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Week commencing 17th July 2023! 

1JV have finished the year with a very busy week.

They have written amazing ‘Bubbles’ stories in English and explored outdoor maths, measuring in non-standard units and searching for 3D shapes.  They have also looked at the different communities they belong to in RE and thought about how they are feeling in PSHE.  In Geography they have made postcards from a seaside holiday to finish our holiday topic.

Everyone who took part in Prostrike sponsored event had a great time.


Thank you for a wonderful year and the fantastic support.  Have a great summer.

Week commencing 10th July 2023!

1JV have had another fantastic week. 

They have written setting descriptions for our new ‘Bubbles’ story.  In maths  they have been doing some assessments and everyone has performed really well showing how much they have progressed in year 1.  In science the children have looked at evergreen and deciduous trees and in PSHE they have written an introduction letter ready for their new year 2 teacher.


Amazing work 1JV.  Have a great weekend ready for our last week in year 1.

Week commencing 3rd July 2023!

1JV have had another great week.  In English they have been writing the story of ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and me’,  in maths they have been extending their number knowledge with multiplication and division questions and in PSHE they have explored ‘People who help us’.


In DT they have tasted different fruits ready to make smoothies next week.  Finally in science they wrote about how the seasons change.


Excellent work year 1.

Week commencing 26th June 2023!

Year 1 have had another amazing week.  They have practiced multiplication and division in maths.  They have learned the story of ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’ ready to write in English next week.  In PSHE they have made amazing internet safety posters. 

In science they completed the summer page of their seasons diary.


Fantastic work 1JV

Week commencing 19th June 2023!

Year 1 have had an extremely busy week.  They enjoyed their trip to Hyde Hall on Monday where they made seed spinners, did rubbings of seeds, planted some pea seeds and made bird nests. They have visited different classes for science day on Wednesday and explored lots of experiments.  Sports day on Thursday was very hot but everyone had lots of fun.  They did manage to also write the Rumpelstiltskin story and calculated money problems in maths.


Great work 1JV in such a busy week.

Week commencing 12th June 2023!

I hope that everyone had a great half term.  1JV have had a busy week.


They have looked at different foods and learnt how to sort them into fruits and vegetables in science.  In maths they have been practising addition and subtraction and in English learnt the story of Rumpelstiltskin ready to write it next week.  In RE year 1 have looked at Christian symbols and in PSHE they have looked at how to manage their feeling when something goes wrong.

Fantastic work 1JV.

Week commencing 22nd May 2023!

Year  1 have had another amazing week.


They have been looking at data collection in maths, independently written ‘The Slippery Tale’ in English and designed a bravery medal for Titanic survivors.  In science they have compared deciduous and evergreen trees and enjoyed a busy afternoon of planting. In PSHE they have looked at different emotions and what colours might represent each emotion.


Fantastic work 1JV.

Have an enjoyable and relaxing half term break to return ready for Summer 2 term.

Week commencing 15th May 2023!

1JV have had another busy week.   They have been learning a new story, ‘A Slippery Tale’ and written fantastic character descriptions.  In maths they have been doing some assessments and they have all worked very hard and produced fantastic results.  History has been sorting facts about the Titanic and Windrush.  RE saw the children looking at a Christian wedding ceremony.  In PSHE they have talked about thing that make them unique and things they are good at.  In science they have used real flowers to make a diagram and label the parts of the plant.


Excellent work year 1. 

Week commencing 9th May 2023!

1JV have had another exciting week. 

They have written facts about dinosaurs in English and practised mental arithmetic in maths.  In history they have explored the story of Windrush and compared the ship to the Titanic.  Following our work on Andy Goldsworthy in art they have drawn natural objects from around the school.  In PSHE they have designed posters explaining how to keep safe in the sun. 

Great work year 1.

Week commencing 2nd May 2023!

Year 1 have had another great week.  In English they have been learning about information texts and started to write facts about dinosaurs.  In maths they have been practising multiplying and dividing.  In science they have continued looking at plants and in RE they have learned about the Muslim ceremony for welcoming a new baby.


In PSHE they have written a letter to an alien explaining why physical exercise is important.


Fantastic work 1JV.

Week commencing 24th April 2023!


Year 1 have had another great week.  They have been writing the story of ‘ The Way Back Home’, using number lines in maths for addition and subtraction and exploring wild flowers in science.

In history they have continued looking at facts about the Titanic and have made posters advertising the voyage,

Fantastic work year 1.

Week commencing 17th April 2023!

1JV have had another fantastic week.  In English they have been learning the story ‘The Way Back Home, ready to innovate next week.  In Maths they have been fining half of shapes and of an amount of objects.  They have started looking at the Titanic in history and have discovered that an iceberg was the reason it sank. In RE they have looked at belonging to groups and how it feels to be part of a group and in PSHE they have written about keeping healthy.  As part of the new science topic about plants 1JV have identified an named some wild and garden plants.


