Week commencing 17th July 2023!
Welcome to 3KR’s very final blog. We have worked very hard this year and Miss Roberts’ is very proud of us. We have shared what we have enjoyed and loved in year 3.
Have a safe holiday 😊
Amelia – I have loved going swimming
Myles – I have loved swimming and learning new things in Science
Arjan – I have loved art because I have drawn different lines
Tristan – I have loved art, the school trips and swimming
Taybah – I have loved art and the enrichment days
Thangget – I have loved writing in all of my lessons
Aizel – I have loved swimming and learning about Ancient Egypt
Aya – I have enjoyed DT because we made cushions
Harvey – I have loved and enjoyed the Volcano enrichment day
Lara – I have enjoyed my school trips, swimming and sports day
Aseela – I Have enjoyed my school trips and enrichment days
Nadia – I have enjoyed swimming, cooking and enrichment days
Maurice – I have enjoyed cooking, enrichment days and swimming
Alvina – I have enjoyed school trips, enrichment days and swimming
Kaiden – My favourite thing has been the trip to The Call of the Wild
Junaid – I have enjoyed all three enrichment days
Jasmine – I have enjoyed all three enrichment days
Krishaan – I have enjoyed PE and I have loved the Volcano enrichment day
Lillie – I have loved art because we have designed different things
Polina – I have loved swimming and cooking
Lucas – I have enjoyed PE and the school trips the most
Rebecca – I have enjoyed sports day, enrichment days and the school trips
Nikita – I have love the school trips, sports day and enrichment days
Toniyi – I have enjoyed swimming, art and school trips
Asinat – I have enjoyed swimming and sports day
Leon – I have enjoyed the school trips, PE and football days
Zac – I have enjoyed Maths because I enjoy it
Week commencing 10th July 2023!
This week in English we have been writing a narrative all about Pigeon Impossible. We spent last week immersing into the story and then this week rewriting it! We changed our animals, country and CIA agent.
It was one of the best things to write about this term according to 3KR’s writing class.
Week commencing 3rd July 2023!
This week in year 3 we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes.
It has been a creative week where we have looked at shapes, drawn shapes and even made them.
What 3D shapes do you know?
Week commencing 26th June 2023!
This week in year 3 for science we have been looking at shadows. We went out in the morning drew our shadows and then went back out in the afternoon to see how our shadows had moved! We also looked at true of false statements all about light.
Week commencing 19th June 2023!
We have had a very busy week in year 3 this week. Firstly, we had an amazing Science experiment day where we had a whole day dedicated to just Science!
On Thursday morning we had Sports Day, thank you to those who came and supported us 😊
Week commencing 12th June 2023!
We are back 😊 we hope everyone had a great half term.
The final 6 weeks approach us. In Science this term we are looking at Light. These boxes were filled up with different materials. We looked through the hole and saw nothing but then we used light and could see it all.
Week commencing 22nd May 2023!
We cannot believe how quick this half term has gone! 6 weeks down, 6 to go!
We have spent the term making and designing our own cushions this term in DT. We designed, made and evaluated.
We hope everyone has a great 2 weeks off 😊
Week commencing 15th May 2023!
This week we have been writing all about our new book The Firework Makers daughter. We wrote instructions to set off our own fireworks! But be careful we know they are dangerous!
Week commencing 9th May 2023!
This week in year 3 we have been learning about our Local Area. We compared Grays in the 1950’s and now.
We sadly, heard the news that Thameside Theatre in Grays would be closing so we wrote letters to the Mayor to persuade him not to do it!
Week commencing 2nd May 2023!
This term in reading we have been reading Diary of a Killer cat! This week we have been writing all about the naughty cat in English and have written a play script.
Week commencing 24th April 2023!
This week in year 3 we have been looking at leaves. We picked leaves and looked at the different texture, smells and touch. We then labelled our leaves and used a magnifying glass to draw the leaf with its minor detail.
Week commencing 17th April 2023!
This term in Geography we are looking at our local area. Our first two lessons have been all about sketch maps, we walked around our school and drew what it would look like so if visitors came they could find their way round!
