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Week commencing 15th July 2024!

We have almost reached the end of Year 3 and our penultimate week has been as busy as any other! We have really been enjoying writing our story in English, 'Pigeon Impossible' and everybody has produced some really fantastic writing - there have been a number of proud cards handed out!


In Maths, we have been focussing on multiplication, challenging ourselves and increasing our confidence in our times tables knowledge in preparation for Year 4. We then applied this to using the formal method and applying our prior knowledge to help answer larger multiplication questions. 


We are all looking forward to our last week of term - we have lots of fun activities planned!

Week commencing 8th July 2024!

We have had our final assessments of the year this week and everybody has worked extremely hard - well done Year 3!


In our Maths lessons, we revisited telling the time and we are now a lot more confident in doing so - in 3NW's Maths set, we are able to tell the time at five minute intervals. Why don't you stop to ask one of us the time?


In History this week, we discussed that different civilisations cross over in time and happen simultaneously. We learnt about the Ancient Sumerians and compared aspects of their lives to the Ancient Egyptians. 

Week Commencing 1st July 2024

This week, Year 3 have been looking at Shape during our Maths lessons - we were identifying lines of symmetry within 2D shapes and comparing the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We could easily identify the pyramids as we've learnt lots about these already in History!


In our PSHE lesson, we spoke about hazards, risks and danger. We identified some potential hazards in and around our school (such as crossing the road outside) and most importantly how to manage them. We discussed how there will always be hazards which is why awareness is so important. 

Week Commencing 24th June 2024

We have had a great week in Year 3! Our English lessons linked in with our Ancient Egypt history topic and we learnt all about Howard Carter and the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. We enjoyed writing a diary entry from the perspective of Howard and next week we will be writing a newspaper report.


We ended our week with an Egyptian Enrichment day - we wrote in hieroglyphs, made pyramids and cooked mummified hot dogs. Lots of us dressed up as either a Pharoah or an archaeologist , the effort put into the costumes were amazing! 

Week Commencing 17th June 2024

We have had a very busy and exciting week this week. In English, we all really enjoyed writing a non-chronological report about dragons. We were able to be very creative and write about a dragon of our choice - we had all kinds of dragons and some super pieces of writing. 


In PSHE, we spoke about our self-worth and how important it is to remain positive, remembering that we are all unique and as important as one another.


To finish our week, we had sports day, which was a fantastic morning of activities for everyone. All of Year 3 worked extremely hard and cheered one another on, when not taking part in a race. Well done to Attenborough's Yellows who were the overall winners!

Week Commencing 10th June 2024

Welcome back Year 3 to our final half term of the year! This week, we were super excited to begin learning about the Ancient Egyptians and we cannot wait to explore the topic further as the weeks go on and during our enrichment day which is coming up soon. 


In Science, we started looking at different light sources and used torches to explore how the shininess of an object affects how reflective it is. 

Week Commencing 20th May 2024

Wow, another half term finished, well done Year 3.


This week in English, we have had great fun listening to some performance poetry by Michael Rosen and we focussed on 'Down behind the dustbin' to have a go at writing our own. Everyone really enjoyed this and we had some amazing poetry. 


In geography, having learnt about land use, we had a really interesting lesson whereby we thought about how land in our local area could be used in the future and we designed our own maps of the future. 


Have a great half term!

Week Commencing 13th May 2024

This week has been a busy week because we have had assessment week. All of the children worked extremely hard and should be very proud of themselves. 


In science this week, we learnt about the life cycle of a flowering plant and discusses the various ways that seeds can be dispersed, as this is how the plant life cycle continues. 


We had a great end to the week as we all came to school wearing our pyjamas! We had lots of opportunities to read for pleasure, including reading outside and in another classroom. 

Week Commencing 6th May 2024

This week in 3NW, we have really enjoyed our geography lessons, whereby we have been exploring how the land use in our local area has changed over time. We looked at where the Grays Athletic football ground used to be and how it now has homes built upon it. We also spoke about the potential loss of Grays library - we enjoyed discussing why land use changes, as well as the pros and cons! The children really enjoyed looking at old photos of familiar places in the local area and comparing them to how the land looks now - children were looking out for these whilst on their coach journey to swimming! 

Week Commencing 29th April 2024

This week, we have had some super English lessons, writing our diary entries as Tuffy the killer cat. Year Three have worked so hard to really get into the role of Tuffy and we have had some wonderful pieces of writing, that I have really enjoyed reading. We have had so many children earn a proud card this week! You should all be very proud of yourselves - well done! 

Week Commencing 22nd April 2024

We have had a busy week in Year Three! We enjoyed our geography lessons, looking closely at different maps and the keys that they have, we discussed that each key is individual to what the map is showing and spoke about some of the symbols used. We then had a map of our local area surrounding Quarry Hill and labelled it with symbols before creating a correlating key.


We finished off our week with another practise at sewing, using the running stitch, in preparation to begin making our cushions that we have been designing, next week. Some of us found it super tricky to thread the needle and avoid tangling the cotton, but we persevered and got there in the end!