Great work 1JV.

Week commencing 27th March 2023!

1JV have has another great week.  They have finished innovating the Goldilocks story in English. In Maths they have been organising and interpreting data and in Science they completed the spring page of their seasons diaries.  In RE they continued looking at the Easter story.


On Thursday the school trip to the toy museum was really successful and 1JV were extremely well behaved. 


Well done Year 1.


Have a fantastic, well deserved,  Easter break.  

Week commencing 20th March 2023!

It has been another great week for 1JV.


They have been learning the 3 bears story and writing a setting description in English.  In maths they have been recapping what they have learnt so for this term.  In PSHE they talked and then wrote about the jobs they would like to do when they are grown up. In RE they were looking at symbols of Easter.

In science they made bird feeders and have looked how many birds have been using them.

Fantastic work 1JV. 

Week commencing 13th March 2023!

Year 1 have had a fantastic week.

In English they have been finding some amazing rhyming words to  innovate the Mr Magnolia story.  In maths they have been telling the time on an analogue clock.  Continuing the animal topic in science they looked at the difference between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.  In PSHE they have talked about people who help up.

RE was starting to look at the Easter story and they made great story boards.

Well done 1JV.  Keep up the brilliant work.

Week commencing 6th March 2023!

1JV have had another great week.  They have been learning the story of Mr Magnolia and practising rhymes ready to innovate the story next week.   In maths they have practising mental calculations.  In Science they wrote about how animals move and what animal group they belong to.  Year 1 have though about what skills are needed for certain jobs in PSHE.

In art they have been creating repeating patterns.

Great work 1JV!

Week commencing 27th February 2023!

This week in 1JV the children  have innovated the ‘The Three Little Pigs story.  They have been using number lines to add and subtract in Maths.  In science they sorted animals into groups.  In History they were looking at toys from the past. 

Yesterday everyone had great day for World Book Day and there were some amazing costumes.


Great work year 1.

Week commencing 20th February 2023!

1JV have had another great week.  They have been learning the Three Little Pigs Story ready to innovate next week.   In maths they have been partitioning numbers and looking at place value.  Science has been investigating living and non-living things. 

To start our History topic we have looked at toys from the past and present and sorting them into a time line. 

Fantastic work 1JV.

Week commencing 6th February 2023

Year 1 have had a fantastic end to the half term.  They finished their recount of the trip to the library. In maths they have practised multiplication and division.  The moving story books in DT have been finished and work beautifully.

For geography year 1 have had their enrichment day and made maps of the school, explored atlas’s and made 3D towns.

Great work this half term year 1. 

Enjoy the break.

Week commencing 30th January 2023

Year 1 have had a fantastic week.   They have looked at sequencing pictures for a recount in English and looked at time words.  In science they designed a leaflet about the properties wood.  In PSHE 1JV talked about the internet and what it can be used for.  Finally in geography they drew aerial maps of our classroom.


Great work 1JV.

Week commencing 23rd January 2023

Year 1 have had another great week.


They have been writing their innovated ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ story in English.   Finding missing numbers in Maths.  Walking around the school carrying out fieldwork in geography. In DT they have designed their background sheets for the final piece for their moving story book project.


In PSHE they have looked at how to look after the environment and talked about recycling and re-using.


Well done year 1.

Week commencing 16th January 2023

1 JV have had another great week.

They enjoyed showing their parents how a maths lesson looks on Monday. Also in maths they have looked at multiplication and division for the first time.  In English they have been learning a new story, Lost in the Toly Museum, and describing the characters.  Next week they will innovate it with new ideas.

Science was looking at objects and deciding if they are liquids or solids.  Geography has been continuing looking at maps and this week year 1 have put buildings and places onto a map and made a key.


Amazing work year 1.

Week commencing 9th January 2023

Year 1 have had another amazing week.


They have explored measure in maths, written their innovated ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ story in English, located places around Quarry Hill Academy on maps and  looked at how babies have different needs to adults in PSHE.


In science they made boats to carry the gingerbread man across a river.  I am very proud that all the boats floated.


Well done 1JV.

Week commencing 2nd January 2023

1JV have settled back into the routine of year 1 after the Christmas break.


They have been learning a new story in English, ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ ready to innovate next week.  In maths they have been ordering numbers and partitioning numbers into tens and ones.  In geography the new topic is ‘Our School’ and 1JV have located Quarry Hill Academy on a map.

Finally in science they have completed a page about winter for their seasons diary.


Great work 1JV.

Week commencing 12th December 2022

As we come to the end of the term year 1 have had another great week combining festive fun with learning.  They have written to Santa to help him keep his reindeer safe.  In Maths they have been exploring telling the time.  In geography they have written a postcard from France and looked at how people help them in PSHE.


The final piece of art this term was mixing colours to make an Elmer picture.  There are amazing artists in 1JV.

