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Week commencing 25th November 2024!

Year 1 have had a great week.  They have written their own innovated story of ‘Monkey see, Monkey do’ and I have been so impressed with how  their independent writing is progressing.  In maths they have explored measuring length, mass and capacity.  In science they explored what different animals eats and talked about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.  In RE they have watched the story of ‘The camel and the ant’ and talked about kindness.  In geography they have made used a key to complete maps of a town.  Fantastic work 1JV!

Week commencing 18th November 2024!

1JV have had another great week of learning.  They have learnt the story of ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’ ready to write their version next week.  In maths they have been practising addition and subtraction and finding missing numbers.   In science they have looked how different animals move and in PSHE talked about how using kind words can help if someone is upset.  In geography 1JV carried out fieldwork of the school site and made amazing journals to record their findings. 


Fantastic work.  Keep up the hard work.

Week commencing 11th November 2024!

1JV have had another amazing week.

In English they have written their innovated ‘Aargh Spider’ stories.  In maths they have investigated shape and in science sorted animal picture into animal groups. In art they have mixed primary colour paints to make secondary colours and in geography they have drawn ‘messy maps’ of the school and the immediate local area.

Fantastic work 1JV.

Week commencing 4th November 2024!

I hope that you all had a great break. 1JV have settled back in school really well after half term.  In English they have been learning and innovating the story of ‘Aargh Spider’  ready to write it next week.  In Maths they have been looking at place value and comparing numbers.  In  science they have explore living and non-living things at the start of our animals topic. In PSHE 1JV have thought about who they can ask for help if they are worried about anything and in art the children have been practising paining using different objects.


Fantastic work 1JV.  Keep up the hard work.

Week commencing 14th October 2024!

1JV have had a great week to finish their first half term in year 1.


This week they have written instructions on how to brush their teeth in English.  They have practised recognising coins and notes for money in Maths and added the coin values together.  In science they have started a seasons diary, writing about Autumn.  In PSHE they made paper dolls of the important people in their family and recognising that all families are different.  RE has been recalling the important facts about Christians.


Finally, everyone enjoyed their day at Wat Tyler Park where the children consolidated their knowledge of the five senses for Science and looked at the historic houses for the ‘British Homes’ history topic.


Fabulous work 1JV.

Enjoy the holiday and see you ready to work in November.

Week commencing 7th October 2024!

1JV have had a great week.  They have been writing their ‘Magic Porridge Pot’ stories in English.  They have practised partitioning numbers and completed some subtraction calculations in maths as well doing some assessments.  In history the children looked at Georgian schools and identified items that belong the past and present schools.  In science they have carried out an investigation into the sense of smell and have decided which smells they like or dislike.  In PSHE they at how families are different and drew their family.


Well done 1JV.  I am incredibly proud of the way you have competed the first assessments in year 1.   Keep up the good work.

Week commencing 30th September 2024!

Year 1 have had a great week.  They have learned the story of ‘The Magic Porridge Pot, in English, ready to write it next week.  In maths they have been adding and subtracting using mental methods.  The sense that they were exploring this week, in science,  was touch and they had feely boxes to identify what they were touching. In history they wrote about what it was like in a Victorian school and in PSHE they were writing about people who care for them and how they show it.

Fantastic work 1JV.  Keep it up!!

Week commencing 23rd September 2024!

1JV have had another amazing week.

They have written the story of Handa’s surprise in English.  In Maths they have been subtracting using objects at first and then moving onto a number line.  In science they have investigated the sense of hearing and made a line of noises from quietest to loudest.  In PSHE they discussed being kind and how it makes others feel.  In RE they have looked at the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers.

There has been lots of fantastic work in 1JV this week and I am very proud of everyone.

Week commencing 16th September 2024!

1JV have had another great week. 

In English they have learnt our new story  ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and have tasted the different fruits.  Then they sequenced the pictures of the story.

In Maths they have been practising adding and in Science they have tasted sweet, sour and bitter foods for our senses topic.  In History 1JV have sorted objects from homes into old and new and they have written about some items that were used in Victorian homes.

In DT they have been continuing designing their windmills and in RE learnt the Noah’s Ark story.

Well done year 1.  Another amazing week.  I am so proud of everyone.

Week commencing 9th September 2024!

1JV have had another great week.  They are settling into the routines of year 1 incredibly well.  This week they have written the story of ‘This is the bear’ in English and comparing numbers in Maths.  In science they have started exploring the 5 senses and focused on sight this week.  In RE they have looked at some symbols of the Christian religion. In History the children have ordered homes on a timeline and started to look at some differences between Victorian and modern houses.

Well done year 1.  Keep up the good work.

Week commencing 2nd September 2024!

Welcome to year 1. 

1JV Have had an amazing week and everyone has settled into their new class incredibly well.

The children have been learning the ’This is the Bear’, story ready to write it next week.  In maths, they have been ordering numbers and finding one more and one less of a given number. In history,  they have started looking at different types of houses for our ‘British Homes & Schools’ topic. The children have been designing windmills ready to construct them in DT.  In PSHE, 1JV have been talking about the school rules and in RE thinking their ideas about God. 

I am so impressed with how well everyone has worked and am looking forward to seeing the wonderful work that will happen in year 1.
