Week commencing 4th July 2022
This week in Literacy we discussed what we have enjoyed most in Reception and what we have been good at. In maths, we revised our knowledge of shapes and used the correct vocabulary to describe 2D and 3D shapes.
On Friday, Reception had a great day as part of our enrichment day. We spent the morning making our hats and decorating our biscuits. We then wore our hats and enjoyed a parade around Reception playground. We spent the afternoon having fun and playing different games.
Week commencing 27th June 2022
This week we have continued to look at the story of ‘Tiddler’. We have enjoyed creating our own ‘Tiddler Tale’ and acting it out.
On Thursday, the children absolutely enjoyed our road safety walk with their parents.
In Maths, we focussed on place value and learnt about tens and ones in teen numbers. This term our topic is ‘Splash’ and the children have had amazing discussions on water safety and keeping safe in the sun.
Week Commencing 13th June 2022
Reception children have had a fantastic day at Barleylands learning about animals, where food comes from and making our own pizza. The children really enjoyed feeding some farm animals and going on a tractor ride.
We had a wonderful day and all of the children were, of course, very well behaved!
Week Commencing 6th June 2022
It has been Science week this week and we have been completing lots of different activities in Year 1 based around respiratory. We first looked at how different living things breathe, including humans, plants, fish and a range of animals. We then learnt about what happens to our body when we breathe and the children worked together to make lungs. They found this very interesting, and even learnt that one lung is smaller than the other to make space for the heart. The children also investigated how we can breathe underwater or on the moon and made a helmet for our class mascot, Gerald, for his adventures to space or underwater. We also measured our heart rate and learnt about how and why it changes after exercise and finally spent time planting seeds and learning how they breathe and what they need in order to grow.
Week Commencing 6th June 2022
This week has been science week and we have been exploring growth and movement. The children have been very interested in finding snails around our garden and we have looked at how they move. We had our very own snail race and observed them moving. We have also explored other things that move such as water. The children have explored how they can make the water move faster by using different containers, water channels and ramps.
We have started to explore our new topic 'Splash' and have looked at different under the sea creatures and researched to see how they move. We were very interested to see how they move differently to our class snails!
Week Commencing 23rd May 2022
On Wednesday we had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. We made own crowns, castles, flags, royal people, designed our own plate and made tea fit for a Queen! We enjoyed our own tea party with Nursery and Pre-school and even had a party at the end of the day! A lot of fun was had by all.
Week Commencing 16th May 2022
This week we were very excited to receive a letter from the fairies. They have been watching us work really hard and so they told us that we would get magical surprise. The day after we were very happy to see our new reading area outside. We have been very busy sharing our favourite stories with our friends.
Week Commencing 2nd May 2022
This week in Reception, we have continued to look at the story of the ‘Enormous Turnip’. We have innovated the story with our own characters and we have created our new story maps. In Maths, we have looked at odd and even numbers.
As part of our Growing topic, the children have planted their own sunflower seeds. They are going to water them daily and ensure that they get enough sunlight to GROW!
Children in Reception have been excited to have their own caterpillars to look after. We have discussed how to look after them and we are going to observe what happens to them each day. We can’t wait to watch them GROW into butterflies!
Week Commencing 25th April 2022
This week we have continued to look at the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We have written some amazing sentences to describe the characters in the story.
In Maths, we have learnt to use greater than and less than to compare numbers.
The children have absolutely enjoyed playing with our new furniture in our role play area.
This term our topic is Growth and the children have planted some seeds in their key groups.
We are very excited to water it each day and watch it grow!
Week Commencing 18th April 2022
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. We are so proud of how well they have all settled.
In Literacy we have been looking at the story of the ‘Enormous Turnip’ and creating our own story maps. In Maths we have been looking at number bonds to 10 in different ways.
This week the children have thoroughly enjoyed playing with our new sandpit and puppet theatre. We have used our puppet theatre to retell so many stories.
Week Commencing 28th March 2022
This week we have continued to look at the story of ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ and created our own version of the story. Reception children were fantastic at coming up with their own ideas and writing some interesting stories!
We have made our own playdough using flour, salt and water and made models of jungle animals. We have also been busy creating our Easter cards and doing lots of Easter fun activities.
We hope that you all have a restful half term, the Reception staff would like to wish you a Happy Easter!
Week Commencing 21st March 2022
This week Reception children have had lots of fun using funnels to make water ramps while playing in the sunshine. In Literacy, we continued with our story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. We have used our senses to write about what we can see, smell, feel, taste and hear in the jungle. In Maths, we revised our number knowledge and we have enjoyed composing and decomposing shapes.
Week Commencing 14th March 2022
This week in Reception, we have been learning the story of 'Rumble in the Jungle'. The children have really enjoyed the story and have described the characters using some fantastic adjectives. In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes, identifying some of their properties.
We finished off the week with a trip to Thorndon Country Park on Friday. We enjoyed going on a bug hunt, going through the mud and making bear caves. What a fantastic day we have had on our trip!
Week Commencing 7th March 2022
This week in Reception we have continued looking at the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. The children have enjoyed innovating the story and creating their own story maps. In maths, we have learnt to use vocabulary relating to time and read o’clock times.
We have also enjoyed using our senses to describe different things by sight, touch, taste, smell and hear.
Well done Reception and have a lovely weekend!
Week Commencing 28th February 2022
This week we have enjoyed playing with the rainwater. We have loved putting on our wellies and exploring outside. We have been busy looking at capacity as we collected the rainwater and making muddy soup in the mud kitchen.
We wondered where the rain came from and followed the rain to see where it goes - it watered the plants and landed on our skin, we drunk some of the raindrops and it got in our hair.
Some of the water made a puddle and some of it went down the drain. We wondered where it might go next.
