Week Commencing 15th July 2024
This term, we have been exploring 'birds' in art. We have created sketches, prints and collages. We have carefully constructed feathers using fine line sketches and then designed our own printing stamps by creating features using wool. We have finished our project by creating individual feathers that were put together to create an Eagle - I think you will agree that the end result is fantastic!
In English, the school was shaken by the revelation that new school laptops had been stolen! Year 5 helped to investigate the case, identifying multiple teachers that were prime suspects! After much enquiry and a full police trail, year 5 were able to write a newspaper report to reassure the community that something like this would not happen again. Their journalistic writing was brilliant - Well done year 5.
I can't wait to see what our final week will bring.
Week Commencing 8th July 2024
What a fantastic week!
This week, Year 5 have completed their last set of assessments before the summer break. I have been so impressed by their resilience, determination and dedication. It is always lovely to hear the class praising each other for their efforts, whilst feeling proud of themselves for how far they have come. We finished the week by continuing to explore our topic 'Birds' in Art, by creating some beautiful sketches which we will finish in crayon and watercolours next week. Finally, we anticipated the results of the upcoming match England V Spain.
We hope that there will be celebrations, come Monday!
Have a lovely weekend.
Week Commencing 1st July 2024
What a fantastic day Year 5 have had! We had a great trip to Rainham Marshes. We had a workshop on Rivers and a workshop on birds and their habitats. The children started by looking at where the mouth and the source of the river Thames was. Then they made a field sketch work whilst standing in the marshes. Afterwards, they matched up the various OS puzzle pieces to recreate an image. By this time, the children were all ravenous as they often are when they are on a trip. They devoured the lunches so that they had lots of energy for being able to spot the birds. We spotted so many using our handy binoculars! The grey heron was one of our favourites. Thank you to all the parents who helped us and to RSPB Rainham Marshes.
Week Commencing 17th June 2024
What a beautiful end to what has been a wonderful week. Sports Day this week has been phenomenal - a massive well done to Mr. Berry, all the children and even some of the parents! A big well done to Yellow Team! Also this week, they have been finishing their fantastic stories based on the poem: The Highwayman. They have been thrilling to read and I'm sure that they are very proud of them. Well done Year 5.
Week Commencing 10th June 2024
A great start to another half term - the last one before the children begin their journey to Year 6! Writing reports has really made me think about what a fantastic year they've had. This week they have begun their work on Forces in science and Rivers in geography. In science, we investigated whether a paperclip or a book fell fastest to Earth. Then, in geography, the children researched various rivers of the UK and discussed why our cities are often built around rivers. Go on, ask them why!
Week Commencing 13th May 2024
Firstly, I would like to say how proud I am of every child in 5KB! We have completed our Summer 1 assessments this week and the resilience and determination we have seen has been fantastic! We are preparing ourselves for the next step into Year 6 and I feel that 5KB have made great progress towards this. Well done!
We have finished the week enjoying not only pajama day, but also our whole school Climate day. We have been on a litter pick across the school, created Microsoft Sways to encourage others to look after the planet and created posters too!
Week Commencing 6th May 2024
What a week we have had!
We ended a great week with our Viking day. It was fantastic to see the children dressed up and ready to take part in a range of engaging activities. We learnt about Viking trails (A thing), prepared for battle by taking part in tasks to see who had the 'Power of Thor!'; we learnt about raiding and trading, Viking clothing and finished the day creating our very own long boats. Wow! Well done, Year 5. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did.
Week Commencing 29th April 2024
This week, year 5 have been exploring balanced discussions. We have discussed the for and against Social Media and I have been very impressed with the way they have been able to give balance to both sides of the discussion. In DT, we started preparations for the design and method of their own Spaghetti Bolognese - we cannot wait to start making it! In Science, we created a double page spread, to show our understanding of the life cycle of a butterfly. I was particularly impressed with year 5's efforts in presentation for this piece, well done! Finally, we finished the week with an invite to the Rock Steady concert. Well done to all those involved, you have inspired others to follow in your footsteps.
