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Wraparound Provision

After School Provision - ASP


Quarry Hill Academy After School Provision is run by the School and exists to provide high quality out-of-school hours childcare for our parents. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.


The Provision operates from 3.15 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. term time, and current costs for each session can be obtained from the school office or via the registration form.


A copy of the policy is provided to all parents of children attending After School Provision (ASP) and is also available by clicking the link below.


All parents must complete a registration form for each child attending the Provision and sign an agreement to adhere to the terms of this policy. You will then be given access via Arbor to sign your child up to the required sessions.

Before School Provision - BSP


Quarry Hill Academy Before School Provision is run by the School and exists to provide high quality out-of-school hours childcare for our parents. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.


The Provision operates from 7.30 a.m. - 8.45 a.m. term time, and current costs for each session can be obtained from the documentation below.


A copy of the Terms and Conditions are provided to all parents of children attending Before School Provision (BSP) and are also available by clicking the link below.


If you are interested in your child/ren attending this provision please let us know your requirements via


All parents of children attending the Provision must sign a copy of the Terms and Conditions and adhere to these. You will then be given access via Arbor to sign your child up to the required sessions.

 Help with Childcare Costs 


We are delighted to announce that Quarry Hill Academy will now be able to accept Tax Free Childcare payments. For every £8 that is paid into a Tax Free Childcare Account, the Government will add another £2.

Most families should be entitled to help with the costs of childcare. Please find attached our information sheet with further details on the help that may be available to you.
