Week commencing 17th July 2023!
Year 4 have had an absolute blinding last week. They have truly enjoyed every minute. We have watched our guided reading film: Bridge to Terrabithia, we had a super duper fun end of year quiz and we even had a class party! We enjoyed crisps, squash and ice poles as well as musical bumps. It was also a very exciting week as they got to meet their new class teacher – and they were rather surprised! Instead of having Miss Evens and Miss Goodsell, they found out they were having Miss Goodsell and Miss Evens?! We are delighted to get to spend another year in our wonderful year group albeit a new year. We both want to wish everyone a fun-packed, safe and enjoyable six weeks holiday!! 😊
Week commencing 10th July 2023!
This week in Science, Class 4CE have continued to investigate food chains and the impact that us as humans can have. They spent the lesson researching about the BP oil spill disaster and the effect this had on both the environment and local wildlife. Afterwards, they discussed the impact this disaster had on the different food chains despite BP’s efforts to ‘clean up’. As a class, they had time to put their drama skills to good use, becoming news reporters to discuss this disaster and its impact. Here is a photograph of some of our reporters in action!
Week commencing 3rd July 2023!
What another busy week of learning we have had in 4CE! We have started a new topic in English based on our book: Bridge to Terrabithia. The children are really enjoying being able to come up with their new fantasy stories. In geography, we have been learning all about the United Kingdom; this week we have been discussing the various counties of the UK and the produce that is grown there. If you are going on a summer holiday in the UK this year, then feel free to quiz them on their UK knowledge! In art, we have been experimenting with soil and watercolours to create beautiful paintings of trees. Here are a few to showcase. Have a great weekend!

Week commencing 19th June 2023!
What a busy week we’ve had! Sports Day, Science Week and even the Entrepreneur Week! It’s been hot and busy, but it’s been fab. The kids loved Sports Day; well done yellow (especially Matei who won a total of 4 golds!). Science Day was a blast – quite literally! We saw soaked teachers, gunked adults and Mr. Parfett’s hand on fire!! It was a brilliant day and the children had lots of fun!
Week commencing 12th June 2023!
It’s been another fantastic week of learning in 4CE – almost like we were never away! We have been learning lots about the digestive system and our friend MRS GREN. We have even used this to write an explanation text about it. Some of them were absolutely fantastic! In art, the children enjoyed going outside to draw a plant or flower of their choice and they were really beautiful. When they are finished, I’ll be sure to send them onto this page.
Week commencing 20th February 2023!
4CE have got into the full swing of the new half term! We have had a very exciting week as we are going on our trip tomorrow and the children are so excited! We have so many activities planned for the trip including workshops on water, sound and electricity as well as a railway ride! Also, this week, we have started our new geography topic: Global Trade. The children did a fantastic job of making a timeline from the Stone Age all the way through until the 21st Century as you can see. We can’t wait to tell you all about our trip!
Week commencing 6th February 2023
Wow! That half term has gone super-fast! It is hard to believe that we are now half-way through the year! The children have had a great week and it’s safe to say that they’re really going to miss learning about the ancient Greeks. Especially, now that they have finished their retelling of the Minotaur. The children have all been given their TTRS log ins again and they were working exceptionally hard on Friday for the NSPCC Rocks competition. They really did an amazing job. We have also had fun making our book sleeves. Some children were very impressive with their handiwork! Even better than the teachers! Here’s wishing everyone a great time off school – hope you have a fantastic week.
Week commencing 30th January 2023
Well 4CE looked amazing on the Greek day and they had so much fun! All in time for our new literacy topic: Theseus and the Minotaur! The children have been engaging in role play and drama activities as well as learning the different retellings of the myth. Today, the children will be stitching their book sleeve design. Some of their designs are looking fabulous and I am sure they cannot wait to send them home and show you the final result!
Week commencing 16th January 2023
4CE have been really, really enjoying the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe this week. They have even been playing it in the playground. Their ideas stemmed from the playscript that they wrote in literacy – and they were fantastic! The parent workshops were thoroughly enjoyable and the children loved having their parents into watch them do maths
Week commencing 9th January 2023
Another great week of learning in 4CE! We have begun to design a book sleeve and will be creating these using a variety of stitches next week. Hopefully there will be minimal injuries! In English, we have finished writing our innovated version of the Three Little Pigs and there have been some fantastic examples of writing by some of our pupils so well done to those that managed to make our golden writing board! Next week, we are writing a playscript about the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and I know the children are super excited as they are loving the book! Well done 4CE!
Week commencing 2nd January 2023
Happy new year from 4CE! This week, we have begun our new literacy topic of The Three Little Pigs, but not as you know it. The wolf isn’t so bad after all! We have also begun reading the Ted Hughes classic: The Iron Man.
On Wednesday, the children went swimming and had a swimming time! They really enjoyed it although did look rather sleepy when they got back!
The children are really looking forward to our history topic this half term too: the Ancient Greeks.
Week commencing 12th December 2022
We are so close to Christmas now – you can almost smell it! We are all very excited here in 4CE! Unfortunately, we could not attend the church because of the snow but we were able to have Reverend Barlow come and visit us instead! Being able to show off our wonderful singing was fantastic and year 3 and 4 did a brilliant job! I’m sure parents would agree that they were also wonderful during the Christmas concerts earlier in the week!
Although it hasn’t all just been fun and games this week! We have been learning too. In literacy, we are beginning to write a terrible review for the Demon Dentist – so we certainly don’t recommend visiting Miss Root any time soon! Maths has been about learning those mental strategies. Please continue to practice times tables at home.
The children will bring home their clay Gaudi sculptures this week. They really did a fantastic job and it will be a wonderful souvenir of our time learning about Spain.
This will probably be our last class blog before the new year, so from everyone in 4CE, have a wonderful holiday!
Week commencing 5th December 2022

