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Week commencing 15th July 2024!

This week, 6CW have had a fantastic time for their 'Activity Week'. We have completed the Nuclear Races and been covered head to toe in mud, conquered heights and climbed in the trees on the 'High Ropes'. We've played in our hearts content in playgrounds and really had a fantastic time. We've attached some photos for you to see what we have been up to! 

Week Commencing 1st July 2024

It has been a very surreal week in 6CW, as lots of the children have been on transition days at their new secondary schools. Those that have enjoyed a variety of activities and enjoyed telling us all about their new adventures. Mrs Soloman and I look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday to hear what you have all been up to! 

Week Commencing 24th June 2024

We have had a wonderful week in year 6, during a week entitled,  'Entrepreneur Week'. Throughout the week, we have created items to sell from bracelets to cakes and football cards to exciting games. The aim of the week was to run a business as a small group and see how much profit teams could make. Each group in 6CW worked fantastically together and showed real business sense, in the running of their stall. Thank you to parents and carers for all of your donations and the support you have provided during the week. Thank you also to all of the QHA children (and staff) who came along on Thursday and bought our wares!


Week Commencing 17th June 2024

This week’s enrichment day focussed on making waistcoats. We have designed our own, chose the fabric we wanted to use and then cut out patterns. Finally, we stitched our creations together and added decorations, such as buttons. It was a FANTASTIC day.

Week Commencing 10th June 2024

This week, we had a fantastic enrichment day, all about Pop Art! We began by exploring the concept of pop art and the work of Lichenstein and Warhol and talked about the features which we could identify in the work of each artist. Then, we had a go ourselves, using a famous piece by Warhol, involving tins of soup. Have a look at the work that we created – do you think that you can work out what any features of this type of art are?

Week Commencing 20th May 2024

What a week! We have travelled back in time to complete our learning about World War Two, by taking part in an Enrichment Day.

We had a fantastic time cooking up ration recipes, such as vegetable stew and condensed milk sandwiches and even managed to rustle up some jam tarts!

The afternoon was spent sewing and making paper spitfires which we attempted to fly.

This was a wonderful way to consolidate our learning this term! 🙂

Week Commencing 13th May 2024

After an incredibly bust week concentrating on our SATs and giving each one our very best, year 6 have enjoyed exploring endangered animals today, through our Eco Day. We have learnt the difference between endangered and extinct and explored the top 10 endangered animals in the world, through the work of the WWF.

We then used a variety of mediums to create our own montages of endangered animals. 

Week Commencing 6th May 2024

Here is the news you have all been waiting for.....look what has happened to our bread this week!

We've noticed some amazing changes- there certainly is a lot growing!

Week Commencing 29th April 2024

In science this week , we have been monitoring our experiment. Last week, we wiped bread on various surfaces and have been watching to see what grows! Have a look at our results and see what you think.

Week Commencing 15th April 2024

We have come back after the Easter break excited and ready to learn new things!

In science, we have begun our new topic 'Living Things and their Habitats' where we have thought about how animals are sorted into different species and groups, using the process of classification. In our lesson, we looked at the animal world and using a classification key, sorted them into smaller groups, using only yes and no answer questions. 

Week Commencing 25th March 2024

To bring our learning about Antarctica to a close, we learnt all about natural resources and how countries use them.

We found out that in Antarctica, there are resources (and of course land) which the rest of the world desperately needs but learnt that a ban currently forbids any mining there.

Considering the views of people associated with Antarctica, we discussed how whether the ban should be lifted in 2048.

Here are examples of the debate ideas and discussion text we created:

Week Commencing 18th March 2024

In science this week, we explored inheritance and how characteristics are passed from one generation to the next.

The children were so enthused that we furthered our learning by finding out all about Dolly the Sheep!

Week Commencing 11th March 2024

This week, in science, we had a fabulous time as we all became ducks!

Thinking about Darwin's theories, we looked at the duck's beaks and the adaptations that are needed for survival. We learnt that certain ducks would struggle to survive on different islands, the clearest example of this was ‘Pecky Duck’ on Nectar Island. Why not ask us which duck we represented and the implements we used?