Week commencing 27th March 2023!
WOW! We cannot believe another half term has gone not just another half term a whole term!
3KR have worked hard this term in Science, we finished this half term looking at fossils and being fossil detectives 😊
We hope everyone has a fantastic 2 weeks off, Miss Roberts looks forward to seeing you again for Summer Term.
Week commencing 20th March 2023!
Last week we went on our school trip to Barley Lands because it was on Friday we did not get time to upload our pictures and wanted to share them this week! We had so much fun.
Firstly, we fed the animals and walked around the farm. We went into a building where we spoke all about Stone Age, we even looked at the machinery they may have used and got to pretend we were in a cave and drew with chalk and slate. Next, we went and made Stone Age Stew – do not worry we were sensible with the big adult knives! Finally, we went onto the coach it made us very happy learning all about Stone Age especially after all the effort we had put into it at school!
Week commencing 13th March 2023!
This week in 3KR we went out on our road safety walk. This involved crossing the road and going through the rules of how we cross the road safely. We were reminded to look left and right twice, cross on the kerb and walk on the path.
Week commencing 6th March 2023!
This week in year 3 we have been immersing into a story called The Sandy Cove. It all starts as an adventure that goes wrong. We have written a conversation between the characters, discussing thoughts and feelings and wrote some amazing work all about the setting description.
Come back next to find out how we innovate and change the story 😊
Week commencing 27th February 2023!
This week in year 3 we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes.
We used marshmallows and dried spaghetti to make the shapes and we had so much fun! Hopefully we now know our 2D and 3D shapes and some of their vertices!
Week commencing 20th February 2023!
This week in year 3 we have been starting our new topic The Stone Age. We have ready a new story in English and looked at different artefacts in History . We are looking forward to finding out lots more information and our school trip.
Week 6th February 2023
This week in year 3 we had our Volcano Enrichment Day!
It all started with an Earthquake alarm where we had to rush under the tables as they started to shake and things fell onto the table. We then wrote a diary entry about our thoughts and feelings!
We designed buildings using marshmallows and cocktail sticks and then placed them into jelly to see if our structures were strong enough to upstand an Earthquake.
Week commencing 30th January 2023
This week in Science we have been planning and carrying out experiments on rocks.
The rocks we tested in Science were: chalk, sandstone, pumice, granite, marble.
Test 1 – Hardness test
Test 2 – Acid Test
Test 3 – Water Test
We planned our experiment
Wrote out the experiment
Made predictions
Wrote out our conclusions
Week commencing 23rd January 2023
We have had a lovely week in year 3. We have made Volcanoes out of clay and looked at the different types of volcanoes.
Week commencing 16th January 2023
This week in English ALIENS LANDED at Quarry Hill. We have spent the week investigating and working out what? Why? When? How?
We received a letter from NASA and wrote a letter back to them explained what had happened!
Week commencing 9th January 2023
This week in year 3 we have been leaning about the Ring of Fire. We have looked at different Volcanoes and how they differ around the world. We named the Tectonic plates and worked hard to place the map back together. What a fantastic week we have had!
Week commencing 2nd January 2023
We have had a nice week settling back into 3KR after our 2 weeks off. This week we have had lots of fun with a rocks, soil and fossil workshop in Science. We logged on the lady taught us all about what rocks are. We even got to wear 3D glasses to looo at different fossils!
Week commencing 12th December 2022
This week in 3KR we have been lucky because although our church visit was cancelled on Monday – Reverend Barlow came to school and we had our Christmas Concert.
We have been very busy this week singing, dancing and preparing for our Christmas performances.
Thank you for coming and we hope you enjoyed it.
We are looking forward to our Christmas disco and Reindeer Races 😊
Week commencing 28th November 2022
This week in year 3 we have had our Kenyan Enrichment day. This involved making story boxes for endangered animals, playing the African Drums and making clay African Masks. The children were well behaved and really enjoyed the day. I feel like they have worked really hard this term in Geography. Well done 3KR
Week commencing 21st November 2022
This term our Geography topic is Kenya.