Week Commencing 15th April 2024

Welcome back 3NW to our last term in Year Three. This week we have enjoyed looking at sketch maps within our Geography lesson. We spoke about the features of a map and compared sketch maps to other kinds of maps. Together, we went on a walk around our school, before coming back to class to create our own sketch maps of QHA. Some of them were very impressive! 

Week Commencing 25th March 2024

We have had a busy final week in 3NW. In History, we completed a very interesting piece of writing, comparing life in the Stone and Bronze Ages to now, wrapping up our unit nicely and debating which era had the cleverest beings. 


We finished our week with an egg-citing Easter egg hunt on the playground and we all won a chocolate egg! 


Well done 3NW for such a hard-working and successful spring term, have a well-deserved break.

Week Commencing 11th March 2024

We waited patiently all week this week for our trip on Friday, to Chelmsford Museum and what a wonderful day we had! We travelled back in time to the Stone Age - we created some cave paintings (after making our own paints), made our own string, had a go at bow drilling, grinding wheat and had the chance to learn about lots of the artefacts. Can you believe some of them were actually originals from the Stone Age?! We had a fabulous day and it was great to hear everything we have been learning in class, put to good use. 

Week Commencing 4th March 2024

This week we have been looking at shape in Maths and have really enjoyed looking at lines of symmetry as well as comparing 2D and 3D shapes. In science, we completed a match mine activity to help us learn about each type of soil and how well suited they are for different uses.

We were looking forward to continuing with our PowerPoint in ICT, learning how to use all of the features and add formatting to it. 

Finally, we finished our week by celebrating World Book Day! We had so many amazing characters in our class and it was wonderful seeing everyone dressed up!

Week Commencing 26th February 2024

Welcome back to the Spring term! We have lots going on this half term and cannot wait to get going. We started off our Stone Age topic, using primary and secondary sources to get in insight into life during these times and we began our new guided reading book. 'The Boy with the Bronze Axe,' which has taught us lots too, already! Next week, in English, we will begin writing our own version of 'The Stone Age Boy,' whereby Om (from the Stone Age) falls down a hole and into the modern day world.

Week Commencing 5th February 2024

For our final week of term, we had great fun finishing of our pneumatic toys and evaluating them. We were so proud of the final products afte such a lot of effort went into the planning and making process. The children were so excited to see their final toy complete and working and couldn't wait to take them home! 

Week Commencing 29th January 2024

3NW have had a busy week this week and had a rather fun English unit, which links in with our guided reading book, George's Marvellous Medicine. We have really enjoyed writing a set of exciting instructions to make our own 'Menacing Medicines' and we then even got to make them! Yucky!

Week Commencing 22nd January 2024

This week we have been finalising our plans for our moving mechanisms in DT, as next week we will finally begin to create and decorate them.  

In our geography lesson, we looked at the cross-section of a volcano and learnt about the different parts - we look forward to our volcanoes enrichment day in a couple of weeks as we will be making our own volcanoes!

Week Commencing 15th January 2024

WOW! What an exciting week we have had! Would you believe that over the weekend, aliens invaded our school! Throughout the week, we have been collating the evidence left behind in our classrooms and in the outdoor quad area. We also had a joint Teams call with the other Year Three classes in our trust, as it seems the aliens have taken a liking to all of us and have visited each school! They left behind lots of strange items and seem to enjoy covering things in silver foil ...

Week Commencing 8th January 2024

We have had a very busy and productive week in Year 3. In our Geography lessons, we learnt about the layers of the Earth and their differences. We had a great 'Rock Detective' lesson in science, whereby we had the opportunity to observe and examine a number of rocks, comparing them to one another. Next week, we will learn more about the rock types and how they are classified. In our Art lesson, we began to design our 'Moving Mechanisms' which we will begin building soon.

Week Commencing 18th December 2023

We have had a great final week of the Autumn term and had lots of celebrations! We really enjoyed our Christmas disco in the hall and even had a party in class with all of our friends. 


Well done to everyone for working so hard this term, have a restful break and enjoy your time off!

Week Commencing 11th December 2023

We have had a very busy week in Year 3, this week and have been doing lots in the lead up to the end of term! We were lucky enough to watch the Year 1 and 2 Christmas concert, which was lots of fun and they were great performers.


On Wednesday, we had Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner, which was really tasty and festive! Then, on Thursday afternoon we had a wonderful church service in the hall, conducted by Reverend Barlow, whereby we sang lots of carols and heard some special readings.


Finally, we finished our diary entries in English, writing as a boy who couldn't wait for Christmas morning. But, not for the usual reasons - he was counting down the days and was excited to give his parents the special gift that he had bought and hidden!

Week Commencing 4th December 2023

In Year 3 this week, we had great fun writing a letter to Santa. However, it was not your usual Santa letter. We wrote explaining that we wouldn't like anything for ourselves, but in fact needed help to ensure that someone we love receives a special gift because they truly deserve it.


We have also all worked extremely hard during our assessment week and been very proud of our results, so far! 