We loved singing songs about the rain and water.
On Friday we enjoyed dressing up as a character from our favourite story. We listened to a story read to us by a special visitor and we shared our favourite book with the year 5s. Check out your child's photos on Tapestry!
Week Commencing 21st February 2022
This week we have been looking at the story of 'We’re Going on a Bear Hunt'. We have been busy acting out and creating our own story maps. In maths, we have been revising ordering numbers to 20.
All the children in reception have enjoyed playing with our new playhouse.
Week Commencing 7th February 2022
This week we have been exploring our own and others emotions for Mental Health Week. This years theme is 'Growing Together' and we spoke about how we can work together to help each other. On Friday the children enjoyed dressing up as their future self. Check your child's Tapestry to see their photo.
Week Commencing 31st January 2022
This week we have enjoyed taking on the role of a builder for our topic 'People Who Help'. We have enjoyed making houses and building different types of walls. We have explored how we can balance the bricks to make a tall and sturdy wall.
On Tuesday we celebrated the Chinese New Year. We spoke about traditions and tried a prawn cracker during Island Time. We enjoyed making our own dragons, lanterns and New Year cards.
Week Commencing 24th January 2022
This week in Reception we have been looking at the different people who help us. We were very excited when we had a visit from the firefighters. They told us about their job and showed us the different equipment they carry on their fire engine. All the children enjoyed firing water from the water hoses.
Week Commencing 17th January 2022
This week we have had unexpected visitor in our classroom. The Evil Pea visited our classroom and trapped the carrot and broccoli. We have been very busy writing letters to Supertato asking for his help. We were very pleased on Friday when Supertato had caught all the peas and put them in jelly. We were shocked to find our there were more than one pea! We have also enjoyed using the tweezers to count the correct amount of peas to match the Numicon
Week Commencing 10th January 2022
This week we have been busy creating our own characters from the story 'Supertato'. We were very excited to find lots of big boxes in our outside area. We worked as a team to make a car, rocket and a house.
Week Commencing 3rd January 2022
All of the staff in Reception would like to wish you a very Happy New Year.
The children have been very excited this week to return to school and have all settled well.
In Literacy we have been looking at the story Supertato and writing character descriptions. In Maths we have been looking at numbers 1-10 and representing them in different ways. This week the children have thoroughly enjoyed playing with the cars and racing the cars down the channels. We have experimented to see how we can make the cars go faster. We have also been practising our throwing skills and have had a competition to see who could earn the most points when throwing a bean bag into a hoop.
Week Commencing 13th December 2021
This week we have been participating in lots of festive activities. We have been busy making our own paper chains and bunting to decorate our classroom. We had our own class party and we enjoyed participating in party games and having some food. Also we had an unexpected visitor from the Gingerbread Man. He made lots of mess in our classroom so we decided to create some wanted posters. Thankfully our class elf saw him again and he made it back home. We have also made some Christmas cards and advent calendars ready for the new year.
All of the Reception team would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Week Commencing 29th November 2021
This week we have been looking at the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have been busy acting out the story and making our own Gingerbread men from playdough. We have also made our own playdough using flour, salt and water. We have enjoyed making racing tracks using the funnels, tracks and crates. We have explored how we can make the cars go faster. We have put our Christmas decorations up this week and we are feeling very festive. We have also had a visit from our class elf.
Week Commencing 22nd November 2021
This week we have continued looking at the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We have been creating our own story maps and have been innovating the story. We have used dinosaurs, farm animals, ladders and building blocks to change the story to create our own. We have been practising out cutting skills and have been cutting out the key characters form the story. We have ordered them from smallest to biggest. The children have enjoyed making their own towers with 3D shapes in Maths.
Week Commencing 15th November 2021
On Friday we enjoyed participating in lots of different activities for Children in Need. We used the tweezers to add pom pom's to Pudsey's eye patch, coloured Pudsey in using the colour key, played Pudsey pairs, traced the Pudsey lines and completed dot-to-dot. We had lots of fun wearing yellow or something spotty.
Week Commencing 8th November 2021
This week we have continued to explore the story of 'The Littel Red Hen'. We used our outside stage and props to retell the story using our actions. We have been busy investigators after the Little Red Hen lost her bread. We used the magnifying glasses, torches, walkie talkies and notebooks to solve the mystery!
Thank you to the parents who joined us for the Library trip. We had a great time reading the story 'I am a Tiger'. The children sat beautifully and listened really well.
Week Commencing 1st November 2021
This week we have been learning about Diwali and Bonfire Night. We have had been making Rangoli patterns using chalk, making Diwali cards, colouring patterns, creating our own fireworks in the sand, painting different coloured fireworks and recreating fireworks using colanders, pipe cleaners and beads. Mrs Kaur also told us about how she celebrates Diwali. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita during assembly.
Week Commencing 11th October
This week we have continued to look at the story 'I'm Special, I'm Me!' We have been looking at who we live with and drawing family portraits. We have also written about the skills we are good at and collaged our own mirrors.
Week Commencing 4th October 2021
This week in Reception, we have been enjoying the mud kitchen. We have had lots of fun making mud soup and cakes. On Friday we enjoyed wearing something yellow for hello yellow day! We participated in lots of fun activities and explored our different emotions. We painted yellow suns, made friendship bracelets, made faces from play dough and completed some mindful colouring.
Week Commencing 20th September 2021
This week, the children have really enjoyed exploring 2D shapes. We have been busy sorting the shapes and talking about the properties. We have also had a go at making our own shape pictures. Well done everyone!
Week Commencing 13th September 2021
We have had a fun couple of weeks settling into school! The children have been amazing and we have been learning about our rules and routines. This week we have all made a portrait of ourselves. Look out on Tapestry for your child's portrait!