Week commencing 13th January 2025!
This week in 1SS we have been looking at different materials in science, focusing on their properties.
In English we have written a traditional story based on The Three Little Pigs. The children have enjoyed re-telling the story with some innovations to make it their own.
In maths we have been looking at measure - capacity, length, mass and time.
Another great week, well done.
Week commencing 6th January 2025!
Welcome to 2025 and what a great start to this half term. The children have been looking at Traditional Tales in English focusing on The Three Little Pigs. They have written a character description about the Big Bad Wolf focusing on using a range of adjectives and adverbs in their writing.
In maths, we have been recapping our knowledge and understanding of place value.
We have started a new Geography topic - France but this week have focused on countries and capital cities within the UK.
It is lovely to see the children back and refreshed from their Christmas break and ready to continue working hard during the Spring Term.
Week commencing 16th December 2024!
And that brings us to a close for Autumn Term in 1SS.
Well done to everyone for all of your hard work this term, I am super proud of you all!
In English - not only has our elf been causing trouble but Santa's reindeers have escaped and filmed dancing on our bugs in the classroom. Can you believe it? What silly reindeers!
This week we have enjoyed lots of Christmas celebrations - Christmas discos and parties, with crisps, juice and sweets. We have played lots of party games and even won some prizes too.
Week commencing 9th December 2024!
Another week filled with Elf chaos! In English we have written a diary about our elf and his antics within the classroom.
At the beginning of the week, we had our Christmas show, thank you to everyone who came along to watch, the children have enjoyed learning all the songs and performing to you.
We have also had our Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day which is very exciting!
One more week to go until the end of Autumn term!
Week commencing 2nd December 2024!
This week a naughty, little elf has entered our classroom and is causing lots of mischief. We will be writing a diary entry about our elf next week, focusing on using the past tense and 1st person within our work.
In science, we have looked at how animals in the same group can be different.
In geography, we have made our own maps of our classroom and created a key so it is easy for us to know where things are.
Week commencing 25th November 2024!
Another week closer to Christmas! We have been practicing our songs for our wonderful Christmas show that we can't wait for you to come and watch.
We have also looked at measure this week in maths, the children have been using standard and non-standard units to understand what length, capacity and mass are.
In English, we have worked really hard with our independent writing, still focusing on adding adjectives to our work and also some conjunctions - well done year 1.
In Science we have sorted animals into their food groups - carnivore, omnivores and herbivores. The children were really good at working out which animals go where!
Week commencing 18th November 2024!
This week in 1SS we have learnt a new story in English called Monkey see, Monkey do. The children have enjoyed learning the story and have even started writing their own independent sentences using adjectives and verbs.
In maths, we have focused on addition and subtraction on a number line and also started looking at how to work out a missing number.
In science, we become animals thinking about how they move and why they move in a particular way.
Week commencing 11th November 2024!
Another great week in 1SS, the children are working so hard in every lesson.
In English we have been focusing on writing more independently by adding our own adjectives to our work.
In maths we have been looking at shape - 2D and 3D. Recognising shapes, sorting shapes and even finding lines of symmetry.
In Science we learned about different animal groups and how to recognise which animal belongs to which group.
Finally, the children have really loved our guided reading sessions over the last couple of weeks. We have been reading 'The smartest giant in town'.
Week commencing 4th November 2024!
A lovely week back in 1SS, with the children returning after half term with great, positive mindsets and ready to learn. We have learnt a new story in English called 'Aaargh Spider' and we have started to innovate the story to start writing our own version on Monday.
We have also started a new topic in Humanities, focusing on Geography and our local area.
In science this half term we are looking at animals, this week we have looked at the difference between living and non-living things.
We are also doing art this half term and this week the children have been practicing some marking making using a range of tools.
Keep up the fantastic work.
Week commencing 14th October 2024!
A great final week in 1SS for Autumn 1.
Starting with our harvest festival assembly with Reverend Cathy sharing the importance of giving.
We have also enjoyed a trip to Wat Tyler Park, looking at the Victorian cottages which links to our History topic and also completing a sensory walk using our senses through the park which links to our science topic this half term.
Finally we have finished our DT project - making windmills and they have all come out brilliantly, well done 1SS for a great first half term. I am so proud of you all for settling in so well and look forward to spending the rest of the year working hard and trying our best!
Week commencing 7th October 2024!
This week we have finished writing our Magic Porridge pot stories and have worked really hard on our place value in maths.
In science we have used our last sense - smell in an experiment where we predicted what the smell was in each cup without using our other senses. All the children really enjoyed this activity even though some of the smells were disgusting!
In PSHE we have spoke about our families and why they are important to us.
Week commencing 30th September 2024!
This week 1SS have been practising our mental maths skills for addition and subtraction and using these to answer word problems. We have also focused on key words that help us to identify whether a problem is going to be adding or taking away.
In English we have immersed into a new story - The magic porridge pot which the children have learnt really well and have a good understanding of. We have created our own actions to help us remember the story and even came up with our own similes such as 'the porridge exploded like a volcano!' amazing vocabulary!
In science we have continued to use our senses in different experiments this week focusing on touch and making predictions as to what an object might be. We correctly predicted 4/5 items, well done Year 1.
Week commencing 23rd September 2024!
This week in 1SS the children have written their own story based on the book Handa's surprise, but we have slightly innovated the story by changing the character. We have also worked hard on using adjectives and conjunctions in our writing.
In maths we have looked at subtraction and using the number line method to support our understanding.
The children are enjoying our science topic this half term, looking at our senses. This week we focused on what we can hear. 1SS enjoyed playing 'guess the sound' and putting objects in order from loudest to quietest.
Over half way through this half term now and I am so proud of all their hard work so far.
Well done 1SS.
Week commencing 16th September 2024!
This week in 1SS we have continued to work hard in all subjects. We have learnt the story of Handa's surprise in English. The children really enjoyed trying all the different fruits from the story such as a guava, pineapple and avocado!
In Science we did more tasting - testing different foods to see if they are sour, sweet or salty.
In maths we have focused on addition and the children practiced this using multilink and then moved onto circles to support out understanding.
Week commencing 9th September 2024!
Another great week in Year 1, full of amazing ideas and lots of writing. The children have worked hard in English to write their own 'This is the bear' stories and have included some adjectives in their writing too. We have looked at place value this week in maths using our arrow cards and dienes to support our understanding of numbers. In science we discussed what our senses are and used our sight to spot things around the school and describe what they look like.
Well done 1SS, you have all settled into class really nicely and have tried really hard this week.
Week commencing 2nd September 2024!
Welcome to 1SS's blog!
This week have settled into our new classroom and new routines. We have reminded ourselves of our school rules - Be kind, Be positive and Be your best. We have learnt a new story in English and have enjoyed using actions to remember the story.
In Science we learnt about our body parts and even thought about how we are similar and different to a monkey! A great start to year 1, well done everyone.