Week Commencing 27th November 2023

This week, we had our Kenya Enrichment day in Year Three, which was extremely exciting. We started our day by listening to some Kenyan music and then we created some artwork. We used watercolours to create a sunset background and then created animal silhouettes on black card to stick on top - they were really effective!


We also learnt about the Kenyan flag and the meaning behind each colour. In groups, we had a quarter of the flag to create, each using a different media and then put them together to recreate the whole flag!

Week Commencing 20th November 2023

This week, Year 3 have had great fun in our English lessons, writing a newspaper report detailing the final three winners of Golden Tickets! Using all of the information we have learnt from reading the book, we have been able to use a lot of detail to describe the characters - Augustus Gloop, Violet Beauregarde and Charlie Bucket. We have also incorporated quotes into our reports, some of which we created based on our own interpretations and some we retrieved directly from the book! We have really enjoyed this English topic!

Week Commencing 13th November 2023

In our class this week, we really enjoyed learning about the day in the life of a Kenyan child, which is very different to ours! Although, there are some similarities, we discovered that there are far more differences.


In our Science lesson, we learnt about friction and enjoyed exploring the materials in school to decide which we thought would produce the most and the least friction. We also looked at the soles of our shoes to compare the amount of grip that they have and discussed the impact this would have on friction!

Week Commencing 6th November 2023

In 3NW this week, we had great fun in Science testing how air makes an object move. We made balloon rockets using string, straws and balloons and had fun exploring how the amount of air inside the balloon affected how far and how fast the balloon travelled. We also spoke about how the surface of the string would affect how smoothly the balloon would travel too. 


In Art, we started to look at African masks and had a go at sketching them, incorporating the patterns that we focussed on last week.


Week Commencing 30th October 2023

This week, Year 3 have written a diary entry as Grace, from the book,  'Grace and Family.' In this book, Grace travels from England to her see her Dad's family in Africa but she feels left out.


In Science, we have been learning about forces and magnets. So far, we have looked at push, pull and twist.


In Art, we made poppies by cutting the bottom of bottles (which are flower shape) and painting them red. We then put a black piece of paper in the middle. After that, we put strings through the holes we made in them so that they can be added to the beautiful poppy display outside!


Week Commencing 16th October 2023

In our English lessons this week, we read the story, 'The Storm Whale,' which is about a whale who is washed up on the shore during a storm and rescued by a young boy, named Noi. We looked at a variety of poetic features and then used our ideas to turn the story into a poem. We had some really fantastic poetry in our class, so here are some examples:

Week Commencing 9th October 2023

This week, we were very excited as we were finally able to make and taste the fruit crumble that we have been planning for in our DT lessons!  We learnt all about the ingredients and wrote up the method before we all went into the hall to start cooking. We worked in our table groups to make the crumble mixture, rubbing sugar, flour and butter together with out fingertips, until it went 'crumbly'. We carefully laid our fruit (apples and blackcurrants) in the bottom of a large dish and carefully sprinkled the crumble mixture on top. An adult, placed the crumble into the oven for 40 minutes and then the best bit ... we got to eat it, yummy! 

Week Commencing 2nd October 2023

We have had a super exciting week this week! During English we have been putting all of our history knowledge to good use as we have started to write a non-chronological report about the Tower of London.


Today, we have had a super day visiting The Tower! We have seen the Crown Jewels, The White Tower, the Bloody Tower and the ravens! 

Week Commencing 25th September 2023

This week we enjoyed learning about the human skeleton and each of the bones that we have. We completed a match mine activity in pairs to label our own human skeleton. 


In history we got into character and wrote a diary entry as if we were Lady Jane Grey! She was queen for just nine days before her title was removed by Mary. We look forward to our Tower of London trip next week to see where she was executed! 

Week commencing 18th September 2023!

We have had a really enjoyable week in Year 3 and have particularly liked our new English topic, 'Partly Cloudy.' We had great fun listening to the video without watching it and guessing what could be happening just from hearing the sounds.

Together, we came up with some amazing an phrases, ready to write an emotive character description all about the main character Gus. We cannot wait to see whose work is chosen for the Golden Writing wall!


We would like to congratulate Rosie and Noah this week too, who were selected as the new Eco Councillors for our class. We look forward to seeing all of the wonderful things that they help embed within our school.

Week commencing 11th September 2023!

We have had a super second week in 3NW. In History, we have really enjoyed learning about how the Tower of London has changed throughout time and how it has adapted to suit its purpose. We learnt that The White Tower was the first part to be built and we cannot wait to go and visit!


In our PSHE lessons, we discussed what it means to be respectful and we have used these skills throughout the week, ensuring that we are respectful to other children and adults.  

Week commencing 4th September 2023!

What a first week we have had in 3NW! Our first week has been very busy and we have all settled into our new classroom beautifully!

We have chosen our new school councillors, Matei and Madison - well done and we look forward to seeing you in your new very important role.

During history we have started discussing the Tower of London and what we think it may have been used for in the past; also considering which sources could help us to find answers. We are looking forward to our school trip there in a few weeks time! 

In English we have read Jack and the Beanstalk and written some amazing character descriptions of the Giant. We already have so many fantastic pieces of Golden Writing on display in 3NW! 
