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Week commencing 6th January 2025!

A wonderful first week back after the holidays, with lots of new learning and knowledge being used. We have introduced our new topic of The Great Fire of London. There were lots of questions about life in 1666, which I have put in the photos to see if you can answer them! We have also been writing food poems, adding 3 digits and measuring shoes to see if children’s feet get bigger throughout the school.

Week commencing 9th December 2024!

2CH have had a wonderful Christmas week, with two fantastic performances by Year 1 and 2- I’m so proud of how they behaved and performed. The cheeky elves have also been up to mischief, getting involved in Christmas dinner and having snowball fights across the corridor!

Week commencing 25th November 2024!

In 2CH this week we have used our knowledge of nocturnal animals to write a non-chronolgical report. In Maths we have been learning how to divide and in RE we looked at Jewish artefacts and how they are used in the Jewish celebration of Shabbat every week. We’ve also been practising lots for our Christmas play!

Week commencing 18th November 2024!

Year 2 have been busy printing patterns with unusual objects, writing a non-chronological report about our school and learning our times tables for 2, 5 and 10. Ask your child if they can count in 2’s and 10’s!

Week commencing 4th November 2024!

2CH have had a busy week back. We have been practicing using numbers and building numbers to the hundreds! We have learnt a new story about a greedy fox and in Geography we have researched Brazil and asked lots of interesting questions that we will learn about over the half term.

Week commencing 14th October 2024!

In 2CH, we have been learning poems and in drama, the children practised learning and acting out poems. They enjoyed acting out the poems and different facial expressions. In Maths we collected data and made graphs, and some children ordered pictures from biggest to smallest.

Week commencing 7th October 2024!

Year 2 had a wonderful start to the week with our live lesson for parents to join us and see Maths being taught in person. Lots of parents turned up to see live teaching!

In Science, we experimented with how to make a tea bag and which materials would be the best. Ask your child what they found out.

Week commencing 30th September 2024!

Year 2 had an amazing trip to London this week. Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, where we learnt lots about the coronations, how the King and Queen were crowned and saw the majestic delights of the Palace. Such an amazing memory!

Week commencing 23rd September 2024!

In Year 2 this week we have been using numbers to make different amounts, subtracting and writing instructions on how to make a puppet. Ask your child what they need and how to make one. In Science we experimented with materials to see which one is the most hardwearing. 

Week commencing 16th September 2024!

In 2CH this week we have been writing our own version of the story of the Talking papaya. The children had such wonderful ideas on how to innovate the story. We have also been using diennes to practically add and subtract numbers. 

Week commencing 9th September 2024!

Another busy week in 2CH. In Maths we continued with place value. In English we tasted papaya and learnt a story about it. The week was completed with some fantastic sewing ready for making puppets. 

Week commencing 2nd September 2024!

2CH have had a wonderful, learning filled week back at QHA. We have settled straight into learning and these children were definitely ready for the challenge of Year 2!

In English we wrote a letter about ourselves, in Maths we learnt about partitioning and making number bonds. In History we looked at the United Kingdom and it’s different countries.

What a great start!