What a busy week we’ve had in Year 4! The highlight of our week has been making vegetarian paella! We used olives, peppers, garlic, onions, parsley, stock and tomatoes to create a delicious taste of Spain. We also learned all about Gaudi and the children made their own versions of his sculptures using clay. These were then covered in paint using Lego blocks! This is to ensure that the children could recreate the Trecadis effect. We’ve had great fun!
Week commencing 28th November 2022
We have had a very busy week here in year 4! The children have been continuing with their work on Miro. This time they have been experimenting with sand, water, glue and foil which has had some interesting results! I will upload some photos when they are dry and finished. In English, the children have just started a new topic: Lily and the Snowman and the children have written some beautiful setting descriptions. In maths, the children have been learning measure and how to convert between the units.
We have also begun to practise our Christmas songs whilst making our angels with beautiful vintage music sheets. Great work Year 4!
Week commencing 21st November 2022

It has been a great week of learning here in year 4. The children have just finished making the final edits to their newspaper report and they’re looking fab! They have also been doing lots of practical activities in maths to aid their learning of money. We have found finding change a little harder, but the children have persevered and have blown me away at their problem solving. We have continued with our artwork in the style of Miro and this time, the children were creating a surreal image using the features of animals. As you can see, they look amazing! Well done year 4!
Week commencing 14th November 2022

