Week commencing 15th July 2024!
2CH have had a lovely penultimate week of the year. We designed and made houses to withstand different types of extreme weather in Geography. In PSHE we reflected on the year of 2CH and how we have grown, changed and become so clever! In English we have completed our final story of the year, The Enormous Crocodile. What a wonderful week!
Week Commencing 1st July 2024
What an exciting week in Year 2. We tasted our toppings to go on our pizzas in a few weeks, the most popular topping was pepperoni or vegan pepperoni. On Friday we had our enrichment day focusing on art, flowers and drawing. We had fun learning how to draw and using our creative side.
Week Commencing 24th June 2024
A fantastic start to the week with a trip to Call of the Wild zoo. Although it was hot, we saw lots of animals in their habitats, saw a cute baby monkey and even stroked a skunk! In English we have finished writing our diary from James and the Giant peach and in DT we have designed our yummy pizzas.
Week Commencing 17th June 2024
2CH had a great week beginning to write our diaries as James from James and the Giant peach- we have some fantastic work being produced! We also tried different breads for our pizzas, and all finished of with a very hot but fun sports day.
Week Commencing 10th June 2024
2CH have had a busy week back after a restful break. We have looked at James and the giant peach and described the horrid, nasty aunts that he lived with. We have also been looking at seeds and planting our own seeds in different places. Some with water and light and others without.

Week Commencing 13th May 2024
2CH had a wonderful, fun filled Friday in pyjamas, making eco-friendly bug hotels and reading books. In English, we have written our own version of the highway rat and been discovering how Florence Nightingale changed nurses and hospitals for the better.
Week Commencing 6th May 2024
In 2CH this week, we have been learning a new story, The Highway Rat. We have acted it out and are writing a wanted poster. In computing we have used scratch jr, to create our own programming scene. The children all did very well!
Week Commencing 29th April 2024
2CH have had a busy week with learning about time, writing a report about Neil Armstrong, and identifying medicines. In Art, we have been looking at self portraits and attempted our own half a portrait- don’t they look fantastic!

Week Commencing 22nd April 2024
In 2CH we have been learning facts about Neil Armstrong, learning about time and days of the week, and in art we looked at different paintings and how they are linked to our emotions. We also tried to copy different portraits.
Week Commencing 15th April 2024
What a great week back! We have learnt a new story called the Dragon Slayer. We have been on a bug hunt and found lots of insects and in art we have been working with paint and how colour is related to our mood.
Week Commencing 25th March 2024
We’ve had a great final week in 2CH, ending with a fantastic trip to the fire museum. There we learnt about the hoses, and got to squirt one, the fire engines, fire safety and the great fire of London. We also learnt about risks in our houses. Ask your child if they can remember all the risks from the photo in this blog!
Week Commencing 18th March 2024
2CH have had another busy week. We wrote letters to Julia Donaldson about our new characters and trying to persuade her to write a new book. In RE we learnt about the symbols of Easter, and we ended the week by going on our local walk that we had planned using maps and the features of our local area.
Week Commencing 11th March 2024
This week we have been deigning our own characters for the Gruffalo story ready to persuade Julia Donaldson to write a new book next week!
We have been learning about shapes and their properties and in art we have completed our collages- which look absolutely wonderful! We then did some sketching by following simple instructions to draw flowers, which again look fantastic.
Week Commencing 4th March 2024

In 2CH this week, we have had a very hands-on practical week. In Maths we have learnt about fractions and what it means to split something in half or quarters. We made matzah bread to show the Jewish celebration of Passover, and in Art we began creating our very own collages, which we can show you in a few weeks!
Week Commencing 26th February 2024

What a busy first week back! In 2CH we have learnt a new story about a magic paintbrush and used water to create magic pictures outside. We were lucky enough to have a visit from the tallest actor/basketball player in the world! In Maths we used direction to find our way around maps and the classroom.
Week Commencing 29th January 2024
Year 2 learnt a new story this week! Ask your child about their English lessons….what does this smiley creature want? We have also been learning about who makes up our community and talking about the right way to behave towards others.
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024

Year 2 had a wonderful, informative trip to the church this week. We learnt about how the bible is used, why it is important to Christians and how the church is open to everyone. We also had a workshop from the national archives where we learnt they have lots of boxes…..can your child remember how many?
Week Commencing 15th January 2024
In Year 2 we have continued making our chairs, this time using lego and thinking about what a chair needs, how to make it stable and what features it must have. On Wednesday we had parents in to see our fantastic writing in our English lesson, and on Thursday we had a great day celebrating different cultures of our staff and children. What a great week!
Week Commencing 8th January 2024

2CH had a great week back learning lots of new things. We designed and made chairs out of paper to see which one is stronger. We have also developed our knowledge of tens and ones in Maths to be able to subtract bigger numbers. Well done 2CH.
Week Commencing 18th December 2023

What wonderful Christmas performances we had this week! We are so proud of the children in 2CH and how they performed beautifully, remembering their words, lines and movements.
As well as drama and singing we have also been making our own 3D shapes using playdough and our knowledge of the edges, vertices and faces that appear on 3D shapes.
Week Commencing 27th November 2023
Year 2 had a fun lesson creating their own sling shots for Dennis the Menace. We found that elastic and paper were the best materials. Ask your child about it! We have also watched the Man on the Moon, learnt about fractions and been weather presenters. What a great week!

Week Commencing 20th November 2023
In 2CH we have learnt about and written a report about nocturnal animals in English. In Maths we have learnt about division and sharing equally and in Science we have been testing elasticity by measuring materials and testing them.
Week Commencing 13th November 2023
Year 2 had a fantastic Brazil day! We learnt so much about Brazil, their culture, life, country, and the rainforest. We also wrote a report about our amazing school and multiplied in Maths. What a great week!

Week Commencing 6th November 2023
2CH had a busy week writing their own stories about the Greedy fox, learning to add 2-digit numbers in maths and printing patterns in Art. Excitingly, we’ve also started Christmas play practice!

Week Commencing 30th October 2023
2CH have had a busy first week back and a great start to the new half term. We have learnt a story about a greedy fox, begun learning about Brazil and the features of a different country, and then made our own patterns in our art books based on other patterns. Well done to our star of the week, Laurentiu, for trying his best in his writing!
Week Commencing 16th October 2023
This week we have been learning how to partition numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We have learnt how to read bigger numbers too! In DT we have completed our fantastic puppets and decorated them. What a fun topic we have had with sewing, designing and making. Well done 2CH, they look amazing.

Week Commencing 9th October 2023
2CH had a great week writing our own story about the cat, bramble and heron. We also continued making our puppets, and looked at how life was in the 1950s.

Week Commencing 2nd October 2023
2CH have had a week filled with money , story learning, playing cooperatively and learning how to be a good friend. So much learnt in a week!
Ask your child about using coins- or find some and practice making amounts and buying items!
Week Commencing 18th September 2023!
2CH have had another busy week full of learning new skills and developing our Maths knowledge. We have also looked at the royal family tree, talked about what it means to work as a team and play cooperatively and designed our puppets ready to make them, using our sowing skills, next week!
Week commencing 11th September 2023!
What a great second week at school, with lots of learning, developing our vocabulary and friendships. We have used the dictionaries to find the meaning of our spelling words, discussed what a fairy tale is and wrote about the materials used to make objects in Science.
It’s been a busy week with lots of writing!

Week commencing 4th September 2023!
2CH have had a wonderful first week back. All of the children (and adults!) have settled in well and are working super hard.
This week we have learnt about place value, written a letter to me about themselves and made paper puppets.
What a great start!