Week Commencing 22nd April 2024
This week, we have created an emotive narrative based on the silent, short story, 'The Piano'. It has been wonderful to read the children's work, seeing how much they have learnt about effective punctuation, openers and how to capture the feelings of characters from their body language. We have also begun preparations for creating a healthy Bolognese in DT. We even tried some shop bought sauces! We are looking forward to creating our own recipes by the end of the term. Well done this week, Year 5!
Week Commencing 15th April 2024
Welcome back! I hope you have all had a rested Easter break. It has been lovely to see Year 5 coming back to school ready to hit the ground running, in preparation for Year 6. We are focusing on deepening our understanding and taking on a challenge! This week, we took part in a presentation about the life cycle of different mammals. I was so impressed by 5KB's confidence in delivering their information to the rest of the class.
Keep up the great work!
Week Commencing 25th March 2024
Can you believe that Spring 2 has come to an end already? What a fantastic half term we have had. It is amazing to see how far our year 5s have come and to see the improvement in their confidence, knowledge and resilience when faced with a challenge. As we make our way into the final term, we look forward to our preparations for transition into Year 6. We will be focusing closely on handwriting, spelling and presentation - whilst also getting ready to explore interesting topics such as Animal lifecycles, Vikings and cooking! Have a wonderful Easter break, we cannot wait to get started!
Week Commencing 18th March 2024
This week, we have enjoyed interesting discussions and debates about climate change and how we can positively change events happening now, to improve our future. It is always a joy to listen to how well Year 5 are able to use their current understanding of world issues and the suggestions that they come up with for improvements. Year 5 enjoyed taking part in our Enrichment day on Friday - creating Climate change leaflets, bird feeders and taking active steps to improve our environment. Well done 5KB!
Week Commencing 11th March 2024
Another fantastic week in Year 5! This week, we have continued our discussion regarding whether the UK is doing enough to support others around the world. We wrote letters to the Prime Minister and debated our views for and against. It is lovely to see Year 5 using their balanced discussions from last week to support them with this. We are enjoying observing flowers in Art and have started our observational drawings, finishing with watercolours. It has been lovely to use our knowledge of parts of the plant in Science, taking time to observe them and recreate our own images. Well done Year 5! Looking forward to another great week, next week.
Week Commencing 4th March 2024 (5KB)
Happy World Book Day!
What a fantastic day we have had. It is always lovely to see so many exciting and interesting costumes. We have enjoyed learning about the reasons why people have selected these outfits and taken time to partner read with year 3. This week we have worked hard to develop our writing skills in English - exploring whether the UK is doing enough to support other countries across the world. We have explored Data handling and Maths and are now beginning to feel more confident in reading bus and train timetables (a great skill for the future).
Another amazing week in year 5. Well done everyone.
Week Commencing 26th February 2024 (5KB)
Welcome back! We hope that you enjoyed the long break and are ready to start the Spring 2 term.
We have settled straight back into routine and enjoyed exploring poetry about WW1, using our knowledge from Macbeth to support us in creating effective war time poetry. We read through some very emotive poems such as, Dulce et Decorum Est and Flanders Fields. It was amazing to hear how much the children already know about this time and the impacts on the soldiers. We have started our new topic 'Flowers' in Art and it was lovely to end the week creating our own interpretations of flowers using crayons, chalks and pencils. What a fantastic week!
Week Commencing 5th February 2024 (5KB)
Year 5 have had a great week. They were full of beans about their school trip - thank you to the parents who helped us out. In English this week, we finished writing our recounts based on Joey from War Horse. They used such beautiful emotive language and I'm sure they'll love to share these with their parents on our parent consultations.
Last week, was our assessment week and it must be said that they have shown themselves to be resilient and hardworking students. It was this week that we went through some of the tests and they were so proud (as are we). Well done Year 5!
Week Commencing 29th January 2024 (5KB)
Assessment week is complete! Well done to 5KB, who amazed me with their efforts. The resilience and determination to improve has been fantastic.
This week, we have also enjoyed learning about the colosseum and explored the range of gladiators that fought there. 5KB particularly enjoyed pretending to commentate one of the games. During DT, we have been exploring building bridges from spaghetti and in Science we continue to explore reversible and irreversible change. Can you support your child at home to explore changes to materials e.g. sugar/coffee in water? Can this process be reversed?
