Week commencing 27th January 2025!
This week has been full of excitement and celebrating successes in 4LR!
We kick started the week with a science experiment to investigate what can affect the rate of ice melting. The children learnt a lot about what makes a test 'fair' and discovered through their own investigation how hard this is to achieve!
The celebrations were due to the incredible number of certificates achieved by the children. Over 20 certificates were given out in class this week for individual achievements made on Times Tables Rock Stars. The children received certificates for increasing their speed and accuracy. It is fair to say we are feeling ready for the assessments next week!
Well done 4LR!
Week commencing 20th January 2025!
Happy World Culture Day!
On Friday 4LR had the best time sharing stories and values from their culture. The children dressed up in their traditional dress, brought in books to share and even tasted foods from around the world! They also made their own flags to represent their culture in the classroom.
The children were keen to learn more about the African culture so, using traditional African colours and patterns, they made African necklaces which they then wore for their African drumming lesson.
Another culture they requested to learn more about was the Indian culture. The children enjoyed taking part in a Bollywood dance class!
It has been lovely seeing the children so interested in each other's cultures. One of their sessions was about China. They learnt all about the Chinese New Year, which is called Lunar New Year and Spring Festival in Chinese. They learnt all about the 12 Chinese Animals Signs and a Chinese rhyme that helped them to remember the order of the twelve Chinese animals on the lunar calendar. They then moved on to making Chinese lanterns.
Finally, the children had a languages lesson in which they learnt some basic Italian! They enjoyed mixing it up from their usual French lessons!

Week commencing 13th January 2025!
A huge thank you to all the Year 4 parents who joined us for our Live English workshop this week! The children loved having you in class and showing you how we structure our English lessons. It was also so lovely to receive such wonderful feedback from our Year 4 parents and find out they enjoyed their morning as much as we did.

Week commencing 6th January 2025!
It is only our first week back at school and we have already had a very strange visitor... the Big Bad Wolf!
During our English lessons, we have been learning about the other side of the story to the three little pigs. Although the Big Bad Wolf claims that the three little pigs were not as innocent as they made out to be, we can't help but feel he is missing out key parts of the story. Either way, we felt it was only right to get both sides, so we interviewed the Big Bad Wolf and made our own judgement of his character. Next week, we will be retelling the story by writing a narrative from his perspective.
Week commencing 9th December 2024!
In science this half term, the children have been identifying how sounds are made and can now recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear. They have worked scientifically by asking relevant questions and using different types of scientific enquiries to answer them; setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests. In the images above, you can see the children testing out different materials to see which would be best suited to creating a new pair of ear defenders for people who work with dangerously loud sounds. The children have made systematic and careful observations. They used these results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions. Ask them about what they have learnt this half term; they would love to share their learning experience with you!

Week commencing 2nd December 2024!
Happy Advent!
Can you guess what 4LR are practising for? We are all very excited to be showcasing what we have learnt, but we won't give anything else away... watch this space!

Week commencing 25th November 2024!
The cheer of Christmas has continued to spread throughout 4LR this week. We have been learning our class, year group and lower key stage 2 Christmas songs in readiness for our Christmas concert to parents. We are not going to spoil the surprise by announcing the songs but these pictures might give you a clue of the actions for one of them! We are sure the parents will know some of them well and even be able to join in with us.

Week commencing 18th November 2024!
Christmas has already arrived in 4LR! This week we have been making 3D paper snowflakes to help decorate the school hall in preparation for all of our festive activities. The snowflake design that we chose was particularly intricate but as a class we rose to the challenge and ended up experts! We even had some children complete snowflakes at home and bring them in. We cannot wait to see them proudly on display in the school hall.

Week commencing 11th November 2024!
Olympic maths made a huge come back in 4LR this week!
The children did so well and so many of them earned a certificate that we did a second round and we still had children achieving a second certificate! After one more round, some children went home with a total of three certificates! This week not only did we have our first Gold Medallist but also our first European Medallist! All the adults in 4LR are #soproud and we can’t wait to see how they do in next week’s challenge. Congratulations 4LR!
Week commencing 4th November 2024!
4LR have had the best first week back! To end such a great week, on Friday, we had our Spanish Enrichment Day. We started the day by making castanets which are commonly used in several Spanish folk music and dances. We used these later in the day during our flamenco dancing lesson! We also did some research about Spanish culture, listened to a Spanish story and learnt some of the language. We finished the day with a Spanish food tasting session and described what we liked and disliked in Spanish. Delicioso!

Week commencing 14th October 2024!
This week, 4SB have been preparing for the end of the half term, ready for a well-earned break! The children have made me so proud this half term with their hard work and dedication and it is clear that they are heading for very bright futures. They have enjoyed baking cookies this week as a finale to their DT unit and we all enjoyed our bake off sessions and look forward to eating them!
Week commencing 7th October 2024!
This week, we went on our school trip to the power museum! We had a great time doing our five activities, learning all about motors and generators. We even got to visit a tiny model village which has been built across 24 years. The kid’s behaviour was exemplary – they should be so proud of themselves!

Week commencing 30th September 2024!
This week, we celebrated the beginning of Black History Month. On Friday, we looked into a lesser-known black activist from the 1800s called Ignatius Sancho. We created small information cubes, which are all ready to be placed on our upcoming history display!
Week commencing 23rd September 2024!
In year 4 this week, we began our new English topic -The Present – about a young boy who gets given a puppy as a gift. The children have produced really interesting and creative character descriptions of the main character and have really got into the story as a whole! Well done guys!
Week commencing 9th September 2024!
In 4SB this week, we had lots of fun designing our very own biscuits. In groups, the children came up with brand names, logos and unique biscuits in a The Apprentice-style session. By the end of the term we will be able to make our creations come to life and make our very own biscuits by hand.

Week commencing 2nd September 2024!
In 4SB this week, we have had a wonderful time getting to know the expectations of being in a new year group. The pupils have impressed me already with their readiness for Year 4 – it’s as if we haven’t even been on summer break! I’m looking forward to seeing what Year 4 has to offer and am excited to exceed expectations and smash our goals!