Week commencing 11th July 2022

Year 2 have had a great last week. They have finished their amazing Katie Morag stories, written about Mother Teresa and made some great flower pictures. Maths lessons were held outside and everyone was trying to make 20cm towers of natural objects.
Finally we finished Friday by making our final DT project of year 2. Delicious pizzas were enjoyed by everyone.
Well done 2JV for being such a fantastic class and Good Luck for success in year 3.
Week commencing 4th July 2022

2JV have had another fantastic week. They have been carrying out some investigations in maths and have continued looking at risks in PSHE. In English 2JV have started to write a new story about Katie Morag and to help write the setting descriptions they have made stormy scenes. In geography they have planned their islands ready to make models next week.
Well done 2JV.
Week commencing 27th June 2022

Year 2 have had another amazing week. They have been writing a recount about the Colchester Zoo trip and remembering the fun day we had, looking at seed gemination in science, thinking how to be a good neighbour in RE and understanding risks in PSHE. They have also tasted different foods ready to plan which flavour pizza to make. Finally in Maths as part of our shapes topic they have made 2d and 3d shapes from pasta and blu tac!
Well done 2JV.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Week Commencing 20th June 2022

Year 2 had the most wonderful trip to the zoo on Friday and saw many different animals. Our favourite was the elephant and the tiger, who was having his lunch!
This week we have been discussing how to make pizzas and trying the bread we might use to see how good it will be. We have also learnt how to give directions and written a recount of the trip to the zoo.
Week Commencing 13th June 2022

2JV have had another amazing week. In English they have written a diary pretending to be ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ playing tricks, in maths they have practised using the 4 operations and in DT sampled drinks tasting how much sugar was in them. Continuing the island topic in geography they have labelled maps and made posters encouraging visitors to the island. Finally in science they have planted seeds and are waiting for them to start to grow.
Excitement is now building for the Colchester Zoo trip.
Fantastic work 2JV.
Week Commencing 6th June 2022

Welcome back year 2. I hope that you had an enjoyable half term break.
This week year 2 have been extremely busy. They have been learning ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ story in English, working with money in Maths and starting a new geography topic of ‘An Island Home’.
As it is science week 2JV have been scientists, investigating seeds and then planting them, making slime and exploring senses.
Great work everyone.
Week Commencing 23rd May 2022

2JV have been very busy this week. They all enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations and everyone wore amazing costumes. Yesterday they created some amazing artwork during our enrichment day.
I am very proud of you all.
I hope you all have an enjoyable and restful half term.
Week Commencing 16th May 2022

Year 2 had a fun afternoon hunting for worms. We looked in different areas to see which habitat is the best for worms. Ask your child what we found!
Week Commencing 9th May 2022
2JV have worked really well again this week.
They have practiced calculating the 4 operations in maths, chosen suitable habitats for animals in science, started looking at the life of Florence Nightingale in history and practised drawing self-portraits in Art. They have been continuing the ‘Highway Rat’ story in English and sequenced the story pictures to make amazing story maps.
Fantastic work 2JV.
Week Commencing 2nd May 2022
Year 2 have worked really hard again this week. In English they have been learning the Highway Rat story ready to innovate it next week, looking at the 4 operations in maths, continuing learning about Neil Armstrong in History by writing a newspaper report and searching for bugs on a bug hunt for Science.
James and the Giant Peach is the text for guided reading and this week 2JV have drawn a story map for the start of the book.
Fantastic work 2JV.
Week Commencing 25th April 2022

2CH have had a busy week with lots of fun learning. Learning about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, a story called Space monkey and how the Earth has been damaged, and another story called Rama and Sita to learn why Hindus celebrate Diwali. Lots of amazing writing and I’m really proud of their progress!
Week Commencing 18th April 2022
2JV have had a great first week back. They have been writing riddles, practising addition and subtraction and looking at ways to look after their mental and physical health.
The new history topic of ‘Significant People’ started this week looking at why Neil Armstrong is famous.
In art they explored primary and secondary colours and painted excellent colour wheels.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Week Commencing 28th March 2022

Year 2 have had a great last week of term. They have enjoyed writing the Dragon Slayer story and looking at Easter symbols in RE.
They have looked at classifying minibeasts in science and explained about looking after money in PSHE.
Finally in geography they have created maps that followed the route they took on their walk of ‘Where we live’, which has completed our topic.
I hope everyone has a fantastic, safe Easter break and returns ready for the Summer term.
Week Commencing 21st March 2022

2JV have had a great week. They have started a new story in English and described the 'Dragon Slayer'. In Geography they have continued looking at maps and compass symbols. They have also experienced following map symbols in a Now Press Play map game.
This week everyone completed their bird collage pictures in the style of Nancy Standlee and enjoyed looking at everyone's art work in 2JV's gallery.
Fantastic work year 2.
Week Commencing 14th March 2022

Year 2 have had another great week. They have written to Julia Donaldson to persuade her to write a new Gruffalo book. In Maths everyone has practised mental calculations and in Art preparing for our final piece of collage.
On Tuesday Year 2 went on a local walk looking for human and physical features of the area surrounding the school. They behaved excellently and found many exciting features.
Great work 2JV.
Week Commencing 7th March 2022
2JV have had another busy week. They have explored shapes and symmetry in Maths, looked at maps of where we live in geography and compared places of worship in RE. They have continued developing their sketching skills in Art.
In English they have created a new character for the Gruffalo stories and hope to persuade Julia Donaldson to write a new book including their ‘Gruffalo’s Wife’ character.
Week Commencing 28th February 2022
2JV have had another amazing week. They have written innovated versions of “The Magic Brush” story in English. In Maths they have explore fractions and in Art they made collage pictures. We have been looking at money in PSHE and talked about how to look after money. Everyone wrote a letter to an alien to explain how to keep their money safe.
On World Book Day there were some fantastic costumes and fun activities.
Well done 2JV
Week Commencing 21st February 2022