Week Commencing 4th March 2024

Today has been a fantastic World Book Day – our last at Quarry Hill Academy. Mrs Wilson has been very impressed with all of the fantastic outfits and how much effort everyone has put in. We have even had children working together to come as characters from the same book!

Have a look at our photo and see which characters you can find!

Week Commencing 26th February 2024

This week we have been exploring our next topic in Science and have been thinking about fossils. After discussing what we knew, we explored different types of fossils and learnt about the different ways in which they are formed.

For the second lesson this week, we looked at how species have changed over time, in particular, the horse. We learnt that the horse we know today was once a lot smaller, ate different things (leaves) and could not reach down to chew the grass. Environmental changes have meant that the animal’s shape has evolved, allowing it to do these things.

Week Commencing 5th February 2024

In history this week , we have been on holiday! 

Through our exploration of Victorian life, we learnt about where families went on their travels and how they got there. We discovered that wealthy people enjoyed trips to the sea, to places such as Blackpool and Southend-on-Sea.

To demonstrate what we had learnt, we wrote postcards telling someone at home all about what we had experienced. 

Week Commencing 29th January 2024

This week we have been thinking about forgiveness and what it means to us in RE. We began by discussing the word 'sorry' and the significance and power of the word in every day life, before thinking about what different religions views are.

When thinking about Christianity, we looked at the parable of 'The Lost Son' and discussed why this was used as a parable for teaching about forgiveness and the messages that we as individuals took from it. 

Attached are some of our thoughts and ideas about the parable. 

Week Commencing 22nd January 2024

6CW had a fantastic end to their week - we headed back in time to the Victorian era and were able to experience a day in the life of a Victorian school child. 

Although the teachers were "very strict", the arithmetic lessons were "strange and far too difficult" and gruel was "downright disgusting", we all had a fantastic day and were able to bring the classrooms to life.

Why not ask us what our favourite part was?

Week Commencing 15th January 2024

This week, in science lessons, we explored further how light travels, by making periscopes.

This fantastic inventions use mirrors to help us to see around corners, or even the area up above. We were interested to find out that these very instruments are use in submarines, in order to search the sea above the vessel.

Why not ask one of us how we made the periscopes and what our findings were?

Week Commencing 8th January 2024

In our science lesson this week, we explored light and how it travels. From our English sessions, we recalled that light travels in straight lines and is reflected on to an object, allowing us to see it clearly. In our experiment, we demonstrated how light travels from the source, to the object.

Week Commencing 3rd January 2024

6CW were really excited to start their brand-new history topic this week – all about the Victorians. We started by thinking about anything that we already knew about the era and then used historical sources to help us find out about the incredible life of Queen Victoria. We were impressed to find out that Victoria was the second longest reigning monarch (after Elizabeth II) and then used our new knowledge and the sources we had collected to create a timeline of her life.

Week Commencing 18th December 2023

We have had a fantastically festive week here in 6CW.

Parties, Christmas Dinner and even a Santa Dash!


Thank you for all of your support over the past term - we are looking forward to everything 2024 has to bring!

Week Commencing 11th December 2023

This week, as part of our science topic, we have been thinking about the future!

Using the question 'Should all cars on UK roads be electric?" we set about exploring both sides of the argument, researching the for and against for both petrol and electric vehicles. What do you think?

Week Commencing 4th December 2023

This week, we have been on fantastic explorations!

We looked at the human and physical features of the UK and then used this to define the top 25 tourist attractions of Mexico. 

Using information taken from the tourist bureau of the country, we looked into each feature and then decided as a group which we thought we would like to visit and then arranged them in a diamond nine. Why not ask us where we would like to go?

Week Commencing 27th November 2023

This week we have thought further about what happens to our souls after we die and how this is interpreted by different religions. We discussed the Muslim belief of entry into Jannah and the Christian thoughts about heaven. Finally, we compared how the two were similar and then created 'entrance tickets' for each place. To further our own knowledge, we then discussed how the two ideas differed to Hinduism and reincarnation. 

