Week commencing 17th July 2023!
As the last pencil has been sharpened, the last piece of writing has been writing and the last blob of paint has dried, the sun sets on the school year. 1GR should look back on their achievements with such pride after fantastic school year which closed with the class PARTY!!!

Week commencing 10th July 2023!
As 1GR entered their penultimate week of the school year the excitement and learning didn’t let up. Whether it was learning a new animation story ‘Bubbles’ in English, or writing a setting description in computing of a beach, or showing our knowledge of how deciduous trees change through the year in science, or discovering the difference between Grays and a seaside town in Geography or even finally making our smoothies in DT the children had a great time!

Week commencing 3rd July 2023!
This week in 1GR we wrote a shorten version of Roald Dahl’s ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. In maths, we improved our understanding on number knowledge, going over a variation of topics. In geography we discussed what we would find at the seaside and then debated whether it was a human or physical features. We also had the greatest time in music where we collaborated to make our own song about transport (which Mrs Goody really enjoyed!!) and taste tested some fruits and vegetables in DT in preparation for our smoothie making in the coming weeks.

Week commencing 26th June 2023!
This week 1GR learnt our new story ‘The giraffe, the pelly and me’ in English. We continued improving our multiplication and division knowledge in Maths as well as discussing what we take on summer holidays as part of our geography topic. Because our science and DT topics lined up nicely in regards to planting in science and making a smoothie in DT, we learnt about fruits and vegetables before sorting the foods into where they grow.

Week commencing 19th June 2023!
This week saw Year 1 go on their Summer term trip. We linked our trip to Hyde Hall with our current Science topic of ‘Plants’.
The children exploded the beautiful gardens and joined in various activities within this. They had a lovely day outside in the sunshine ☀️

Week commencing 12th June 2023!
An exciting first week back saw 1GR learn our new story, Rumpelstiltskin, in English. We revisited addition and subtraction in Maths, learnt the differences between fruit and vegetables in science. We even had time to
study maps and atlases in geography as we looked at a variety of holiday destinations and discussed where we had been on holiday, seeing if there were any similarities.

Week commencing 22nd May 2023!
The children enjoyed using their hands and planting flowers which linked to our science topic. We managed to plant quite a few pots as well as replanting our runner bean plants in the QHA garden area.
It made the school look quite colourful.

Week commencing 15th May 2023!
Another amazing week in 1GR!
We immersed ourselves in our new English story, a slippery tale. We continued to learn about the Titanic and Windrush in History, comparing the two ships, which ended in a fun quiz. In science, we pulled apart a flower to help us learn the different parts before labelling it in our books which was so much fun! And in ICT we carried on learning about coding and started to make our own programs!

Week commencing 9th May 2023!
This week we wrote our own information texts about dinosaurs in English, improved our mental calculation skills in maths, learnt about the Windrush in History, learnt how to stay safe in the sun (should it ever arrive) in PSHE and compared Christian baptisms and Muslim whispering ceremonies in RE. All before celebrating the Kings coronation.

Week commencing 2nd May 2023!
This week 1GR crammed a lot into a 4 day week! It started off with a successful and fun parent workshop, explaining how we teach writing at QHA. This led into our new English topic - information texts about dinosaurs.
We recapped how to solve multiplication and division problems in maths using a method, we explored and then sorted and grouped different types of flowers in science, had time to learn how to create a rhythm on a Glockenspiel in music, as well as solving coding errors in a program in computing, before creating our own codes.

Week commencing 24th April 2023!
Another full fun week in 1GR!
We continued using our historian skills in History as we looked at how different the facilities and areas were for the first and third class passengers on the Titanic. In Maths we reminded ourselves how to add and subtract using a number line. In English, we started and completed our amazing stories, using the book, ‘the way back home’ by Oliver Jeffers as inspiration. We managed to get outside and go on a wildflower hunt in science, using our knowledge from last week of the names of different wildflowers to help identify them and in computing we learnt about coding and created a short code for how to make an animated fish move on a programme.

Week commencing 17th April 2023!
An amazing first week back!
We started to immerse ourselves in our new English topic, ‘the way back home’. We learnt the story, and wrote a description of the moon and the boy’s feelings of how he felt on the Moon by himself. In science, we started our new topic of plant detectives, where we planted bean seeds and explored different types of wild flowers. Our history topic started with a bang, or should we say crash, as we looked at the Titanic, and reasons why it sunk. In Maths we explored shape and fractions through the week, managing a few practical elements of maths to helps us understand fractions of number.

Week commencing 27th March 2023!
We have a lovely last week before the Easter break. We wrote our own ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ story in English, learnt how to display data in tally charts, pictograms and bar charts in Maths, continued our own EBooks in ICT and even managed time for a day trip to the toy museum to link into our History topic.

Week commencing 20th March 2023!
This week in English we immersed ourselves in the traditional take, Goldilocks and the three bears. We learnt the story, gathered words to describe the the bears house and write a lovely description of this too.
We made bird feeders in science and then gathered the data of which birds fed from the feeders. We also completed our paper weaves in Art. What a fun week!

