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Week commencing 6th January 2025!

This week the children have enjoyed exploring our new topic 'People Who help Us'. We have been looking at the role of the police and how they help us. The children have enjoyed taking finger prints, making wanted posters and taking on the role of a police officer in the police station. 

Week commencing 16th December 2024!

We have been enjoying our last week in school before the New Year. The children have enjoyed making snowflake soup, Christmas cards, salt dough ornaments, Christmas hats and creating patterns on stockings and wrapping paper. 


We have also had fun at our own Christmas party, disco and participating in our Santa dash. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Week commencing 9th December 2024!

This week we have enjoyed taking on the role of Santa in our outside area and pretending to be the reindeers pulling Santa's sleigh. We have been busy making our own Christmas crowns, making snowman's and painting our own snowflake pictures. Thank you for all the parents who came to watch the children in their Christmas performance, the children were amazing! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. 

Week commencing 25th November 2024!

This week the children have enjoyed finding ice in our outside area. We have explored how ice is formed and how it melts. The children loved making their own pretend ice rink  to create their own stories. 

Week commencing 18th November 2024!

On Friday we enjoyed our Cinderella Enrichment Day. The children loved dressing up and enjoyed making their own crowns and carriages, building their own castle, creating their own wands and using the china tea set to have their own tea party. The children made their own chocolate mice. In the afternoon, the children enjoyed learning ballroom dancing and making their own sandwiches for a real tea party. A fun day had by all!

Week commencing 11th November 2024!

On Friday, we visited Grays Library where we met Meg the librarian. We enjoyed listening to a story and having a look at the different books. Thank you to all the parents that attended. 

Week commencing 4th November 2024!

The children have came back very well after half term and have setteld in. We have been very proud of them all! 

This week we have enjoyed learning and retelling the story of 'The Little Red Hen'. We have acted out the story and used props on the stage outside to help us. In Maths we have been comparing amounts and using the language 'more' and 'fewer'. 

Week commencing 14th October 2024!

This week we have continued to look at the story 'Funnybones' in Literacy. We have been labelling our body parts and making our very own skeleton pictures. 

In Maths we have enjoyed going on a shape hunt and finding 2D shapes with our classroom. 

Week commencing 7th October 2024!

This week we have been looking at the story Funnybones. We have created our own class story maps and ordered the pictures in a story. We have retold the story using our own props. 

In Maths the children have been looking at composition of numbers to 10. We have explored different ways of making the numbers using Numicon. 

Week commencing 30th September 2024!

This week we have continued to look at the story 'Monkey Puzzle' in Literacy. We have been focussing on rhyme and exploring different rhyming strings. We have been amazed by the wonderful writing the children have been creating. In Maths, we have been looking at tens frames and representing the numbers in different ways. 

Week commencing 23rd September 2024!

This week we have been looking at the story 'Monkey Puzzle in Literacy and have been finiding out who each other lives with. In Maths, we have been looking at the number 5 and have used the conkers and leaves to help us count. We have really enjoyed making our own car wash in the outside area and taking turns to use the bikes and scooters. 

Week commencing 16th September 2024!

We have enjoyed another fun week in reception finding out about each other's interests. We have enjoyed acting out our own dinosaur stories and sharing our knowledge with each other. We have explored our emotions and have been using the playdough to create faces that express different feelings. 

Week commencing 9th September 2024!

This week we have been creating our own self-portraits. We have been looking at what we look like to create a representation of ourselves. In literacy, we have been looking at the story 'What Makes Me a Me' and have been looking at similarities and differences about ourselves. 

Week commencing 2nd September 2024!

We are very proud of Reception for completing their first week at school. They have settled very well and have been getting to know each other, forming special friendships. The children have been busy making their own listening ears this week so they can go on a listening walk and listen carefully to familiar sounds. In Maths, we have been looking at numbers and counting objects. 