Welcome back. I hope you all had a great half term break.
This week 2JV have been really busy learning a new story, The Magic Brush, in English. We have also been looking at pattern and directions in Maths and starting our new Geography topic ‘Where we Live’.
For Art this term we are investigating collage and everyone successfully made a fantastic picture.
Well done 2JV.
Week Commencing 7th February 2022

Year 2 have finished the half term with another busy week. They have been writing about the animal stampede in English, looking at measure in Maths and the effects of exercise on our bodies in Science. For children’s mental health week we have been doing some meditation videos and have completed mindful colouring pictures. For safer internet day we discussed what information it is safe to share and looked at some of the ways people might try to trick us online.
Finally we completed our Great Fire of London topic by re-enacting the fire. We saw how quickly the fire spread and how a fire hook demolished a house and stopped the fire.
Have a safe and enjoyable half term break.
Week Commencing 31st January 2022

This week 2JV have been busy investigating an animal stampede on the playground in English, looking at fractions in Maths and how to be clean and hygienic in Science. They have also successfully completed their winding toy mechanisms and made replica London houses from the time of the Great Fire.
Another fantastic week. Well done Year 2.
Week Commencing 24th January 2022
Year 2 have had a lovely week. We had a very interesting workshop with the PDSA, learning all about the work they do and the pet superheroes.
In English we have written about a magical butterfly book, and in History we have made our own Samuel Pepys diaries that look old. Ask one of the children in 2JV how they did it!
Week Commencing 17th January 2022

Year 2 had a wonderful trip to the church this week to look at the features of a church and understand why the church is important. We saw the different features and had time to look at bibles, the 900 year old font and the oldest part of Grays!
Week Commencing 10th January 2022
2JV have been very busy again this week. They have been innovating ‘Red Riding Hood is Rotten story, investigating winding mechanisms, practicing subtraction and reading ‘ Harry the Poisonous Centipede’ book. They have learning more about The Great Fire of London and sequenced pictures about the vents in 1666.
Great work year 2.
Week Commencing 3rd January 2022

Welcome back and Happy New Year!
This week 2JV have settled back into the routine of the school day. 2JV have started looking at the Fire of London for their history topic. They have looked at pictures of London from 1666 and compared to how London is now. Next they have explored fire fighting equipment from the past and thought about the equivalent objects used today.
Great work 2JV.
Week Commencing 13th December 2021
2JV have had a fantastic week to finish the half term. They have filmed the Nativity production, finished writing their ‘Man on the Moon’ stories, explored shape in Maths and made amazing Christmas cards.
They also had time to fit in a party and a disco.
Great work year 2.
Have a safe, happy and healthy break and see you in 2022!
Week Commencing 6th December 2021

2JV have had another busy week. They enjoyed visiting the church on Monday and have been rehearsing for their Christmas play. In English they wrote an alternative ending for the ‘Man on the Moon’ and had fantastic ideas how the story could be changed. This week everyone made their print stamps for art and created some amazing wrapping paper.
Well done 2JV.
Week Commencing 29th November 2021
2JV have had another great week. They have been writing about 'The Man on the Moon' story, learning about fractions in Maths and looking at how the life of a child is different in different countries.
Fantastic work 2JV!
Week Commencing 22nd November 2021

2JV have had another great week. They have been learning more about Brazil looking at physical and man-made features, writing information reports about nocturnal animals in English and practising dividing into equal groups in Maths.
In Art this week year 2 has looked at shades and tones of colours and mixed their own with fantastic results.
Well done 2JV. I am super impressed.
Week Commencing 15th November 2021

This week 2JV had an amazing enrichment day continuing to learn about Brazil.
They made flags, masks, maps and chocolate truffles. They also sampled some traditional fruit juices and crafted dough states of Christ the Redeemer.
To finish the day they danced the samba and had a class carnival.
Fantastic work 2JV.
Week Commencing 8th November 2021
2JV have had another great week.
They all enjoyed being chefs on Tuesday making meatballs and pasta and then trying their dishes.
Here is the recipe for you to try at home.
Week Commencing 1st November 2021

This week 2JV have returned from the half term break refreshed and ready for a new and busy term.
We have been learning the story of the Greedy Fox in English and looking at number and place value in Maths.
They have started finding out about Brazil in Geography, looking at important Jewish objects and creating patterns in Art.
Another great week for 2JV and excellent 100% attendance.
Keep up the fantastic work year 2!
Week Commencing 11th October
This week year 2 had a fantastic experience day recreating the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II with their ‘History off the Page’ enrichment day. They explored the museum artefacts, created souvenirs and enjoyed a street party.
Lots of interesting facts were discovered ready for writing about the Coronation next week.
Great work!
Week Commencing 4th October 2021

Year 2 have had a great week. They enjoyed wearing yellow for Hello Yellow day today. We practised some yoga and completed some mindfulness colouring. Fantastic work 2JV!
Week Commencing 27th September 2021

2JV have had another fantastic week. In RE, they have been learning about David and Goliath. They sorted the story pictures into the correct sequence and then they have written the story.
Great work year 2.
Week Commencing 20th September 2021
2JV have had another excellent week. They have all worked very hard and made me proud in every lesson.
Today they started to practise sewing in preparation for making puppets in DT. It started out as being quite tricky but everyone persevered. We will practise again next week.
Well done 2JV. Have a lovely weekend!
Week Commencing 6th September 2021

2JV have had a fantastic start to Year 2. They have been extremely busy in all of their lessons. They started their DT topic by exploring different types of puppets and everyone made an amazing stick puppet. Great work Year 2!