predator and in RE this week we looked at what Ramadan and Eid are, who celebrates it, how and why.. Lots of children in 2SS follow this religion and it was lovely to hear some of the things that they do to celebrate Eid.
Finally, we visited the Fire Museum and had an Easter egg hunt which all the children enjoyed participating in to exchange their chick for a chocolate egg! What a great trade!
Week Commencing 18th March 2024
This week 2SS have written a letter to Julia Donaldson to persuade her to write a story based on our new character - Mrs Gruffalo. The children enjoyed coming up with reasons why this would be a good idea including the fact that it would help children become more educated and it will make her more money!
We also went on a local walk to help us get a better understanding of our local area - we walked 1 and a half miles! Well done year 2, very tiring!
Week Commencing 11th March 2024

This week in Year 2, we have been looking at using persuasive writing in English to persuade Mrs Wakeling to let us have an extra 5 minutes playtime everyday. These features and skills will be used again next week to then write a letter to the Author Julia Donaldson to persuade her to create our new Gruffalo characters.
In maths we have looked at 2D and 3D shapes and sorting these based on their properties. We have introduced Carroll Diagrams and how these are used to sort data.
In art we have completed a collage based on the artist Nancy Standlee which everyone has worked really hard at perfecting details to make it look as realistic as possible.
Well done year 2.
Week Commencing 4th March 2024
Year 2 have had another great week and have really started to grow and progress as young writers. Miss Scott and Mrs Howard have been really impressed with everyone's writing in English and are really proud of how far all the children have come since the beginning of the year. We have written our own innovated stories about the Magic Paintbrush and what amazing stories they are too!
In maths this week, we have focused on fractions, finding fractions of amounts, writing fractions and finding equivalent fractions. In science we looked at how to help Mrs Wakeling look after Benji and her pet rock.
To finish off the week, World Book Day! The children had a great day dressing up and looking at lots of different books. Some old, some new and some the children had never even heard off which I am sure they will be intrigued to read now.
Week Commencing 26th February 2024
What a week it has been!
On Tuesday we had a rather tall visitor who worked with the children teaching them some basketball tricks and tips. He was truly inspirational as he embraced his differences and encouraged the children to do the same and never be afraid to work towards something they love.
We have also started some new topics for this half term such as looking at our local area in Geography, focusing on where we live and using maps. We have also started looked at Living things in science and how to tell if things are alive and finally we learnt a story about Chang and his magic paintbrush in English.
Week Commencing 5th February 2024
What better way to complete this half term other than burning Tudor houses on the playground? During our enrichment day, year 2 made their own Tudor houses, recreating the design of the houses and thinking about materials used during the time. Later in the afternoon, under careful watch of Mr Young, we set fire to the houses -recreating the event from 1666.
The children thoroughly enjoyed.
This week we have also made our own 'healthy living' leaflets which the children had the opportunity to combine everything they have learnt in science this half term and spread the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene with others.
Well done Year 2! Overall, another super half term!
Week Commencing 29th January 2024