Week commencing 5th December 2022

In English they have been writing a wanted poster for some of Santa’s reindeer that had made a mess in the classroom, comparing physical and human features in the UK and France in Geography, looking at ways that Eid is celebrated in RE and in science investigating which material was the most absorbent.


Performing in the Christmas concert was a very proud time for everyone and I am really impressed with how year 1 showed excellent behaviour throughout.


Well done 1JV.

Week commencing 28th November 2022

Year 1 have been very busy this week.  They have been writing facts about France in English, doing mental calculations in maths, exploring objects that can be made from more than one material in science and looking at landmarks in Paris in geography.


They have also been practicing their Christmas songs for the concert and decorating stars for a big decoration in the hall.


Amazing work 1JV.  Keep it up!!

Week commencing 21st November 2022

Year 1 have had another amazing week.  They have been writing information texts about France, looking at different clothes to wear during different seasons and exploring measure in Maths.


For their France enrichment day they have used their map knowledge to labels maps of Europe, tasted French food, sung ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ in French and painted waterlilies in the style on Monet.


Fantastic work 1JV.

Week commencing 14th November 2022

1JV have had another great week.  They have been learning the ‘Argh Spider!’ story and are getting ready to innovate it next week. Maths has been shape week where year 1 have named 2D and 3D shapes, identified their properties and sorted them according to their properties.  In science they have explored different materials and what these could be used for.  For Geography they have been looking at maps of France and labelling some maps of the UK and France and thinking about how to travel to France. In Art 1JV have been mixing primary colours to make secondary ones.


They have also started practising singing ‘Frosty the Snowman’ ready for the Christmas Concert.


Fantastic work 1JV

Week commencing 7th November 2022

Week Commencing 31st October 2022

1JV have settled back really well after half term.  This week they have looked at partitioning numbers in maths, written amazing weather poems in English and looked at how their behaviour may affect others in PSHE.  In geography this term their new topic is France and year 1 have started looking at maps and naming countries.


In science they have made a seasons diary and completed the Autumn section.


Fantastic work 1JV

Week commencing 17th October 2022

1JV have had great finish to the half term.  They have worked extremely hard in all of their lesson.

Everyone enjoyed the trip to Wat Tyler park, despite the weather.  1JV had fun exploring the meadow using their five senses.  They collected leaves of different shapes and colours, made leaf cocktails and built shelters for the 3 bears.  Finally they toured the 3 bears cottage finding items that linked to our history topic.  

Week commencing 10th October 2022

1JV have had an great week of learning.  In English they have written the innovated story of ‘The Magic Soup Pot’.  In History they have compared objects from Georgian, Victorian and modern school.  In RE they visited St Peter and St Paul’s church to look at objects that are important to Christians.  They represented the school in a positive, mature and well behaved way.

Well done year 1.

Week commencing 3rd October 2022

Year 1 have had a great week.  In English, they have been learning the traditional tale of ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ and describing the porridge.   In maths they have been looking at mental methods for subtraction and addition.  In History they have looked at Victorian schools and written about some of the objects that would have been used.  Exploring the touch sense in Science involved feeling lots of different objects, such as jelly, shaving foam and pasta and describing what they could feel.

In ICT everyone was very excited as we visited the computer suite for the first time and signed in to the computers.  Once signed in year 1 played a game to help recognise the keys on the keyboard.


Fantastic work 1JV. 

Week commencing 26th September 2022

Year 1 have worded extremely well again this week.  They have written an innovated version of Handa’s surprise in English.  In maths year 1 have looked at new methods for subtraction.  Our history topic has moved to investigating British schools from the past and everyone was surprised at how different it was. 

In science hearing was the sense 1JV investigated this week and  a listening walk identified lots of different sounds.  Finally sounds were ordered from quietest to loudest.


Well done 1JV.

Week commencing 19th September 2022

1JV have has another fantastic week of learning.  They have been reading the story of Handa’s Surprise and tasted some of the fruits from it.  In maths they have been adding and looking at number bonds.  Science was investigating the sense of taste and deciding if foods were sweet, sour, salty or bitter.  Finally in RE 1JV learnt the story of Noah’s Ark and sequenced the pictures.


Great work year 1.  Keep it up!!

Week commencing 12th September 2022

1JV have had another amazing week.   They have written fantastic stories for ‘This is the Bear’ in English, looked at place value in maths and started exploring senses in science.

Also this week year 1 have looked at houses from the past and made  time line in history.


Have a relaxing weekend.

Week commencing 5th September 2022

Welcome back.

1JV have had a fantastic week and settled into their new class.  They have been very busy getting to know the new routines of year 1.

They have worked extremely hard in maths, recognising numbers and in English they have been reading and writing about the ‘This is the Bear’ story.  1JV have looked at the class rules in PSHE and to start the senses topic in science have  identified and named parts of the body.

Well done 1JV.

Keep up the great work.
