Week commencing 6th January 2025!
This term our topic is 'Once Upon A Time'. Our book for this week is 'The Three Little Pigs'. The children have enjoyed lots of fun activities such as building the pigs houses from different materials, talking about what they can see, what textures they can feel and predicting which house will stay standing. The children have been using their fine motor skills making colourful tails for the pigs by threading beads onto pipe cleaners, counting how many beads they have used and also using repeating patterns. On our literacy table the children have been practising their letter formation by copying the letters wrote on the table.
Week commencing 16th December 2024!
This week in Nursery the children have continued to enjoy festive activities. They have been decorating biscuits using Christmas coloured icing and sprinkles and have also enjoyed making saltdough Christmas tree decorations. On our literacy table the children have been making snowman names and writing their letters to Santa.
We also had our Christmas party where the children enjoyed lots of party games, music and dancing.
Week commencing 9th December 2024!
This week in Nursery the children have continued to read the book 'I Don't Want To Go To Hospital'. They have enjoyed using the Duplo to build their very own Hospital, made their own x-rays using cotton buds and have been in the role play area pretending to be Doctors. On our Literacy table the children have been practising their phonics by placing the correct objects on the initial sounds and using sticky letters to copy the word sheets. This week the children have also enjoyed lots of festive activities including finding our naughty elves, Christmas cards and handprint reindeers.
Week commencing 2nd December 2024!
This week we have been getting into the festive spirit and have been busy decorating our classroom. We have been making paper chains and wrapping presents in Santa's Workshop.
The children were surprised to have a visit from the our class elf and enjoy seeing what mischief he gets up to each day.
Week commencing 25th November 2024!
The children have continued to read the book 'Guess How Much I love You'. They have enjoyed making hearts with long arms to give to someone they love. Autumn leaves tissue paper and cotton bud painting and matching the tools to the correct outlines on the table. The children have continued to practise their pencil control by tracing over numbers 0-10 on our maths table and copying words from our book on the literacy table. The children have also been practising their table setting skills in our home corner.
Week commencing 18th November 2024!
This week in Nursery the children have been reading the book 'Guess How Much I Love You'. During carpet time we have been talking about feelings and the children have been sharing what makes them happy, sad, excited and angry and have also been showing their facial expressions for these feelings. During the week the children have measured different sized arms drawn on the table using multi-link cubes and then counting how many they needed. They have enjoyed making 'Nut Brown Hare's' ears and rolling out the playdough to make love hearts. On our maths table the children have been learning colours and sizes using the compare bears. The children have also enjoyed a very colourful sensory tuff tray exploring different materials, textures and colours.
Week commencing 4th November 2024!
This week in Nursery we have started our new topic, People who help us and the children have enjoyed doing some activities for fireworks night. We used cardboard tubes to create fireworks paintings and being imaginative by making fireworks from 2D shapes. The children used different shaped coloured paper to make their own fire engines and decorated a large scale police car using different materials. We practised number recognition and colours by counting certain coloured fireworks and finding the correct number.