We have spent the past 3 weeks looking at the differences and the similarities between the capital city Nairobi and London.
Week commencing 14th November 2022
Over the last 2 weeks in year 3 we have been looking and comparing Kenya and England. By the end of the next term we would've had designed, created and made our Kenyan Masks. We have look at Picasso and designed our own pieces of art. Last week we designed our own blended backgrounds using different 2 colours and mixing them with black and white.
We have also carved and printed onto our backgrounds.
7th November 2022
This week in English we have been innovating a story called Grace and family. This has linked beautifully with our PSHE topic of 'Our Families' the story has been changed by the children and they have worked hard to keep their work neat and tidy. Grace longs for a 'normal' family but what is normal these days?
There is some beautiful writing below to show you how hard we have worked.
Week Commencing 31st October 2022
It has been a great first week back in 3KR
This week we have been learning all about multiplication in Maths. We have looked at 3 different ways to help us with our learning
- Arrays
- Partitioning
- Expanded column method
There are some examples of our work and step my step instructions to help at home.
I am looking forward to our parent meetings next week.
Week commencing 17th October 2022
7 weeks what an amazing term we've had in 3KR.
Thank you for your hard work and love of learning. This term in PSHE we have been learning about families and how they differ in our class. Our display shows a family tree and we would like to share with you that all families are different yet they are all very important to everyone
Week commencing 10th October 2022
This week in year 3 we went on our school trip to the Horniman Museum.
The children were an absolute pleasure to take and I am really proud of them, I believe this is a reflection on you as parents so thank you very much.
The children had an amazing talk with Lucy all about Habitats and they were very excited to touch different animals. We went through the Windrush Generation artefacts and discussed how we have fully embraced their culture.
Week commencing 3rd October 2022
We have been feeling very fruity this week in year 3.
In DT we made fruit skewer kebabs in pairs. The children designed their kebabs, ate their kebabs, and then evaluated them.
We learned all about cutting foods safely and how to make food hygienically. They really enjoyed designing, making and then the best part eating!
We also heated them up to try and link them to our Windrush topic!
Week commencing 26th September 2022
A whole 4 weeks of being in 3KR and we have had a fantastic time.
The children have been reading the Worst Witch in reading and have been using their VIPER knowledge to answer questions about the text.
We have looked at vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining and retrieval. When reading with your child please ask lots of questions about the text. The children in 3KR have been reading the story as a shared piece of text and have been reading aloud in front of each other which is a great way for me to hear them read each week.
We then discuss the text and most importantly make sure we are understanding what we have been reading.
I hope they continue to enjoy the story 😊
Week commencing 19th September 2022
This week in History we have been researching using primary and secondary resources all about the Generation Windrush. We have then used our skills to answer and ask questions.
The pictures show children researching and answering the questions using the facts provided. They are enjoying learning about this journey; we have used atlases to follow the journey that this generation took and considered their thoughts and feelings.
Next week we are going to write a letter as if we were part of this generation, have a discussion with your child and find out what they have learnt.
Week commencing 12th September 2022
Thank you to everyone who turned up to the Meet and Greet it was lovely to have the time to speak to you all about the fantastic time we are going to have in year 3 this year.
This week in PSHE we have been writing about respect, what being respectful means and why we should respect everyone.
This leads me onto the next subject of our new 3KR school counsellors. We have voted as a class and decided that Junaid and Nadia will represent us this year. Well done to you both.
Week commencing 5th September 2022
In 3KR this week we have been working hard, settling into our new routines, and meeting our new class teacher.
We have also worked hard to try and follow our new school rules the 3 B’s! To Be Kind, Be positive and to Be Your Best. We have made promises to ourselves that we will always try to follow these this year.
In Science we have started our topic off looking at what a Healthy Diet is and what we need to eat to live a Healthy Balanced lifestyle. We have looked at the different food groups and which foods are part of this group. Hopefully we now know how to stay healthy, grow muscles and have strong bones.