The Governing Body of Quarry Hill Academy have merged with Benyon Primary School and Aveley Primary School to form Catalyst Local Governing Body.
Chair of Governors: Tara Frankland
Vice Chair of Governors: TBC
Parent Governors: Enamul Ahsan, Jurgest Mema, Nicole Felton, Monjur Alam
LGB Governors: Tara Frankland, Keith Williams, Victoria Mehmet, Charlotte Hughes x1 vacancy
Staff Governors: Jenny Ball, Helen Rice, Marion Kidney
QHA Headteacher: Mrs S Wakeling
BPS Headteacher: Mrs S Oxley
APS Headteacher: Mrs S Viner
Clerk: Miss B Doust, contact via email -
Areas of responsibility:
Safeguarding: Enamul Ahsan
Finance, HR & Premises: Jurgest Mema
Compliance: Helen Rice
School Development: Keith Williams
Business and Pecuniary Interests of Members of Governing Bodies
The members of Quarry Hill Academy Local Governing Body are required to complete an annual Declaration of Business Interests. Copies of these declarations are held by the Clerk to the Governors and are inspected annually by the appointed Auditors. If there were any relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests these would be declared here on the website of Quarry Hill Academy.
Quarry Hill Academy is part of Catalyst Academies Trust and documents relating to the Trust can be found here.