What a great week! I cannot wait to see what next week will bring.
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024 (5KB)
Another amazing week, this week. In English, we have been writing letters from the perspective of Ted Narracott (Father of Albert in the story War Horse). There were some wonderful emotive letters created. We have continued our topic on the Romans, debating whether Boudicca was a hero or villain (which sparked a great discussion amongst the class). It has been lovely to see 5KB adapting to our new routines and a new class teacher, showing that they are ready to start their preparations for Year 6.
Keep up the gear work 5KB!
Week Commencing 15th January 2024 (5KB)
This week was a fantastic week of learning. We have explored the Witches poem from Macbeth and I was so impressed with their efforts in creating their own innovated version.
It was lovely to greet parents on Tuesday for our Parent Workshop, giving them an opportunity to see the children in action. Thank you to those parents who got involved as well!
To round off the week, we thoroughly enjoyed taking a trip around the world, learning about the vast variety of cultures that we have within our school. The clothes were beautiful! They had a fantastic time learning about Lithuania, India and China. Well done to some of the children who hosted our own dance class!
Finally, we were amazed to have a great musical show from our very own Mrs Fuller and her musical box as she taught us about Morris dancing. What a brilliant week!
Week Commencing 8th January 2024 (5KB)
At the end of our first full week together in 5KB, I have been so impressed by the hard work and resilience of the children in the class. This week, we have been exploring why the Romans were so successful, and why they decided to invade Britain. We have shared interesting and thought provoking conversations about 'Building bridges, not walls' and 'What would the world be like if no one could speak?' in PSHE.
Well done, 5KB. A great start to the new year!
Week Commencing 27th November 2023
Another fantastic week for us this week which was full of super fun learning! We have continued with writing our Alchemist letter and the children have loved immersing themselves into the character of the very selfish and greedy father. We have also continued with fractions and the children have really grasped multiplying and dividing fractions. The best part of this week was our enrichment day 🙂. The children had so much fun learning about the history of the USA and researching particular states, we then used cardboard to create a famous landmark from each state. The children also needed to cut out the shape of their state and at the end of the day we recreated the map of the USA with their 3D landmarks which turned out amazing! (See pictures). To finish we enjoyed a traditional hot dog and some American candy...yum!

Week Commencing 20th November 2023
Wow! What a week we have had in 5EG.
This week we have been immersing ourselves into a very heartfelt letter by the Alchemist - the children have really enjoyed empathising with the character and are excited to write their very own letters next week.
In maths we have been continuing with fractions and looking at multiplying and dividing fractions with whole numbers. Well done to some of the children who researched how to do this prior to the lessons as this really showed in their ability - they also became teachers to the other children who were finding this a challenge.
On Wednesday we had the Walk Online Roadshow which was super fun and informative and we learnt how to keep safe online! Please do speak to your children about what they play and who they speak to online and check their devices to make sure they are safe and protected from online abusers.
This week we have also had the book fair in school and the children have loved looking at all the new books and getting excited for reading. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all again on Monday 🙂
Week Commencing 13th November 2023
This week in 5EG has been super fun and creative. In English we have been looking at the impressive work of the surrealist artist Salvador Dali. We dove into one of his extraordinary paintings (Persistence of Memory) and explored the emotions it made us feel. We then recreated this painting in art later on in the week - please see below of some one of our favourite replicas.
In maths we also have been exploring adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and ordering fractions from smallest to largest. Have an enjoyable weekend!
Week Commencing 6th November 2023
This week in English we recreated the legend of Robin Hood and innovating it to make it our own legend. The children enjoyed the moral to this legendary story and saw the importance of giving and helping those in need. In art this week we began looking at the Persistence of Memory artwork from Salvador Dali and we had a go at drawing one of the melting clocks in our books - the children enjoyed using different shading techniques to make the clock look real! In geography we have been exploring the USA and using our map skills of reading coordinates to find different states and cities on the map. The children then also when on a road trip online across the USA and they loved identifying the most iconic places that we may have seen on the TV. In Science we have been investigating the properties of different materials - the children loved using their investigative skills to test the materials for their strength, flexibility, magnetism etc. Well that was a fun week 5EG, have a lovely rest and I will see you all refreshed on Monday!