Year 4 have had another fabulous week of learning! The children are thoroughly enjoying playing courtroom dramas for English. They have been putting Goldilocks on trial! In maths, the children have been learning fractions. Also, this week, we have conducted an experiment to see how we can get football kits to dry the quickest. In art, we have been experimenting with patterns in the style of Miro and they look amazing! Here are some of the examples of the children’s amazing artwork! Great work year 4!
Week commencing 7th November 2022
This week, we have been learning all about division. We have been learning about factors as well as the formal method of division with and without remainders. In English, we are truly getting stuck into the Demon Dentist. Watch out when your teeth fall out! In art, we have been studying John Miro and recreating some of his surreal artwork. Well done for another fantastic week!
Week Commencing 31st October 2022
Our first week back to school has been full of learning and enjoyment. In maths, we are learning how to use the formal written method for multiplication. In English we are planning an extra chapter to the story 'The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane' which the children are really engaging with as they are having fun coming up with another scenario of how Edward gets lost again.
We have started learning about States of Matter for Science and learning about Spain in Geography. We have also began reading the story Demon Dentist which the children are finding hilarious and are enjoying reading.
Looking forward to speaking with parents next week during parent consultations and letting you all know how well your child is doing in year 4!
Week Commencing 17th October 2022
What a wonderful first half term we have had! We have learnt lots. This final week, in literacy, we are writing our own poem based on the poem by Kit Wright’s The Magic Box. The children are coming up with some fantastical objects to go into their own version of the magic box. In maths, we have been learning to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks. We have also been consolidating our learning in French – ooh la la! The children used role play to rehearse their conversations with each other and present it to the class.
I hope the children have a wonderful and (well-deserved) restful half term 😊
Week commencing 10th October 2022
It has been another very busy week for 4CE. It has been assessment week which often means we are busier than usual. However, there have been several fun highlights of the week to report. In DT, we have finally baked our adapted recipe and are taking these home on tonight 😊. As it is October, we have also been looking at the lives of extraordinary black men and women for Black History Month. 4CE have been learning about Walter Tull using a variety of primary and secondary sources. Then, using their newfound information, they created beautiful stained glass windows in memory of him. 4CE were surprised to hear that he was a qualified dentist, the first Black officer to lead British troops into battle and a professional player for Tottenham Hotspurs!
It was wonderful to see so many parents turn out for our parent workshop on reading and writing. The children really enjoyed sharing their work with you and it was nice for you to see what amazing effort they put into their literacy. Have a great weekend 4CE! One more week to go until half term – let’s make it a great one!
Week commencing 3rd October 2022
It has been another fun-packed week of learning in 4CE! We were very excited to welcome the Eco Bus to our school playground. It was in fact a learning “bin lorry”, where the children were taught all about recycling in Thurrock. They thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and I am sure they will be able to tell you all about the new bins coming to Thurrock! This week, we also began our writing unit on the Present. The Present is a short animation film about a little boy receiving the gift of a puppy from his mother. However the boy soon discovers that the puppy has only three legs, much to the disappointment of the boy. Please ask the children why – I am sure they will be so excited to tell you the interesting twist! Great work 4CE, please keep it up
Week commencing 26th September 2022
4CE have been having lots of fun making, doing and writing this week. First, in science, we have made our own switches! We used tin foil, paperclips, pegs and card to construct two types of switch. Afterwards, 4CE were able to explain how it worked. They thoroughly enjoyed having the power of light in their hands! In DT, they are making their adapted biscuit recipe for their market audience and I must say – they smell delicious! In English, the children have been busy writing their persuasive letter and are mastering the art of flattery as well as exaggeration (sorry parents). Yesterday they even managed to sell chocolate teapots! Great work 4CE!
Week commencing 19th September 2022

It has been another fantastic week in 4CE! The children have been working very hard. They've also been taking part in a "trial" for "healthy lunches", which the children are not too happy about! In response, they have been thinking of ways to persuade Mrs. Wakeling otherwise. So far, they have given very persuasive arguments for a letter that they will write next week. We seem to be growing the future generation of politicians as well as electricians! The children have thoroughly enjoyed predicting whether their electric circuits will work and then testing them afterwards. Today, the children will be creating some beautiful artwork in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth II. Year 4 have been allocated the 90s decade; I am looking forward to seeing their creations. Watch this space! Well done 4CE!
Week commencing 12th September 2022
This week, 4CE have been learning all about Big Ben and its transformation over the years. They were particularly surprised at how large the bell actually is when we recreated its size using ourselves. Today, 4CE are busy baking biscuits! We are creating a simple biscuit recipe so that we are able to find new ways to adapt the recipe, thinking about our target audience. In science, we have been making simple circuits and using these to draw accurate scientific diagrams. Additionally, in maths we have been learning about Roman numerals linking this to time. It has been another great week of learning – well done 4CE!
Week commencing 5th September 2022

It has been a fantastic first week here for 4CE! The children are settling into their routines and our curriculum. We have learned our three rules: be kind, be positive and be your best!
In writing, the children have made a terrific start to their setting description! We also had fun starting our British Landmarks topic in history. After a heated quiz, we sorted them in chronological order. The children were able to justify how they knew what was older by asking various questions such as whether it was manmade or naturally occurring. Well done 4CE 😊