Week commencing 10th July 2023!
This week has been fantastic! We have faced our fears by swimming through gallons of mud and climbing to the highest heights!
We have worked as a team all week, encouraging one another to reach new heights and conquer each activity we have been given.
There are plenty of pictures on our twitter feed, but here are some of Mrs Wilson’s favourites!
Week commencing 3rd July 2023!
This week has been Transition week for most of our Year 6s and we hope that they have all had a great time settling into their new schools. We have had some of our children still with us and they have been spending the week completing some fun activities related to their foundation topics. Here is one example, in which the children coloured their butterflies to blend into their habitats. In total, 24 butterflies were stuck around the room – how many can you spot in the pictures?
Week commencing 26th June 2023!
We have had another very busy week in year 6!
On Wednesday, we travelled back in time to May 1945, through our World War Two day.
We enjoyed listening to the music of the time, creating rag rugs and even tried our hands at cooking with rations!
Condensed milk sandwiches, Trench Stew, bread pudding and condensed milk whip were enjoyed by all at a street party event in the afternoon.
Week commencing 12th June 2023!
This week for Enrichment Day, we focussed on Victorian artists, in particular the work of Lowry and William Morris.
We looked at the street scenes and industrial scenes created by Lowry and then had a go at creating our own. See what you think of our work!
Week commencing 22nd May 2023!
This week, we all became tailors and created some excellent waistcoats!
We started by created our designs using a template, then used cutting and pinning skills to make sure that the pattern was applied carefully to fabric.
Finally we developed our sewing skills by stitching together our designs and adding decoration.
Week commencing 15th May 2023!
This week, our enrichment day focussed on Pop Art.
We learnt that Pop Art came to the forefront of the art world following World War Two.
As part of the day, we explored the work of Lichenstein and Warhol and then used these methods and ideas, combined with our own, to create our own pieces.
See what you think of what we created!
Week commencing 9th May 2023!
This week in history, the children were learning about how the Blitz impacted Britain. To help them experience what life in London would have been like during the Blitz, the classroom was set up to replicate an air raid, through the use of sound and light. They then spent time looking at sources to piece together how the Blitz affected Britain’s morale, the devastation it caused and the impact it had on war effort.
Here are some pictures of the children during the ‘air raid’.
Week commencing 2nd May 2023!
This week in year 6, we have begun looking at the work of William Shakespeare and have started with the fantastic sonnets. Did you know that Shakespeare wrote 154 of these poems?
We learnt about the 14 line, 10 syllable structure; read some aloud and even had a try at writing our own, based on the film 'Anchored'.
Week commencing 24th April 2023!
This week we have been learning all about micro organisms.
After looking at micro organisms and how they can be helpful and harmful, we planned an experiment to see whether or not we could grow our own bacteria.
Using bread, we thought about which surfaces might have the greatest amount of bacteria on them and then wiped them!
Each piece of bread is in a sealed plastic bag so that we can see what develops. We will let you know our findings in a few weeks time!
Week commencing 17th April 2023!
We have come back after the Easter break excited and ready to learn new things!
In science, we have begun our new topic 'Living Things and their Habitats' where we have thought about how animals are sorted into different species and groups.
In our lesson, we looked at the animal world and using a classification key, sorted them into smaller groups, using only yes and no answer questions.
Week commencing 27th March 2023!
To bring our learning about Antarctica to a close, we learnt all about natural resources and how countries use them.
We found out that in Antarctica, there are resources (and of course land) which the rest of the world desperately needs, but learnt that a ban currently forbids any mining there.
Considering the views of people associated with Antarctica, we discussed how whether or not the ban should be lifted in 2048.
Here are examples of the debate ideas and discussion text we created:
Week commencing 20th March 2023!
In PSHE this week, we thought about how money makes people feel and the perceptions that individual's have of money.
We talked about social media and understood how the image that some individuals portray may not be completely true.
As a next step, we then thought about whether we would rather have 5 friends or £1,000,000. Which would you choose?
Week commencing 13th March 2023!
In R.E this week, we began a new topic and started to think about the world. We discussed what we think caring for the world looks like and who is responsible for taking care of the world. With this in mind, we then completed a mixing desk activity, whereby we thought about how we view the world and everything connected to it.
Once we had done this, we explored individual’s views of the world, in particular those who are fighting to protect it, such as the activist Greta Thunberg. Great discussions then took place as we thought about Greta’s world views and what we thought she would hold at the forefront of her thinking.
Below are images of mixing desks and the words we used:
Week commencing 6th March 2023!
In 6CW this week, we have been looking at advertisements and discussing what makes us 'critical consumers'. We thought about what makes us want to purchase different items, from the content of the advertisement to the catchy song and slogan. Do you recognise the clips we looked at?
Week commencing 27th February 2023!
This week, in science, we had a fabulous time as we all became ducks!
Thinking about Darwin's theories, we looked at the duck's beaks and the adaptations that are needed for survival.
Week commencing 20th February 2023!
In English this week, we have been exploring and immersing ourselves in the world of fairytales with a twist!
We have looked at the structure of traditional fairy tales and then explored the settings and characters, ready to write our own next week.
Here is an example of our fantastic writing!
Week commencing 6th February 2023
In English this week, we have been thinking about Victorian streets and have written setting descriptions based upon images.
In exploring the sights and sounds of the time, we were able to create vivid descriptions of Victorian London.
Week commencing 30th January 2023
Today, 6CW worked as a team to help our school to compete in the national TTRS competition. We had a great time and achieved a high ranking whilst practicing our times tables skills.