This week year 2 have enjoyed making baby bears chair out of Lego, looking at its structure and stability.
We have also been immersing into a story about marshmallows (ask the children to explain!). They have loved and really got involved in, writing a character description about the monster.
We have also recapped the different methods used for the four operations in maths and also created mind maps about everything we have learned in History over the last 5 weeks - which turns out to be rather a lot!
In science we looked at how our bodies change after we exercise and why it is important to keep us healthy.
Well done year two, almost another half term in 2SS complete!
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024
2SS have had another fantastic week, with a visit to the church on Wednesday to look at why the bible is special to Christians which links to our topic for RE this half term - sacred texts.
In English we have been writing from the perspective of Samuel Pepys and recreating his diary about the Great Fire of London which also links to our history topic.
In maths we have been practicing multiplication and division using different methods such as partitioning and repeated subtraction.
Well done year 2, looking forwards to another fantastic week next week.
Week Commencing 15th January 2024
This week 2SS have been learning all about time in maths and how to read an analogue clock. We also had the pleasure of welcoming lots of parents on Wednesday's for a Year 2 writing, live lesson which was wonderful to see so many parents working with their children.
In history we have been looking at reasons why the Great fire of London spread so quickly and the children came up with lots of different reasons based on the primary sources that we have looked at.
It was also lovely to see so many children taking part in World culture day this week and everyone loved learning about different foods, values and traditions from around the whole world community.
Week Commencing 8th January 2024
This week, 2SS have enjoyed creating baby bears chair using paper and testing different ways to make it stronger and more stable. We have also been looking at using column method for subtraction and some children have even started to borrow (check the calculation policy to support at home where necessary).
We have also looked at more information on the Great Fire of London and the children have really got involved in this topic with lots of questions related to what happened during this significant historical event.
Week Commencing 18th December 2023
What a way to end an amazing first term! Filled with lots of games, fun and laughter from all children in 2SS. We finished off our prints for art and have taken home our lovely wrapping paper and have written acrostic winter poems, which the children really enjoyed and some even did their own ones during break time which I was really impressed with.
Well done 2SS for working so hard during this first term. I am really proud of you all. Now for even more hard work preparing ourselves for Year 3 in 2024.
Wishing you all a lovely holiday, Christmas and New Year.
Week Commencing 11th December 2023
How amazing were all the children in their Christmas play! All the children have worked really hard in remember their lines and all of the songs, so very well done to them all.
In maths this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Looking at their properties and being able to name them.
In English we have finished writing our stories about the man on the moon and everyone's writing has been fantastic!
The children have also enjoyed learning about Mardi Gras, a carnival and celebration in Brazil and comparing it to carnivals in the UK.
Week Commencing 4th December 2023
This week has been very exciting with the lead up to our Christmas play we have had lots of rehearsals to make sure that it is perfect for our parents on Tuesday. Also, our cheeky class elf has been up to no good taking Miss Scott's stickers and building a snowman!
In English we have started writing the story of the lonely, old man on the moon and so far the children have worked really hard to capture the emotions of Lily and the man with their story telling skills.
We have also been practicing spelling some of our Year 2 challenge words during our spelling lesson which some children have tried to include in their writing which is fantastic!
In geography, we have learned all about Cidinha (a little girl who lives in Brazil) and what her life is like compared to ours in the UK.
Well done for another great week Year 2, it is almost Christmas, just 2 weeks to go!
Week Commencing 27th November 2023
This week in 2SS, we have looked at fractions of shapes, fractions of amounts and equivalent fractions which all the children have worked really hard to understand.
In English we have looked at the John Lewis advert from 2015 - The man on the moon which the children have really interacted with and got to know the characters really well.
In science we made our own slingshots and wrote a letter back to Dennis the Menace to tell him which properties are needed for his sling shot with a recommendation of materials.
Also, a very well done to everyone for working extremely hard to make our Christmas play amazing ready for when the parents come and watch. Remember keep practicing those lines and singing all the songs!
Week Commencing 20th November 2023
This week 2SS have been working extremely hard on researching a range of nocturnal animals with an aim of writing a non-chronological report in English. Fun fact - did you know that hedgehogs are allergic to milk?
In maths, we have been practicing our division skills this week using the repeated subtraction method which everyone has worked really hard to understand.
In science we completed an experiment looking at elasticity, testing a range of different materials and understanding that although it may be stretchy it does not always mean it's elasticated!
We also enjoyed a bit of time looking around the book fair on Tuesday afternoon.
Week Commencing 13th November 2023
This week we have written a short non-chronological report all about Quarry Hill Academy, looking at lots of different facts to include in our writing such as the uniform that we wear and the lessons that we have each day.
Also, we have been practicing our multiplication skills in maths and have been introduced to a new partitioning method.
We had a fabulous day on Wednesday taking part in activities associated with Brazil, such as painting Brazil flags, researching fun facts and making brigadeiro (chocolate truffles).
Week Commencing 6th November 2023
This week Year 2 have worked really hard to write their own stories based on the Greedy Fox. We have also been practising different methods for addition and subtraction, including the column method. As a year group we have started organising our Christmas play and practiced some of the songs during music and drama, which all the children are really excited about.
In Geography we looked at the difference between human and physical features and make comparisons between Brazil and the UK.
Week Commencing 30th October 2023
A great first week back, after half term, for 2SS. We have started a new topic in Geography and we will be learning all about Brazil. We have also been practicing making patterns in art, which have come out beautifully.
In English we have learned a story all about a Greedy Fox leaving his bag in different places and in ICT we have been making our own tunes on purple mash.

Week Commencing 16th October 2023
Another fabulous week in 2SS and a lovely way to round off the half term. We have finally finished making our puppets which all look fantastic. We have also finished reading Flat Stanley, which the children have really loved reading and found quite funny at times. We have also Written a letter to King Charles in history to tell him about all the things that we have learnt over the past 7 weeks.
On Friday, we had great day learning all about black history and spent the day going around to each year group to find out about different black woman who have been a key part of our history.
Well done for all your hard work this half term and I can’t wait to see even more hard work during Autumn 2!
Week Commencing 9th October 2023
This week, 2SS have worked extremely hard completing their puppets, writing stories about a cat, a bramble and a heron and writing a letter to an alien. We have also had fun investigating which material would be best to use to make a teabag.
Which material do you think would work best?
Week Commencing 2nd October 2023
This week 2SS have been recounting our fantastic visit to Buckingham Palace, looking specifically at the differences between the coronatations across the years. We have also nearly finished our puppets which are all looking fantastic!
We have also looked at using money, adding coins and finding change in maths and the children have enjoyed using coins to find different ways to make amounts. We are looking forward to our live Maths lesson on Monday and seeing you all there.

Week commencing 25th September 2023!
2SS have had another busy week full of learning new skills and developing our maths knowledge, focusing on subtraction. In History, we have looked at comparing the Queen and King’s coronation in preparation for our trip to Buckingham Palace.
In PSHE we looked at ways that we can be respectful of others ideas during discussion, even when we might not agree, and have been practicing this throughout the week.
Week commencing 18th September 2023!
Another fantastic week in Year 2, with lots of fabulous story writing about Little Red Riding Hood, learning all about the Royal Family and practicing our addition skills using a number line. We have also been practicing more sewing this week and are ready to use our new skills to start our puppets on Monday afternoon.
Well done Year 2 for your continued hard work.

Week commencing 11th September 2023!
What an excellent week Year 2 have had. We have been learning about Little Red Riding hood in English and practicing our Place Value in maths. This week we have also started our guided reading book, Flat Stanley, which the children are enjoying so far. Finally, we have practiced our sewing skills to begin making our puppets in the upcoming weeks.
Week commencing 4th September 2023!
What an amazing start to Year 2. Everyone has settled in really well and has shown that they are ready for Year 2.
We have written letters to our new teachers, learned about the countries in the United Kingdom, explored materials in science and partitioned numbers in maths.