Week Commencing 30th October 2023
Welcome back 5EG! Everyone has seemed to have settled back into a brand new half term of learning already. We have started our new book: Holes by Louis Sachar. The children really enjoyed reading one of the author's book last half term so I am sure they will enjoy this one too. We have also started our artwork for Remembrance Day - making poppies. Year 5 will be doing the theme of the Commonwealth. I will upload photos once they are complete for you too see their incredible efforts. We also started our new geography topic: USA! Please extend this geographical learning at home if you can. Have a great weekend all - see you Monday.
Week Commencing 16th October 2023
And that's a wrap for Autumn 1 - I can't believe that we have gone through a whole half term already! What a whirlwind of fun it has been! Not only did we have a trip to the Southend Planetarium and saw some incredible star formations but we also had a Black History Day where the children got to learn about many inspiring astronauts, pilots and singers. The children also loved making their electrical greeting card and investigating how to make a circuit using copper wire, LED bulbs and a battery! Have a wonderful yet restful week off, ready to begin all the fun we are yet to have in Autumn 2!
Week Commencing 2nd October 2023
We have been very hard at work here in Year 5! We have finally finished putting the finishing touches to our electrical greeting cards. They are still slightly incomplete so we will send photos on next week's blog. In English, we also finally finished our fantastic dementor stories. The children had some fantastic ideas for their villain, including a baked bean (don't ask!). In guided reading, we have also finished our story: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm sure many of them will be reading more of Louis Sachar. Next week, we have our assessment week and the children will be tested on everything that they have learned this half term. We are sure that they will be fantastic!
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Week commencing 25th September 2023!
Year 5 have had a blinding week. We loved making the moon phases with Oreo cookies! We learnt all about solar eclipses and listened to a wacky rap. In English, we have been immersing ourselves in the world of villains - namely, the Dementors! All of our bits and pieces for DT have now arrived so that we can begin to make our greeting card. We will upload a photo of them next week!
Week commencing 18th September!
This week in 5EG has been super enjoyable. We have been looking at addition in maths and using our mental strategies to work out the answers. In English, we have been writing diary entries as if we are the characters from our guided reading book - the children have loved channelling their inner Bradley! In music this week, we used different instruments to recreate a piece of music from space - let's just say it was a little noisy! In history, we enjoyed learning about Queen Anne and using sources to find out lots of information about her reign and personal life. See below for pictures of the children debating with the Scots about becoming united with England then eventually signing the petition.
I have chosen some new golden writers for their fantastic efforts in literacy - Milan and Simran well done! Also, I have a handful of children who have shown real commitment to their reading at home and I have loved seeing their reading journal every day 🙂
Have a great weekend and see you soon!

Week commencing 11th September 2023!
This week has been a super fun week for the children! In English we have been looking at a prickly character called Bradley Chalkers from our guided reading book and immersing ourselves into why he behaves the way he does. The children have enjoyed exploring this and are excited to write his diary entries next week! In maths, we have been learning how to count back through zero and what happens when we are working out the differences between negative and positive numbers - some children even went home and carried out extra research!
I have been so impressed with year 5 this week and have even chosen two golden writers already - see work below - well done Rojus and Mustafa (5CE).
I have also been very excited to begin a school choir and I have already got willing children across year 5 signing up - this is a great opportunity for new experiences and to build confidence.
I look forward to what week 3 is going to bring our class 🙂 have a great weekend!
Week commencing 4th September 2023!
5EG have had an absolute fantastic first week back! We have really got back into the swing of things now and it has been an absolute pleasure to see everyone’s faces once again. The children are enjoying being in upper key stage 2 and are eager to learn their new topics this term. In English, we have been learning about the Three Brothers who tricked Death and created the Deathly Hallows. SPOOOOOKY. In maths, we have been focused on place value which includes rounding. It has become clear that some children might have forgotten some of their times tables – so keep practising! We have also started our new guided reading book – There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar, which we are all finding rather funny. We have started our new topic in science: space, and the children have enjoyed sharing all what they already know about this topic. Finally, we have enjoyed started learning about past monarchs of Britain in History. Have a great weekend everyone!