Week commencing 23rd January 2023
This week year 6 had a Victorian enrichment day during which they experienced what life was like for a Victorian school child. When the children arrived, their nails were inspected, they were lined up in height order starting with the boys and were made to sit in silence in rows. They spent most of the day learning 8 key rules for the classroom (such as standing up as soon as an adult enters the room, bowing or curtsying for the register and only speak when given permission). They then experienced traditional Victorian lessons such as elocution, handwriting, arithmetic and drill class; tried gruel for the first time; and played some traditional Victorian games such as ‘The Hokey Pokey Man’.
Whilst many of the children struggled with the style of a Victorian classroom and its strict teachers, many did well to complete the tasks and empathise with those children who faced this!
Here are some photos from the day. A huge shout out to Leo and Ben who tried really hard with their homemade costumes!
Week commencing 16th January 2023
We have had a fantastic time in year 6 this week!
In science, we have been furthering our understanding of how light travels and applied this to periscopes.
We had a great time, using a variety of boxes and mirrors, constructing our own periscopes and then applied our learning to create excellent diagrams and pieces of writing, explaining how periscopes work.
Did you know that the first periscope was invented in 1430? Johannes Gutenberg created it to allow people to be able to see over one another's heads in large crowds!
Week commencing 9th January 2023
In our science lesson this week, we explored light and how it travels. From our English sessions, we recalled that light travels in straight lines and is reflected on to an object, allowing us to see it clearly. In our experiment, we demonstrated how light travels from the source, to the object.
Week commencing 2nd January 2023
6CW were really excited to start their brand-new history topic this week – all about the Victorians. We started by thinking about anything that we already knew about the era and then used historical sources to help us find out about the incredible life of Queen Victoria. We were impressed to find out that Victoria was the second longest reigning monarch (after Elizabeth II) and then used our new knowledge and the sources we had collected to create a timeline of her life.
Week commencing 5th December 2022
In PSHE this week, we have been thinking about ways in which individuals choose to show commitment to one another. We talked about marriage and commitment ceremonies and shared our experiences of those we have attended, also highlighting that any relationship takes a level of commitment. As an activity, we created our own sets of vows to share our thoughts and feelings
Week commencing 28th November 2022
In 6CW this week, we spent time learning about new forms of church in R.E and have found out about what happens at the ‘Messy Church’. We were surprised to find out that this is a form of church where people learn about faith through arts and crafts.
As an activity, we wrote letters as members of the group, inviting others to see what it was all about.
Week commencing 21st November 2022
This week in geography, we have been learning about the human and physical geographical features of Mexico. We began by looking at the differences between the two features and understanding how they can be classified. We then used a diamond 9 to decide which features would be the most attractive to tourists and therefore be the most economically beneficial to Mexico.
Week commencing 14th November 2022
This week, year 6 were lucky enough to go on a school trip to the cinema! We watched a modern-day version of Anne Frank’s story called ‘Where is Anne?’
Week Commencing 31st October 2022
In science this week, we explored the new topic of ‘Electricity’.
We spent time matching the component diagrams to their names and defintitions. Next, we explored circuits to see which would work and wouldn’t – we talked about what each needed in order for it to function. The lesson finished as we learnt about series and parallel circuits and the differences between them.
Week commencing 17th October 2022
This week, 6CW were incredibly lucky to welcome a visitor, Cynthia, from the ‘Anne Frank Trust UK’. During this exciting day, we learnt all about the ways in which people can be discriminated against and things we could do to support others. We also explored our own thoughts surrounding different issues. Finally, we learnt more about the life of Anne Frank, who was sadly discriminated against, because of her religion.
Week commencing 10th October 2022
In PSHE this week, 6CW continued our discussions about being respectful and looked at how we can make sure we are showing respect to others online. We thought about the importance of things that we say and how they can be interpreted by other people reading them online and also the use of technical elements, such as capital letters and emojis. Finally, we consolidated our knowledge by creating a poster which explained ‘How to participate in online discussions’.
Week commencing 3rd October 2022
In science this week, we have continued our learning about the heart. We explored ways in which to keep our hearts healthy by looking at
healthy diets and exercise and the benefits of these. The children enjoyed demonstrating different ways we can keep our hearts healthy.
Week commencing 26th September 2022
This week 6CW were extremely fortunate to take a trip to the local Gurdwara. We received a warm welcome from the leading Priest, who shared an insight of Sikhism with us. We were even allowed to see the holy book. Following this, we all shared food in the Langar. It was a great afternoon!
Week commencing 19th September 2022
I had the absolute pleasure of teaching 6CW this week and what a fantastic time we had learning about blood!
We started off with the four main components and the roles they played in keeping us healthy and then we made some blood of our own!
Starting off with 'plasma', we poured it into our blood vessels (which may look like a food bag in our example) and added some red blood cells (which also look a little like strawberry laces chopped up).
After discussing their roles we finished off our blood by adding some white blood cells (marshmallows) and some platelets (which look a little like ice cream sprinkles).
Ask your year 6 children if they can remember what each component does in our blood.
Week commencing 12th September 2022
In science, we have been learning about the parts of the heart this works and how it works.
We learnt about the route the oxygenated blood takes through the heart and then how the deoxygenated blood is pumped back out again.
We also had a try at drawing our own labelled diagrams of the heart – see what you think of our drawing skills!
Week commencing 5th September 2022
We have had a fantastic week settling into Year 6and our class, 6CW. In history, we explored the battlefields of Bosworth, having investigated the Tudor timeline and learnt about how Henry Tudor ended the long running ‘Battle of the Roses’ and became King. In re-enacting the battle, we learnt about the tactics the two sides deployed and the way in which Richard III met his gruesome end!