Week commencing 13th March 2023!
This week in 1GR we write up our own amazing poems based on Quinton Blakes, Mr Magnolia. We also looked at the different animal groups and decided whether an animal was a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. We looked at old playground games in history and got very excited when we used a skipping rope with two people at each end, allowing one person to try and skip the rope. Also, in maths, we developed our knowledge of time by using the correct time language, displaying the correct time
on clocks and also drawing hands on pre-drawn clocks.

Week commencing 6th March 2023!
This week in 1GR. We have had another exciting week.
In science, we have continued to look at animals and what groups they are from. In maths, we have worked on our mental calculations and in Art we have continued to work on creating a repeated pattern. They looked amazing.
In English, we started a new topic, Mr Magnolia, written by Quentin Blake. We have immersed ourselves in the story, creating a story map before looking at different rhyming words.

Week commencing 27th February 2023!
Another busy week in 1GR but we still had time for a wonderful world book day with various engaging activities through the afternoon.
Week commencing 20th February 2023!
Another fun packed week in 1GR!
We created a repeated pattern in art, repeating this 3 times as we started our exploration of the Weaving topic. In science we studied living and non living things and actually had a visit from Mrs Howard’s pet tortoise to help us understand that living things move and grow.

Week commencing 6th February 2023

We enjoyed our geography enrichment day today, immersing ourselves in directional language, exploring atlases, labelling a map of the school work, and creating our own very own maps!
Week commencing 30th January 2023

This week in English we learnt about the features of recounts and how they are written. We explored a few different recounts, before ordering a recount of a standard child’s day, and orally telling this to a partner, as we prepare to write our own recount next week of our trip to the library.
Week commencing 23rd January 2023
1GR had a lovely visit to Grays library this week. We were read a story by the librarian before exploring the library, having time to read or share a story with our friends
Week commencing 9th January 2023

1GR had a great afternoon exploring their local area using maps, before designing and creating their own version of the local area!
We had some local area amazing map results!
Week commencing 2nd January 2023

We conducted an experiment in science to discover which items floated or sank.
We discussed and learnt about how and why some items float, before predicting which items would float. We then tested the items and enjoyed watching if we were correct!
Week commencing 12th December 2022

As well as cramming in our normal lessons, the Year 1 children had a rather Christmassy week which saw the week and year draw to a close. Finishing the week with our Year 1 Christmas disco.
Week commencing 5th December 2022

Another fun packed week in 1GR!
In Science we conducted an experiment - making a prediction of which kitchen roll we thought would be the most absorbent, before testing several brands of to see which was in fact, the most absorbent.
We also had a great time performing in our Christmas production!
Week commencing 28th November 2022

The children worked hard on using the primary colours to create a variety of different colours as they painted Elmer in Art this week.
Week commencing 21st November 2022

Another fun pack week came to a close with ‘France Day’.
The children looked amazing in their French wear - ranging from the famous red, white and blue flag coloured outfits, to trademark French attire (striped top and beret), we even had a Napoleon!
First we listened to a French story, told by our wonderful Miss Weller who impressed us all with her French speaking language! We located France on the map, and embedded this by colouring matching France and surrounding countries on a map, we tasted some French food (the cheese was not well received), we learnt a range of French body parts through a song and also copied the work of French artists: Monet and Matisse in the afternoon. What a day!
Week commencing 14th November 2022

1GR wrote some amazing stories linked to the book ‘Aaaarrgghh Spider!’ Last week.
We innovated the story and the children really made it their own.
Week commencing 7th November 2022

1GR explored and immersed ourselves in a new story, ‘Aaaarrgghh Spider!’ this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story before creating their own story map of the same story. We then changed the main character and the things he tried to do to impress the family to make it our own.
Week Commencing 31st October 2022
Our first art topic of the year was extremely fun and enjoyable. The children experimented with a variety of items, such as brushes, loly sticks, sponges and straws to paint a pattern of their choice.
We had lots of fun and created some lovely pieces of art.
Week commencing 17th October 2022

The first trip of the year saw us travel to Wat Tyler Country Park. This trip linked our topics: British homes in History, and senses in Science.
Despite the rainy conditions - the children had lots of fun!
Week commencing 10th October 2022
1GR had an educational visit to the local church this week, learning more about Christians and their place of worship.
Week commencing 3rd October 2022

We continued and completed our DT projects this week, windmills.
The children have worked hard for the past five weeks designing and creating their windmills for a mouse to live in and were delighted when they could finally take them home, completed.
Week commencing 26th September 2022

This week the children loved writing their own versions of ‘Handa’s Surprise’, innovating the story by changing the fruits and characters.
Week commencing 19th September 2022

Another fun packed week in 1GR! We immersed ourselves into a new book, Handa’s Surprise, in English, which enabled us to try a variety of different fruits which were detailed in the story…. YUM!
Week commencing 12th September 2022
Another fun packed week in Year 1 saw them write their amazing stories of ‘This is the bear’ in English, show their number knowledge in Maths, start to create their windmills in DT, learn more about Christians and items associated with them, as well as continue of with their science topic ‘senses’. This week in science we looked at sight, and became sense scientists, using our eyes to keep watch during a missing item task, as well as decide what animals can see in the dark!
Week commencing 5th September 2022
The children settled in really well in their first week and it's so lovely to have a classroom of smiling children.
They have picked up the new routines well and are showing their lovely little personalities.
We even managed time to select our school councillors. Congratulations: Adam and Jessica.