See below for some of our exit ticket ideas. 

Week Commencing 20th November 2023

This week, we have been thinking about life after death in our RE lessons, through the beliefs of the Hindu faith and their views on reincarnation.

We talked about what souls are and how in the Hindu faith, the belief is that they live on after our bodies die. We learnt that depending on the life you have led, you may be reincarnated as different things and that this cycle will continue, until you have reached moksha.


We then used these ideas and the story of 'Badger's Parting Gift' by Susan Varley to explain reincarnation. Have a read of some of the letters we wrote. 

Week Commencing 13th November 2023

In 6CW this week, we have had great fun exploring circuits. We learnt about series and parallel circuits and discussed the differences between the two, consolidating our learning by drawing accurate circuit diagrams. 

Finishing the lesson, we tried out our circuit diagrams using electrical equipment.

Week Commencing 6th November 2023

We have had a fantastic day at the Museum of Power in Maldon!

From learning about how circuits work and making things fly, to exploring how diet coke makes a lightbulb glow.

We all thoroughly enjoyed a visit to Astaria, the only model village in Essex. Have a look through the photos and see what a wonderful time we had. 

Week Commencing 30th October 2023

Our first week back has been extremely busy!

We have started our new geography topic for this half term, by looking at Mexico. We discussed what we already knew and then found the magnificent country on a map and proceeded to find the bordering seas and land.

Ask us to find out all about it!

Week Commencing 16th October 2023

In RE this week, we completed our 'Humanism' topic by looking at the value 'Peace'. 

We discussed what peace means to individuals and how important a role it plays in the world.

To culminate our learning, we created some 'Peace Poetry' which explored what peace means to us. 

Week Commencing 9th October 2023

Assessment week has been a busy one in year 6, with lots of exciting work in other subjects too!

In science this week, we spent time exploring heart rates and practised finding our pulse - some of us did find this part rather tricky!

Once we knew what we were doing, we took our pulse at various intervals, after different activities, to see if we could see what the effect of exercise on our heart rate is.

Why don't you ask one of us to help you find your pulse and explain what we found out?

Week Commencing 2nd October 2023

We have had a wonderful time this week as we enjoyed a Tudor Enrichment Day! 

In the morning session, we practised our calligraphy and Tudor language as we wrote letters from Henry to his wives. Next, we made bread, kneading the dough carefully in our hands. 

After lunch we spent time exploring Tudor music, learning to play 'Greensleeves' on the glockenspiel and completed the day with a spot of dancing. All in all, we had a great time. 

Have a look at the photos to see what we have been up to!

Week commencing 25th September 2023!

In English lessons this week, year 6 have been learning all about the life of the important diarist, Anne Frank.

We have been captivated listening to what happened to Anne and her family during World War Two.

Why not ask us to share some of the interesting facts we found?

Week commencing 18th September 2023!

We have had a fantastic time this week learning about blood! 


We started off with the four main components and the roles they played in keeping us healthy and then we made some blood of our own! 


Starting off with 'plasma', we poured it into our blood vessels  and added some red blood cells. 


We finished off our blood by adding some white blood cells and some platelets.


Ask your year 6 children if they can remember what each component does in our blood!

Week commencing 11th September 2023!

In 6CW this week, we have continued our historical adventures and discovered what the 'Tudor Rose' is and how it was created. 


We related our learning back to the epic Battle of Bosworth and understood how the culmination of the two sides brought a new symbol which would be recognised for many centuries to come.

Week commencing 4th September 2023!

We have had a fantastic week settling into Year 6 and our class, 6CW. In history, we explored the battlefields of Bosworth, having investigated the Tudor timeline and learnt about how Henry Tudor ended the long running ‘Battle of the Roses’ and became King. We had some wonderful conversations linking our previous knowledge to our new learning and cannot wait for a re-enactment of the great battle next week!
